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#1 Parent Mr. Silver Spoon - 2014-01-29
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

I remember Vivian.

She was useless and yes, a warming :-)

I think it's a joke just HOW bad this so-called school actually is.

It's brutal and I think they all get off on it.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-07-18
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Hi thanks for responding. Yeah with Disney you would still have to play dress up sometimes (it is after all Disney) to appease the spoiled little brats who attend there.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-07-18
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Hey you should do a re-post. It's important that you get the truthful information out to people. I know you feel angry for the personal insults on your dignity but don't get frustrated.

#4 Parent Incognita - 2013-07-17
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Agreed. I would only add Disney English as an optional 11th. I never worked for them, but all the Disney teachers that I knew who did were miserable.

It has the same caliber as the others, with about two redeeming factors--it does pay relatively well for similar schools, and, being Western-owned and operated, will probably do less goofing up and around with your visa than a purely Chinese-run training school racket.

#5 Parent Incognita - 2013-07-17
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

"I should have run then but I decided to try and work it out."

That was the story of the shit training center I worked at when I was a newcomer to the Chinese ESL landscape, too.

#6 Parent Kwame - 2013-07-17
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

C[edited] [edited]!Fired by school!You're a [edited][edited][edited]!

#7 Parent CodyL - 2013-05-20
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

I can back up everything that has been said above. I was hired as a DOS from Vietnam, and when I did arrive in sh**hole Dongying the so called manager Alice didn't even know who I was and tried changing my contract on the first day!! I should have run then but I decided to try and work it out. The teachers were generally really good but these 2 two-faced lying managers Alice and Vivian, started to back stab me at every chance. I even proved this to the owner regarding this Alice and Vivan she then admitted to me that she knew they were incompetent and she couldn't change them because she would lose face having hired them!!! I resigned and left shortly after.

Dongying is a hole of a city in the middle of nothing. and not worth going to China for. Stay in the bigger cities with more opportunities.

#8 Parent Mr. Blue. - 2013-05-01
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

I also worked for this school, and I agree with everything he said. STAY AWAY AT ALL COSTS! The welfare officers are nothing but crooks. The school is run by Alice and Vivian who will stop at nothing to backstab you and blackmail you. Anything they say can and will be changed if they lost face.

#9 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-18
Re: Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Yes, if you decide to work in china for any of these 10 chain schools: english first, aston english, web english, new oriental, new dynamic institute, global ielts, shane english, meten english, hampson english, and wall street english you will probably walk away from china less impressed than when you first came. The more things change, the more it stays the same.

Pac Man - 2013-02-16
Stay away from SHANE school in Dongying, Shandong Province

Part of the AILE training group, SHANE is a private training center in Dongying, Shandong province, China.

During my 7 months with SHANE, I probably saw more corruption, lies, dishonesty and of course the "SAVING FACE CRAP" that I will for the remainder of my professional career. 2 pronged attack with SHANE: 1) you've got the "welfare office" (supposed to facilitate foreigner integration into Chinese life) who are crooked to the bone. My deposit on my first apartment (2000 RMB) was stolen by them, and as a parting gift, they only kept 300 RMB from my deposit on my second apartment. Reason: kitchen sink door was off and leaning against a wall. Why: because during a service call, the repair man took it off and didn't put it back on. The welfare officer, Adam who kept the 300 RMB from my second deposit was there when the repair man took the door off and didn't put it back on. And that's as good as it ever got with Adam and his team. The rest of my interactions with them found me waking up at night and in the morning screaming: "HULK WANT TO SMMMAAAASSSHHHHHH!!! 2nd prong) The school, run by Alice and Vivian. Of the 10 of us foreigners working there at any given time (lots of turnover) I'm the only one who had anything good to say about either of them. Alice actually did right by me, but it wasn't without a strong dose of SAVING FACE (God when is that crap gonna end?) Vivian, considered useless by all has an almost genuine smile. And that's it. The school is poorly run badly organized and I'm gonna stop right here because a book wouldn't contain enough pages for me to explicit all of it. These are just the general outlines and I'm saying stay away!!!!!!!!

On a positive note, I spent a few days in Beijing at the end of my contract before coming to Vietnam. God what a relief. So friendly and nice (or more so than Dongying which is completely uncivilized). People actually smile and say hello and there's just more of a western presence there. Anyways, those last couple of days in China, spent in Beijing made up for so many hard times. This of course has nothing to do with work life. I know nothing of the schools there, but as a city to befriend, coming from a Canadian, man I enjoyed the people there. So worldly in contrast to Dongying.

Good luck and happy trails. May your travels bring you good fortune and warm lasting memories.

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