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#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-18
Re: On hacking from the outside

I did register with that site actually, so on that point I am afraid to say, you are wrong.

Also that does not clarify the chinese aspect/viewpoint which is someone who is not ethnically Chinese by birth, can never become a PRC Citizen. Foreigners in Hong Kong can get Hong Kong ID however if they marry a Hong Kong local.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-18
Re: On hacking from the outside

From a humanistic point of view, the child should be considered chinese but he/she will be facing an uphill battle no matter their optimism.

Exactly. But the astf poster can't be convinced of that.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-18
Re: On hacking from the outside

I still have conversations with other posters I have gotten to know, it's called continuing friendship. Care to learn?

I don't think that the astf poster could


At this stage it is clear he is [edited], who is right on everything, and woe betide any younger foreigner with China experience who dares to differ in opinion or exercise their right to disagree with him.


#4 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-18
Re: On hacking from the outside

Just on the off chance that a fellow brit is reading this thread and in need of genuine help on the matter I will once again refer them to the British embassy in china who have a fantastically helpful team of which I can confirm the San migs poster is not a member.

What is San Mig's real name? How can you confirm he is not a member? Either you know too much about him and other posters and you've been holding back but the more real possibility is that you're too desperate to be right about something from all this attention seeking you're doing and need to be vindicated on something. Are you a member of some fantastically helpful team that brings value to the society that you live and work in or are you just a member of the Useless Tripeful Shill Gambit Team of starving hyenas? Lol.

#5 Parent ASTF - 2013-02-18
Re: On hacking from the outside

Just on the off chance that a fellow brit is reading this thread and in need of genuine help on the matter I will once again refer them to the British embassy in china who have a fantastically helpful team of which I can confirm the San migs poster is not a member. They will be able to set you straight on the issue, further details on their website


#6 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-18
Re: On hacking from the outside

Discussions may or may not branch out depending on the level and depth of what people want to talk about, and that isn't something you have control over when you choose to talk to others. Just like I can't control how much you like to cut other people down when you can't garner enough credible information on your end to carry on an intelligent conversation.

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-18
Re: On hacking from the outside

Thanks for sharing a little bit more about what you like to get up to in your spare time.

I think you enjoy it as much.

You did say I should take some more time in getting to know the posters on this board. Certainly sounds like a suggestive conversation, how did it all end?

I still have conversations with other posters I have gotten to know, it's called continuing friendship. Care to learn?

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-18
Re: On hacking from the outside

From a humanistic point of view, the child should be considered chinese but he/she will be facing an uphill battle no matter their optimism. It was just like when I questioned the validity recently when having a discussion with a colleague of calling someone of Asian ethnicity "American born [insert country of parents' origin]", but I understand this still gets used not out of maliciousness necessarily a lot still. People no matter where you go like to label things to save themselves of the task of getting to know someone these days. Might be why the world is exploding in population but everyone seems to care less and less about each other.

#9 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-17
Re: On hacking from the outside

I don't think dragonised needs or wants your advice at all.

#10 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-17
Re: On hacking from the outside

I'm afraid in the eyes of the PRC the child is just considered a foreigner, regardless of all the rules.

#11 Parent ASTF - 2013-02-17
Re: On hacking from the outside

Thanks for sharing a little bit more about what you like to get up to in your spare time. You did say I should take some more time in getting to know the posters on this board. Certainly sounds like a suggestive conversation, how did it all end?

#12 Parent ASTF - 2013-02-17
Re: On hacking from the outside

Yes, I do hate it when people change topic like that. Perhaps you'd have the good grace to answer the question I posed on my previous post on this thread, namely what precisely that article has to do with the nationality of children born in china to foreign nationals?

#13 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-17
Re: On hacking from the outside

It was after all you who said that there was no room for Chinese on an ENGLISH discussion board.

