Return to Index › Re: China: The Basics of Evaluating a Chinese Employment Contract
#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-24
Re: China: The Basics of Evaluating a Chinese Employment Contract

Aren't you from north east england?

#2 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-23
Re: China: The Basics of Evaluating a Chinese Employment Contract

You are just a troll, and your post is further proof IP logging and registering is needed on these boards. End of story!

#3 Parent Blackburn - 2013-02-23
Re: China: The Basics of Evaluating a Chinese Employment Contract

From the beautiful area of Mill Hill,Blackburn.Where are you from?

#4 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-22
Re: China: The Basics of Evaluating a Chinese Employment Contract

Which part of Blackburn are you from? Blackburn proper or Darwen?

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-02-22
Re: China: The Basics of Evaluating a Chinese Employment Contract

I'm sure if the weasels and hyenas who hate us for speaking like humans realized only one thing: That if for every time they got a dollar for getting run roughshod on because they were too nice, they'd all be multi-millionaires by now! The fact that they aren't should be a wake up call to them that being nice won't make the abuse go away, it will only get worse! And they are setting a bad precedent as their Chinese bosses will start to think ALL westerners are easy to push around. Pretty soon no decent, real teacher will want to come.

#6 Parent Blackburn - 2013-02-22
Re: China: The Basics of Evaluating a Chinese Employment Contract

If you do not like China,then just go,at least the Manc talks some sense,most of the posters on here are just no it all dicks,mummy they didn't pay me on time my room was dirty,clean it then knob,

#7 Parent San Migs - 2013-02-21
Re: China: The Basics of Evaluating a Chinese Employment Contract

I second your disagreeing with the mancunian poster....we don't owe our prospective employers as FT's in China anything...being nice and smiley will result in being ridden roughshod over, you can count on that, it's in the bank!

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