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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-26
Re: Top Schools in China?

At these places more children of expats will be attending as well as the kids of rich chinese parents. Unfortunately, most "international" schools abroad in China still are filled with rife incompetence and corruption at the top. Getting money is the bottom line. At one of the BC certified Intl. schools I substituted at in Tianjin I saw 21 and 22 year old students who've already finished high school getting a 2nd high school experience there. The grade level went from 1 to 12 on the same campus so you probably had grown men and women posing as "students" eating lunch with 6 and 7 year old kids at the same time. Be careful where you tread.

Marisol - 2013-03-22
Top Schools in China?

I am researching some schools to send my children to in greater Shanghai area and list is:
Dulwich College
Shanghai United International School
American Community School

I am also a teacher too, but I amtaking time off. ( Recently posted warning about Nigerian Scam)

Which is actually 'international'. I have my son who is hopeing to get into a decent university back home?

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