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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-26
Re: ESL sure attract strange bedfellows!

Life sure got better for me after I stopped working at these training centers. The concept of what consists of middle age doesn't really matter anyway as you were the one who wanted to put boundaries on which groups of foreign teachers are supposedly better. Also, I never said that "love lives" were included in the definition (at least my definition) of what virtue is. I think you have a very different concept of what "inner virtues" mean. I will just leave it at that.

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-03-26
Re: ESL sure attract strange bedfellows!

think you have your judgement hat on backwards. Young foreign teachers, being still idealistic, love life, and treasure their inner virtues will still have the guts to stand up to the poor treatment of ft's. This is especially prevalent at training centers. Older ft's generally do not care anyways of the affairs of younger foreign teachers. You do not actually explain in detail of why younger ft's do not last, you are just making up your own story.

they consider themselves superior to the Chinese, they seem to have very low moral standards, they have no staying power, they tend to be lazy brats, devoid of any moral fibre.

Replace "Chinese" with "Foreigner", and you have just made a statement that perfectly describes almost all the management at training centers! As a former younger teacher who once upon a time a long time ago worked at training centers myself I found that if I behaved as I did back home with showing common courtesy, paying respect to the bosses and managers, and being a nice guy in general I would be put at the whims and wishes of every single person wishing to exploit me and use me for whatever. If I refused or was even late for a reaction I would find myself verbally abused or even playfully (I'm using that in a generous manner) hit. I do not find this type of treatment to be professional. I don't drink alcohol or smoke for example, so I will not do it even if you are telling me it has health benefits (yes local Chinese will tell you this). I have not answered your question on whether or not I will agree to cover some classes for another teacher, so I would appreciate it if you didn't answer the question for me with a "yes" just because you are the manager and is used to doing this. I was speaking with another foreign teacher, and I didn't hear the parent of the client asking about me towards you so I would hope you do not slap me on the arm because I wasn't looking at the parent. I am not the personal dumping ground of every disenfranchised older teacher foreign or local, and I do not want to constantly be bombarded with life stories while I am working. I am the foreign teacher, but please do not grab me by the sleeves and pull me into your classroom (this happened to me with a chinese teacher working at the private outfit, not a manager who by the way didn't do shit when I complained about this) just because I was walking by and suddenly you demand a lesson in English from me towards your students!

So in all, this is just as the Chinese say one hair on nine cows of "interesting" incidents which happened to me while working at private outfits alone. So if you the poster I am responding to am a Chinese, then you now know how us foreign teachers think about these crappy chain "schools". If you really are an older foreign teacher, then please know that you don't actually know all younger foreign teachers and what they have been through. You yourself have only worked at 1 place. Age doesn't make you more in the know on everything, and a little respect towards a different demographics of people would be appreciated. Have a nice day.

You sound like life hasn't been kind to you; nothing personal but that's just the gut impression I get. I'm glad to hear that you don't drink or smoke.

I think we should establish what a young teacher is; once you get to say 33 you are into middle age, you have become an older teacher; you are now twice as old as most of your students. The fact that some teachers may be 60 or more does not mean that you have not become one of them. Young teachers are in their twenties and the further away that they keep their inner-virtues and their love lives (amounting to jiggling their private parts around against nearly anything that moves) from me the happier I will be.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-26
Re: ESL sure attract strange bedfellows!

I think you have your judgement hat on backwards. Young foreign teachers, being still idealistic, love life, and treasure their inner virtues will still have the guts to stand up to the poor treatment of ft's. This is especially prevalent at training centers. Older ft's generally do not care anyways of the affairs of younger foreign teachers. You do not actually explain in detail of why younger ft's do not last, you are just making up your own story.

they consider themselves superior to the Chinese, they seem to have very low moral standards, they have no staying power, they tend to be lazy brats, devoid of any moral fibre.

Replace "Chinese" with "Foreigner", and you have just made a statement that perfectly describes almost all the management at training centers! As a former younger teacher who once upon a time a long time ago worked at training centers myself I found that if I behaved as I did back home with showing common courtesy, paying respect to the bosses and managers, and being a nice guy in general I would be put at the whims and wishes of every single person wishing to exploit me and use me for whatever. If I refused or was even late for a reaction I would find myself verbally abused or even playfully (I'm using that in a generous manner) hit. I do not find this type of treatment to be professional. I don't drink alcohol or smoke for example, so I will not do it even if you are telling me it has health benefits (yes local Chinese will tell you this). I have not answered your question on whether or not I will agree to cover some classes for another teacher, so I would appreciate it if you didn't answer the question for me with a "yes" just because you are the manager and is used to doing this. I was speaking with another foreign teacher, and I didn't hear the parent of the client asking about me towards you so I would hope you do not slap me on the arm because I wasn't looking at the parent. I am not the personal dumping ground of every disenfranchised older teacher foreign or local, and I do not want to constantly be bombarded with life stories while I am working. I am the foreign teacher, but please do not grab me by the sleeves and pull me into your classroom (this happened to me with a chinese teacher working at the private outfit, not a manager who by the way didn't do shit when I complained about this) just because I was walking by and suddenly you demand a lesson in English from me towards your students!

So in all, this is just as the Chinese say one hair on nine cows of "interesting" incidents which happened to me while working at private outfits alone. So if you the poster I am responding to am a Chinese, then you now know how us foreign teachers think about these crappy chain "schools". If you really are an older foreign teacher, then please know that you don't actually know all younger foreign teachers and what they have been through. You yourself have only worked at 1 place. Age doesn't make you more in the know on everything, and a little respect towards a different demographics of people would be appreciated. Have a nice day.

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-03-25
Re: ESL sure attract strange bedfellows!

Have you ever worked for Hamson? I am sure you would love it...They still need "teachers"...hahaha

No I haven't worked for them. I have noticed that generally speaking it's the younger FT's who fall out with these schools and start complaining. I have seen them come and go in my school, they don't want to do sod all, they consider themselves superior to the Chinese, they seem to have very low moral standards, they have no staying power, they tend to be lazy brats, devoid of any moral fibre. Just speaking my mind and no personal insult aimed at you.

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