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#1 Parent foxy - 2013-04-05
Re: (Midnight) Runners

The problem I have is that you are choosing to re-name , because most of these 'agents' in fact call themselves schools, don't they?

Chinese agents oftentimes call themselves 'schools' because they want to attract more job applicants. Chinese agents aren't naive - they know that foreigners are wary of working for agents, quite rightly so, btw. It's the agents who are doing the re-naming, not me.

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-05
Re: (Midnight) Runners

perhaps they feel they work the same hours, therefore, getting paid the same is justified.

They can all think what they like but it doesn't mean that the likes of me and the Chinese are going to listen. Best they go and teach Russian, or whatever their native tongue maybe, if they want parity.

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-05
Re: (Midnight) Runners

I should also mention recruiters. They get one-off payments from Chinese employers for introducing FTs. The main difference between recruiters and agents is that agents pay the FTs monthly after deducting commission from the monies paid to them by the workplaces where the FTs were sent. In contrast, the workplaces where the recruiters introduced the FTs pay the FTs direct.

The problem I have is that you are choosing to re-name , because most of these 'agents' in fact call themselves schools, don't they?

According to this forum China is covered in Training Centres who don't actually train any-body in the accepted sense that such a term is customarily used for ,like, 'Teachers' Training College'

#4 Parent Pazuzu - 2013-04-05
Re: (Midnight) Runners

most of them are angry because they are not getting as much pay as native English speaking FT's...bloody cheek, why the devil should they

Look throughout history at what people have had to do to get "rights".

Laying down and being a doormat certainly will not change things, perhaps they feel they work the same hours, therefore, getting paid the same is justified.

#5 Parent foxy - 2013-04-05
Re: (Midnight) Runners

In relation to one of your other posts, I will reply re Chinese employers:

1) state-run educational institutions
2) private - state-run parnerships, eg a privately-owned college linked to a state-run university
3) private high schools, colleges and universities
4) private training centers, eg EF, Aston.
5) agents

I should also mention recruiters. They get one-off payments from Chinese employers for introducing FTs. The main difference between recruiters and agents is that agents pay the FTs monthly after deducting commission from the monies paid to them by the workplaces where the FTs were sent. In contrast, the workplaces where the recruiters introduced the FTs pay the FTs direct.

In my opinion, categories 1 and 5 are the best. Then 2 and 3. I think 4 is the worst. I should add that many agents are sharks, but there are some good ones. Best to work at a category 1 place, even though you are there on behalf of an agent, or get there via a recruiter.
My preference is to be at a category 1 place via an agent with a teaching assistant supplied to me free by the agent, and in a county or a small town.
I've been employed in every category. I've been employed both direct and via recruiters in categories 1 -5. In category 4, I was employed direct.

#6 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-04
Re: (Midnight) Runners

there is your problem right there, see no evil, hear no evil

What i said was, if i am wrong and for example, Africans, Russians, etcetera are being discrimated against in China, it doesn't worry me in the slightest. However, I don't think they are being discriminated against; most of them are angry because they are not getting as much pay as native English speaking FT's...bloody cheek, why the devil should they; they wouldn't get a teaching job at all if I had my way ? But as i said, or should have said, if the Chinese can get a second language English teacher for half the money, that is their business.

#7 Parent Pazuzu - 2013-04-04
Re: (Midnight) Runners

I have never witnessed them acting in a racist way to any-body irrespective of colour- but if I am wrong, I am bound to say it doesn't concern me one little tiny bit.

there is your problem right there, see no evil, hear no evil

#8 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-04
Re: (Midnight) Runners

Yes, I'm sure you have. [edited]

If I didnt look like I do with blue eyes and an elongated nose, I would like to look like a Chinese because I think they look cool. I don't have any problems respecting them as my betters when in China working for them. They in turn seem to love my eyes and everything about me. I have never witnessed them acting in a racist way to any-body irrespective of colour- but if I am wrong, I am bound to say it doesn't concern me one little tiny bit. I suspect those spreading malicious rumours that they are racist, just have big chips on their shoulders. Would you agree with that in principle?

#9 Parent Protestor - 2013-04-04
Re: (Midnight) Runners

Yes, I'm sure you have. [edited]

#10 Parent Protestor - 2013-04-04
Re: (Midnight) Runners

I suspect you are a Chinese. You deserve no respect whatsoever.

#11 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-03
Re: (Midnight) Runners

OK, be an appeaser and GW if you want. It seems you are only concerned if your white face is acceptable to the students. You sound like a wannabe Chinese to me! Why you have any respect for the Chinese and their bankrupt "culture" is a mystery to me!

My face and blue eyes is a given for popularity. You're right and I have been known to plunge my head into a bowl of McDougals flour, just to hammer home my advantages. Happy, flower?
#12 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-03
Re: (Midnight) Runners


I can see it must have been your support, many thanks- That Protester, he's a boy, always attacking me because I'm from Devon I think, guffaw guffaw

#13 Parent Pazuzu - 2013-04-03
Re: (Midnight) Runners


#14 Parent Protestor - 2013-04-02
Re: (Midnight) Runners

OK, be an appeaser and GW if you want. It seems you are only concerned if your white face is acceptable to the students. You sound like a wannabe Chinese to me! Why you have any respect for the Chinese and their bankrupt "culture" is a mystery to me!

#15 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-01
Re: (Midnight) Runners

Wrong again. Being an appeaser is the worst thing an FT can do. Several teachers pulling a runner is the perfect way to punish a dishonest Chinese EFL employer. They lose face, they are inconvienienced, they lose money, and it is annoying for them. They will get what they deserve!

Says you! You like to tell others what to do don't you? Best watch this preoccupation of people getting what they deserve, because what goes around comes around. I don't care about this Chinese knowledge you brag about; this losing face thing-the face I am more concerned about is the face shown when people can't face up to a decent days work, and waste their time in China complaining, instead of making their faces fit.

#16 Parent Protestor - 2013-04-01
Re: (Midnight) Runners

Wrong again. Being an appeaser is the worst thing an FT can do. Several teachers pulling a runner is the perfect way to punish a dishonest Chinese EFL employer. They lose face, they are inconvienienced, they lose money, and it is annoying for them. They will get what they deserve!

#17 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-01
Re: (Midnight) Runners


What is proper london style atcha, San Mig? I googled atcha and came up with the link above-does it have a connection?

#18 Parent San Migs - 2013-04-01
Re: (Midnight) Runners

Proper london style atcha!

#19 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-03-31
Re: (Midnight) Runners

If it's intolerable, run rabbit run and don't look back. Most such dreadful employers in China do not dare to make troubles for foreign teachers who have been found to have departed in secret.

The trouble is, in my experience, most FT moonlight flitters have such a low tolerance threshhold. I think it wiser to advise them to not act like snivelling young prima donnas and finish what they started. You develop self-respect and a strong character by putting up with a bit of grief and riding it out. Don't live your life by being a pansy. I'm sure my new chum, San Mig, will wholeheartedly support my approach? Not that he's a pansy, he just usually disagrees with me before the ink is dry.

#20 Parent run rabbit run - 2013-03-31
Re: (Midnight) Runners

If it's intolerable, run rabbit run and don't look back. Most such dreadful employers in China do not dare to make troubles for foreign teachers who have been found to have departed in secret.

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