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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-28
Re: Tourist Visa

Lets not try and cut out what actually happens.

"What actually happens" is only for you, and you obviously do not mind the abuse and cheat probably because you took part in it. I am sure you wouldn't mind folks like Ren coming here all the time, just fresh meat for you to backstab and screw over.

#2 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-27
Re: Tourist Visa

Not a good advice for a newbie. In the end, that person following your advice will find him/herself in an inferior position to deal with work-related disputes, which you must always expect in cases like that. Teaching illegally in China without the proper visa - that is what your "advice" would come up to - will lead to more potential victims of unscrupolous crap employers.

The OP stated "the girl wanted me..."? What, a girl asd your employer? How qualified and honest and sincere do you reckon her to be? The OP must bve ba fool to rely on the words of someonje like that! Sounds like kindergarten crap to me!

Hello Turnoi

Well now, what you are effectively advising this newbie is "you do not have a degree, so do not attempt to come to China and teach at all" whereas, I am saying that, yes people do come to China without degrees, even relying on 'girl' recruiters, and it does work out for them. I know that there are risks involved but if you do not have the legal qualifications and you still want to teach in China you will have to take those risks. You say "it will lead to more potential victims of unscrupulous employers" Now, if you had said "could lead to..." I would concede to that. In reality it could lead to a good experience for Ren Poster; it's up to him to decide if he wants to take his chances. With all of you advising about the same thing, it is right and proper for him to hear the other truth. Lets not try and cut out what actually happens.

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