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#1 Parent RhenoKorean - 2005-07-06
It's doable, after a second look - ESL discussion

Prices here in Changwon are high, but not for everything. In fact, most of the 'necessities' aren't that much more expensive than Bangkok's prices. It's doable.

No, I don't wanna know what the rents are around there where you live. I'd probably fall down and break a hip.


#2 Parent AMonk - 2005-07-05
High Prices?? Not in some places - ESL discussion

Hello RhenoKorean
I live in Bermuda. Those prices are normal, here. Bread is US$3.30+, Milk is US$5.50, and you don't want to know the rents!! :(

#3 Parent RhenoKorean, Formerly RhenoThai - 2005-07-04
I'm getting over my shock - ESL discussion

I just made it to South Korea. I'm getting over the shock of how expensive it is here. Maybe it's just the city, but does anyone else have to pay 33 U.S DOLLARS for a large combo pizza, or 5 USD for a tube of toothpaste? No wonder the pay is so good here. SK prices are through the roof. I've heard Japan is 'expensive'. Come on. If they're higher than where I am at the moment, no one would teach there.

Time to batten down the hatches and subsist on oddles of noodles! And I thought I was done with that dish way back when I graduated from college.


#4 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2005-07-03
Yunnan...? - ESL discussion


Earth calling ....er!...wherever you are. CJ I hope you get your visa issue sorted out soon . I think snails ON DOPE is a better description of a lot of Chinese bureaucracy. JCF, I'm presently finished with my classes and right now, just past midnight getting seriously nagged by... ...ahem!.... to leave the computer alone and call it a night!

I'm of trekking tomorrow to Shaoxing in Zhejiang, so if anybody who's been there could let me know of one or two reasonably priced hostels or hotels, that a tightwad FT could afford, I would be grateful!

I'm glad to hear it's still happening for you over here in (the) big C. I'll be out there eyes wide open during my trek, looking forward to some serious chilling out!

From your description it sounds like you're in Yunnan. I actually worked there last year in a small city called Zhaotong. Could it be?...surely not! That town is too small and obscure.

Never mind have a great time you guys.

P.S those damn mozzies surely can't be any worse in Shaoxing can they? I'm being eaten alive in Sticksville, here. How the hell they get through my mesh windows, I don't know.............

#5 Parent jinchafa - 2005-07-03
still here too - ESL discussion

Yeah Yingwen, I'm still here too. Hangin' like a loose thread on a tattered, tweed overcoat. I keep thinking that teaching is getting pretty old, but then when I'm not teaching I'm thinking life can get pretty boring when you're just cruisin' along in a city that noone knows about. But then there it is, just when you're thinking that maybe a trip elsewhere would be a good idea, even though the funds are drying up, somethin' cool happens. Yep, ya just gotta be out there - eyes wide open, but casual. So there I am sitting in a tea house giving private lessons to Mr. Bother. You know the guy. He's the one that calls you just when you're feeling way kicked back. "Can you help me with this one English problem?" he asks politely. How can you say no? Only this time, it's an invitation to have dinner with him and his friends after a sojourn to a local tea house. "Ok, sure," I say. Two hours later, after a great meal and numerous Dali beers, I'm laughing my head off with a local chicken farmer. My limited Chinese and his even more limited English notwithstanding, we've become bosom buddies and I seem to understand him better with each clash of the glass. I know what he's thinking. He know's what I'm thinking. He's thinking, "wow, this laowei is alright." And I'm thinking what I'm always thinking; "friends are discovered at the strangest time in the strangest places - ok, maybe I'll hang out in this strange land as the stranger a little longer - so what if it's 6,450 ft. up in the mountains. And so what if it's filled with uneducated people starkly contrasted with the neo-rich who could give a damn about them? And so what if they're hacking and spitting and generally unconcerned about hygiene, the environment and the fact that there's a world out there full on concerned with issues and etc. So what? This is my life, and whadayaknow it just keeps on happenin'.

#6 Parent Chinese Joker - 2005-07-03
I'm still here - ESL discussion

But not for long. I'm still waiting for those snails at the PSB to stamp my visa before I'm off for my holiday. Hell, it's a bloody long wait. Grrrrrrrrrr

Yingwen Laoshi - 2005-07-02
Why so quiet? - ESL discussion

Hell,it's quiet on this forum, these days! They should call it the ghost town forum.
....no-one got anything to say, then?
I know, everybody's gone on holiday, and left me all on my own!

Where ARE youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....?

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