Return to Index › Why can American's get ESL jobs in Europe - ESL discussion
#1 Parent Jess - 2005-07-07
Learn your grammar, people. - ESL discussion

Maybe it's because they don't know where to place their apostrophes.

Americans = a group of American people
(ie. "Some Americans go overseas with the expectation that their "big American" status will land them God knows what kind of royal treatment, but when something doesn't go their way, they come cry about on ESL boards.")

American's = belonging to an American
(ie. "An American's attitude towards going abroad can be quite annoying")


#2 Parent tom - 2005-06-27
I teach with a lot of Europeans in the US - ESL discussion

MY Academic supervisor is French; we hired a Brit today; there are teachers from South Africa, Zimbabwe, England, Australia, etc. Other schools are the same.
When I was in Europe their were no exceptions except under the counter.
What's your problem, eh?

#3 Parent Mic - 2005-06-14
not true - ESL discussion

You can teach in the United States, you only need the proper documents as you do in any country....

And the USA doesn't require any special Cambridge certificate.....

and no Harvard ELTA certification needed.

Equal opportunity

You need:

1. A work visa

2. A green card


3. US citizenship

you can apply for a tax payers id (SS number) without a green card or citizenship.

So yes, you can come and teach in the USA....

#4 Parent US Teacher - 2005-06-12
Huh...? - ESL discussion

Spare me! I teach in the public school system here in the US. There are so many non-American teachers in our school systems it's unbelievable. And our universities are packed with non-Aerican students. You have to meet the basic requirements of the state to get your teaching certification, but that is where it ends. Here in the US anyone who meets the requirements can get a job teaching, unlike most other countries (all of Europe)who only give jobs to its own citizens.

With many unemployed teachers in the US, I wish our government would hire Americans before they would hire non-American citizens. It's our country and we deserve the first shot at jobs within our borders -- just like you do in your country. Stop being a hypocrite!

Sorry if I sound mad, but I am! I am sick of hearing this one-way street BS.

#5 Parent Foofoo - 2005-06-12
Why can't Europeans's get ESL jobs in USA - ESL discussion

Every post for teaching jobs in America are only open to those who hold US passports!!! This is so frustrating as I want to teach in America... any suggestions?

(Ms.) Kristen Schmitt - 2005-06-11
Why can American's get ESL jobs in Europe - ESL discussion

Every post for teaching jobs in Europe are only open to those who hold UA passports!!! This is so frustrating as I want to teach in Spain... any suggestions?

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