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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-14
Re: Free Text-to-Speech programme for Chinese

I don't is the simple answer, I hate the place...but I did used to love it, once upon a time.

I've met plenty of like minded Chinese Americans who have similar things to say about China. I am talking about people who did not go to the USA until they were grown adults.

I see both expats like you and Chinese immigrants struggle to make a living, but at the same time I have met very successful upper middle class Chinese Americans working valued jobs and making meaningful contributions to their adopted country. These folks represent the tipping point of where I stand regarding which side of the argument I support. On the other hand, if you really made it rich in China you wouldn't need to speak to me or other posters in the first place. You would think of yourself as inherently better due to your own personal achievements. However you have made no such achievements in real life, but you still want to feel entitled to jerk others around with your nonsense that your ideas are better anyway. Just showing off your own weakness and helplessness at whatever life has thrown at you.

#2 Parent Mancunian S - 2013-02-08
Re: Free Text-to-Speech programme for Chinese

If you love Britain so much, why won't you go back to your country?

I don't is the simple answer, I hate the place...but I did used to love it, once upon a time.

As for your assumption that I have not travelled; I was in the services for 30 years; even spent a whole year in USA. The only thing I didn't like about my stay in America was the heat, even though I had experienced much enervating weather elsewhere. Nice friendly country-mind you, might have gone downhill, I don't know.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-08
Re: Free Text-to-Speech programme for Chinese

Websites I have had easy access to can suddently be closed to me in my course of staying in China. This has yet to happen to me in other countries including ones like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(I did have my side of the hotel's wifi turned off for some unknown reason there). The GuoAn is ever so vigilant in making everyone's lives miserable. If you are using proxy's then even more so. You may be older, but certainly you cannot say you are as well traveled enough where you can make comparisons.

As for blaming china for everything that is wrong with the world, I certainly wouldn't lower myself to that level of thinking. It's folks such as you who need to cling to my every word and examine how much I dislike the things you may have said to me and projecting them into funny ideas such as the possible fact that I blame China for everything. I believe people have a responsibility to back up their beliefs, and your diddling with other people's values on how one should behave would only serve me to believe that whatever environment you are living in has condoned and allowed this behavior to continue, therefore it must contain a lot of backwards ways of thinking. Since you are in China right now I can only draw out negative opinions of the place based on your statements towards me.

I don't smoke either, and I do appreciate those who do tread more on the side so as to not let the unpleasant secondhand backdrafts blow in my face. See, you can be sure how right you are with your opinions so long as you stick to them.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-08
Re: Free Text-to-Speech programme for Chinese

you must have some British blood coursing through your veins?

If you love Britain so much, why won't you go back to your country?

#5 Parent Mancunian S - 2013-02-07
Re: Free Text-to-Speech programme for Chinese

Maybe it's also the fact that you're behind that Great Firewall?

Hello Dragonised
Well, if I can just take a line to tell you how pleased I am that we have not frightened you off as well- it's good to see you getting stuck in again......going down fighting ,eh; you must have some British blood coursing through your veins?

Now take a little advice from an old soldier, please- before answering a post, go to the window(unless you're in a cellar) take some of that refreshing New York air...maybe light up a fag, to really gild the lily-cool down, and be as certain as you can of your facts. For example take another look at that picture I sent-it's clear it must have already been downloaded, no? Nothing to do with the Great Firewall, now is it? Am I right or am I right? At the moment you are just a little two eager to accuse the Chinese of just about everything that is wrong in this world.

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-07
Re: Free Text-to-Speech programme for Chinese

Maybe it's also the fact that you're behind that Great Firewall?

#7 Parent Mancunian - 2013-02-04
Re: Free Text-to-Speech programme for Chinese


Thank you, Turnoi, sounds just the ticket for us ackademicks. It's refusing to open at the moment; maybe because Oracle Java is not yet installed on my machine?

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