I'm pretty sure what he meant was the fact that people were intentionally avoiding the topics at hand being delved into more deeply and using chinese as a ploy to distract. In that case then this type of chinese, bad chinese as I'd call it would have no place in a serious discussion. But of course, when folks are faced with serious topics they don't want to think about they immediately clown around and hope people forget to make their own points.

#14 Parent ASTF - 2013-02-16
Re: On hacking from the outside

No, mate. Wrong end of the stick I'm afraid. I was once again offering dragonized some friendly advice based on your teachings. It was after all you who said that there was no room for Chinese on an ENGLISH discussion board. Just thought I'd save you the trouble of having to repeat yourself.

Happy to talk about other topics inc. the UK. You go ahead and start a topic and if I feel it's something of interest I'll be sure to contribute.

#15 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-17
Re: On hacking from the outside

I mean we can't have a group of people sitting in the comfort of their living rooms, using their laptops to bad mouth other nationalities left right and centre, can we? Ha ha ha

I know right? Especially those that would attack me for being who I am because I'm a "yankie". Hahaha. Just kind of exposed yourself there for attacking, just saying.

P.s. careful using Chinese or Chinese sources on this forum it gets some people rather upset

Not the first time I've done it, and it won't be the last. P.s. I have also provided links to many banned sites in the past.

#16 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-17
Re: On hacking from the outside

One teacher I spoke to recently summed it up rather nicely when he said that the west simply has no balls. Too many folks whether they be from the USA, Britain, or Australia bent over with their pants down holding a handful of lubricant ready to "take it". Case in point here.

#17 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-16
Re: On hacking from the outside

P.s. careful using Chinese or Chinese sources on this forum it gets some people rather upset

One must then question, why is that? What is your vested interest in all things Chinese, and not British? Care to elaborate?

#18 Parent ASTF - 2013-02-16
Re: On hacking from the outside

I don't know dragonized. I think most people would say that quoting from the information pages of institutions such as the British embassy or US state department on questions of nationality would be a fairly safe bet but I see that you are obviously something of a maverick in that respect.

Not quite sure what the page you've posted there has to do with the topic that we were discussing last month (thanks for the early reply). Certainly sounds like a nasty business doesn't it. I tell you what why don't you use your excellent Chinese skills and sharp intellect to post a reply to these hoodlums. I mean we can't have a group of people sitting in the comfort of their living rooms, using their laptops to bad mouth other nationalities left right and centre, can we? Ha ha ha

P.s. careful using Chinese or Chinese sources on this forum it gets some people rather upset

#19 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-14
Re: On hacking from the outside

Your "sourced" information is a joke. I can find as many sources of information, many in Chinese by the way showing you of the xenophobia and anti-western sentiments of what is going on there. You are a different individual from Mancunian, so what? [edited]

Some sources for you:


Very popular site, arguably the most popular for patriotic chinese to vent their frustrations at not being the present masters of the universe. On there you will find all sorts of "accurate", "honest", and "forthright" opinions regarding the world, especially the west. America as the "Evil Empire" is repeated ad nauseum on there.

An aspiring laowai fenqing would find it wonderful.

#20 Parent ASTF - 2013-01-29
Re: On hacking from the outside

That you can't accept that you are wrong about the question of nationality and continue to post erroneously is hardly my fault. I'll just continue to provide sourced and accurate information and you can just continue to say i'm 'bickering'.

I see that your paranoia about who i am is resurfacing. [edited]

#21 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-28
Re: On hacking from the outside

Oh the poor whittle expat who newer had his entitlement needs fullfilled in the west so he has to bicker about how much he whuves china. I hate to say this to you but you (and your alter ego Mancunian?) need to actually go out and fiorm real relationships. Virtual bickerings started by you in order to receive attention isn't going to bring any real value into your life. [edited]

#22 Parent ASTF - 2013-01-28
Re: On hacking from the outside

Blabla.....you have a right to post but no entitlement to having attention being paid to it...It's bickering time again; on your part, of course!

That's right. But thanks for paying attention anyway. Lol

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