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#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-14
Re: Don't grumble, bake your own apple crumble

Haven't you got apple crumble to be getting on with baking, instead of arguing the toss about pinyin usage? Just curious on?

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-14
Re: Don't grumble, bake your own apple crumble

The last group of people you should practice Chinese with are FTs, join Weibo or QQ or something.

Problem is, for some con artists masquerading as "teachers" in China they know their English is what gives them leverage. For people like this you can only expect them to know minimal Mandarin, enough to spark up a few laughs and chuckles. A good measuring stick for any expat teacher to use to see if the previous expat teacher was a useless grovelling weasel would be to see if the students are expecting some sort of monkey performance from you when you first step into a classroom, that and also if they are unfamiliar with taking notes and sitting still as you give a real lesson.

Foreign "teachers" who live like this wouldn't want to delve too deep into the local culture, anywhere. To do so would mean the possibility of taking on more moral obligations due to better fluency in the language. For these people, wasting their own time as well as the time of curious locals is the best way to watch their lives pass on by, and they wouldn't want it any other way.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-14
Re: Don't grumble, bake your own apple crumble


This page of this book on google books does NOT mention using "hai shi" when using "dui" in a sentence.

EG, I would simply say : niu rou jiao zi hen hao chi, dui bu dui?

One rough example, all I want to know is would a Chinese native speaker use your wo shi dui de hai shi line, or not? Until a native chinese speaker can correct and inform us accurately, it is all conjecture imho.


#4 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-02-14
Re: Don't grumble, bake your own apple crumble

The last group of people you should practice Chinese with are FTs, join Weibo or QQ or something.

#5 Parent Mancunian S - 2013-02-13
Re: Don't grumble, bake your own apple crumble

ong chunk of Chinese without tones..na me wo shi dui de hai shi wo shi dui de?

"Tone marks" may be a better term to use, dui bu dui?

dui, because I give way to your greater knowledge-Tone marks, eh, I'll write that down. Thanks for the correction, Turnoi. However, I think I shall give up trying to practice my Chinese on this forum, since I have met with some disapproval..a bit peeved because twasn't me who started on the pinyin path, but another fire-breathing poster, who now has the temerity to accuse me of showing off my few words of Chinese. Never mind, all good fun; how's them crocs?

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