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#1 Parent foxy - 2013-03-28
Re: (Midnight) Runners

I haven't posted the names of the foreigners as I wish to preserve their anonymity. However, the names of the 9 schools/colleges/universities involved are those below. Some of them will be bad employers to work for. Further googling will be necessary to possibly get further relevant information in this regard. The list is indeed useful!

1 Asahi text language education training school

2 Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautical Industry Management

3 Zhengzhou City seventh - ((could be number 7 middle school, I'm guessing)

4 Wuxi Institute of Technology

5 Qingdao Hao Foreign Language Training School

6 Xinjiang Agricultural University

7 Tianshan District, Urumqi, Xintiandi Training Center

8 Karamay Vocational and Technical College

9 maple English training center

#2 Parent foxy - 2013-03-28
Re: (Midnight) Runners

Thanks for posting the link. Some of the names are strange indeed!

#3 Parent Kenny - 2013-03-28
Re: (Midnight) Runners

The hire contract period without authorization undergo willful default

Employment contract period left without saying goodbye, willful default

The hire contract period without authorization undergo willful default

Employment contract period without authorization undergo unilateral breach of contract

Intentional breach of contract, and serious dereliction of duty

The contract period without permission to leave their posts, walked

Serious dereliction of duty, the contract period without authorization undergo unilateral breach of contract

Breach of the employment contract, unilateral breach of contract

The contract period unilateral breach of contract and walked out.

Dexi - 2013-03-28
(Midnight) Runners

A list of contract breakers, which includes those who pull runners:

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