Return to Index › Can I get work permit once inside China? - ESL discussion
#1 Parent paul - 2005-07-03
many thanks cha yin zhe - ESL discussion

Thank you cha yin zhe, for your detailed explanation.
You seem like a good man. Thanks budy!

#2 Parent Dos - 2005-06-30
Hard to do. - ESL discussion


Changing an L visa to a Z one is now very hard to do in most provinces. A year ago or more it was easy, now it is not.

You will probably end up having to go to Hong-Kong to get one if the school arranges the paperwork.

Any school that tells you otherwise has very good Guanxi, or is lying.

Read my Visa advice document.

Geography Expert.. The Z visas are still very much with us, they are the stickers in the passport.

#3 Parent geography expert - 2005-06-29
work permits - ESL discussion

I think you'll find that separate z visas, foreign res and work permits are on the way out now. In at least some places there's just a single sticker in the passport now, but yeah, the word I've heard (if that counts for anything) is that you're supposed to have that organised before you get here. Who knows though? Stranger things have happened. It wouldn't be such a big investment to take a punt on it coming up from Laos. You never know your luck and if worse comes to worse it might just mean a trip to hk and you'd have to go there to fly back to the states anyway really...Laos is a bit short on international flight departures after all...but yeah...you probably should ascertain pretty quickly once you were here whether or not you were going to be provided with the proper docs for your own peace of mind...and this isn't meant to be advice - just another perspective on the situation.

hey cha, i don't know that all the "backpackers" are here for the free ride...most of the ones i've met were turning up for work pretty responsibly and weren't getting that much for their troubles...

#4 Parent Mic - 2005-06-29

Most Chinese Police/officials have never seen or heard of a Foreign Expert Work Certificate(Work Permit).

Yes, you can get them in China, all you need is an employer to sponsor you. Your employer will have a secretary whom will go to the Foreign Exit/Entry Ministry and do all the paperwork for you.

#5 Parent cha yin zhe - 2005-06-29
Can I get work permit once inside China? - ESL discussion

Whats a hassle Paul? Going through the proper channels and correct procedures should never be considered a hassle for anyone qualified and interested in carrying out their work in another country.
It seems that you want to join the many backpackers in coming to China for the adventure and free ride! It is, of course, your choice and if companies are willing to employ you then so be it. OK, now to answer your query:

Officially in order to come to China and take up permanent employment you will need a Z visa issued outside of China

The wonderful thing about doing that is you will know for sure that you employer is in fact able to offer you a job legally.

Many employers ask the new employees to come to China on an L visa and tell them that they will arrange the necessary documentation when they arrive. This is at times true but at other times they are unable to get the required documents and the employee works illegally. These unscrupulous employers tend to treat their employees in a less than professional manner and therefore should be avoided. Remember its your responsibility to make sure youre working legally so push your employer for the legal documents.

When you arrive on the Z visa, or even if not, your employer should arrange the FEC (Foreign Experts Certificate) and RPF (Residence Permit for Foreigners) within 30 days and if not pursue the matter vigorously.

So, yes you can come to China and yes you can seek employment and yes you may be able to get legal documentation after arrival but dont count on it. There are countless horror stories and complaints to be read detailing the problems people have had so be prepared.

paul - 2005-06-29
Can I get work permit once inside China? - ESL discussion

I just went to Chinese embassy get a tourist visa
so once in China I could get a job as a teacher.
(I don't have a certificate though). The lady told me
that I could not get a work visa once in China,
even if some school hire me. I would have to leave
china and apply from outside with the school sending
the paperwork to the proper authorities. I didn't
know it was such a hassle to teach in china.
I'm in Laos right now. I'm from USA.
Is it really that hard to get work visa or permit?
Does anybody have any personal experience in this?

Many thanks. Paul

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