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#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-14
Re: Don't grumble, bake your own apple crumble

Yeah, because cheap chinese beer is the best thing of living in China is it not (sarcasm filter may need to be turned on/off)

I mean it is not like any other country in the world has cheap beer :rolleyes:

#2 Parent foxy - 2013-02-14
Don't grumble, drink cheap Chinese beer instead!

About the beer in my flat:

Brand: Snow beer, bottled, not the cheapest in that brewer's range, by any means.
Content/bottle: 600 ml exactly, a pint is a little over 550, for comparison's sake.
SG: 10 degrees
Alc % by vol: at least 3.5
Purchasing price for 50 nine-packs: 900 RMB
Selling 'm'ties: nope, not here!

My comparison with the local bottled Xu Lu brand, namely Snow Deer in English, means I would have paid 2.6 RMB/bottle net, (after selling 'm'ties), alcohol content and ml/bottle of that local brand near enough the same.

So, I've managed to save 0.4 RMB/bottle, by buying that particular brand of Snow beer in bulk here, which equates to a saving %-wise of .4 divided by 2.6 X 100 = about 15.4%. That said, I couldn't have bought the local brand in that quantity to have saved myself anywhere near the equiv % in cash.

I should say that tastes are equiv, in my eyes. Very important indeed!

BTW, most Chinese regard SG as equiv to alc % by vol - I think they need to be educated in this respect!

Li li, Bruce!

#3 Parent Bruce - 2013-02-14
Re: Don't grumble, bake your own apple crumble

That's definitely Snow beer you've stockpiled there. How many bottles did you buy? What's the alcohol content and specific gravity of the brew? What's the content of each bottle in milliliters? How much did it cost you/bottle? How much do you get for each empty bottle?

#4 Parent foxy - 2013-02-14
Re: Don't grumble, bake your own apple crumble

Don't grumble, drink cheap Chinese beer.
The pic was taken in my apartment in Hohhot a few days ago. I believe in being well stocked up with not only rolled mutton and red potatoes, but also beer!

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