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#1 Parent Leveller - 2013-02-14
Re: All things come to an end

Writing one post that attempted to expose your multiple aliases, and then a reply does not seem to be giving you a lot of attention. Here's the third response. You asked about your thread and I responded by saying the title was not original. If you ask for a comment don't get irritated if the comment is not to your liking.

I checked back using the search facility to see what was written about registration. I cannot see anything that would support your idea that it was intended to "keep the riff-raff from airing their unwanted opinions." From what I understand, it was aimed at moderating the multiple alias issue, so I can see why you would be against it. There's also a contradiction in your comments. You don't accept 'exclusiveness' and neither do I, but then you go on to ask if only serving teachers should post. There are a number of regular posters that are not currently employed as teachers. To deny them the right to post on a open forum would seem to show exclusivity.

.. never agreed about that little bit of exclusiveness; but, on the other hand, am I right, I was thinking? To cut a long deliberation short, should one-time FT's be allowed to hand out opinions on FTing and China-should there be a cut-off point for all of us, after which it is no longer appropriate to air views on something that used to concern us but no longer should, on account of not being an FT any longer? I propose that if you have not been an FT for 6 months you should no longer qualify to talk about the 'profession' on a public forum?? Another thing is this, is it healthy for a body to keep harping on about what was and no longer is-all things come to an end, and should we know when to move on?"

As for 'harping-on' about past issues, you too comment about these, one reponse being in reply to a post in 2011. Am I right or I am right.

#2 Parent Mancunian S - 2013-02-13
Re: All things come to an end

" All things must come to an end" - hardly original in the same way that 'as one door closes another opens' is a common phrase.

Hello Leveller. Well, you do seem to be giving me lots of attention; forgive me, but is you some sort of self-appointed hatchet man, with the self-appointed task of getting shot of the troublesome Northerner? Is you licenced to use everything including the kitchen sink to achieve it? Never mind, one must not take these things to heart.....am I right or am I right?

Why should 'all things must come to an end' be original- the grass beneath our feet is certainly not original, but we do appreciate it nonetheless. I don't consider myself that ridiculous that i have to strive to be original, I am just an ordinary bloke. It could be original in the sense that it's the first time it's been used in such a way on this forum....or, could have been used in the same way before, I don't know. I did however find it far from original that you used it against me in such a way...a mite kitchen sinkish, don't you think?

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-13
Re: All things come to an end

Looking at your writing style, it bears a striking resemblance to a poster who used may aliases - Tom, Appolyon, Woodbine Willie etc. Am I right or am I right?

You are a cool dude.

#4 Parent Leveller - 2013-02-13
Re: All things come to an end

The list of interesting names are those that you chose if I'm right about your previous comments and aliases, so you should know. Wrong! 'Leveller' as in level playing field not construction.

College teacher in a previous life.

Not interested in 'control' or telling people how to run their lives.

" All things must come to an end" - hardly original in the same way that 'as one door closes another opens' is a common phrase.

Not an expert on the inner workings of forums, merely an observer. Teachers, whether real or pretend, do discuss things other than teaching and education on this forum... crocodiles, Chinese and Filipino women, food, the Chinese and their faults, visas etc and that perennial - training centres.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-13
Re: All things come to an end

Since you think others have such a moral obligation to go by your standards, I suggest you do it first by going back to your country of origin and stop posting on here after being there for 6 months. Until then your words will not be taken seriously by anyone with common sense and a brain. See in the West people will actually account your behavior with the words you use, so if you try and put any moral obligations on to the masses we will first react by seeing if you have been following this standard yourself. In a country like china where there is not consistent, universal moral standard people will try and "scare" others into performing moral duties from their own perceived vantage point of power and status. Your words are treated by me as that of a jester, at best.

#6 Parent Mancunian S - 2013-02-12
Re: All things come to an end

There are plenty of posters who come and go on this discussion forum. Others just keep a watching brief in the hope that things may change. Looking at your writing style, it bears a striking resemblance to a poster who used may aliases - Tom, Appolyon, Woodbine Willie etc. Am I right or am I right?
The board functions by number of page views, so it is not surprising that some comments are not on teaching at all. That state of affairs is common on other forums as well.

Hello Leveller
Now there's a list of very interesting names, as is your own; Leveller, Leveller...let me guess, does that have something to do with your occupation before becoming a foreign teacher....construction site-roads-plumbline? Whatever, we ,most of us, used to do something different in a previous life. Leveller- levels is word that controls us all; we should stick to our level; otherwise, one can easily find oneself out of ones depth, don't you think? Am I right or am I right? BUT, more to the point, what did you think of my thread- or rather what I renamed it? Glad to learn that you are an expert on the inner-workings of forums; now, that is interesting. Cheers&beers.

#7 Parent Leveller - 2013-02-12
Re: All things come to an end

There are plenty of posters who come and go on this discussion forum. Others just keep a watching brief in the hope that things may change. Looking at your writing style, it bears a striking resemblance to a poster who used may aliases - Tom, Appolyon, Woodbine Willie etc. Am I right or am I right?

The board functions by number of page views, so it is not surprising that some comments are not on teaching at all. That state of affairs is common on other forums as well.

Mancunian S - 2013-02-11
All things come to an end

I was in the Wig&Fidget last night, as somes mates wanted to hold a 'returning to China party' for me, but alas, they all got drunk and forgot about me; so I found myself in a cubicle by myself; however, good opportunity for mulling over different things. I thought about the forum, and one particular poster who thinks it would be a good idea that in order to keep the riff-raff from airing their unwanted opinions, posters should have to register and so forth, before being allowed to submit posts. Well, I have never agreed about that little bit of exclusiveness; but, on the other hand, am I right, I was thinking? To cut a long deliberation short, should one-time FT's be allowed to hand out opinions on FTing and China-should there be a cut-off point for all of us, after which it is no longer appropriate to air views on something that used to concern us but no longer should, on account of not being an FT any longer? I propose that if you have not been an FT for 6 months you should no longer qualify to talk about the 'profession' on a public forum?? Another thing is this, is it healthy for a body to keep harping on about what was and no longer is-all things come to an end, and should we know when to move on?

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