Return to Index › ADVICE ON MOVING TO GERMANY! - ESL discussion
#1 Parent Polh - 2005-06-30
Germany - ESL discussion

I don't know if you're EU citizen, I'm assuming no. Most schools ESL employ teachers per hour, no need to have a work-permit, just keep quiet and don't call the labor dpt. Large cities are very expensive to live in, a small studio could start at 500,600 US. Salary is the best in Europe,but all depends where you live. Try small towns away from the big cities. Cheers, Polh

Cecilea Meyer - 2005-06-29

hey, does anyone have any thoughts about how much money in US dollars i'll need to cover getting set up in berlin. it's just me going, so i'll just be taking a few bags and looking for TEFL work and housing. i'm totally prepared to live frugally til i get set up, but an estimate would be nice from someone's whose made the same move before. also, once i get to berlin and find work, can i apply for a work visa in germany, or do i need to do that back in the states. suggestions?

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