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#1 Parent San Migs Draft - 2013-04-25
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?


#2 Parent Mancunian Beelzebub - 2013-04-14
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

No names, no pack-drill, eh? Hahaha. Just goes to show that we can all have a guardian angel looking out for us.

#3 Parent Mancunian Beelzebub - 2013-04-14
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

Think you can ask her yourself who she thought she could deal with on this board. Seems like her posts were deleted either by herself or by the mods. She can always re-post and have another discussion if she so chooses.

Passing ships in the night, Dragonized- I dare say a similar poster will pop up one day. I wasn't trying to offend, it just appeared to a looker-on at the time, that she was running rings around you all. Having said that,I don't know how she'd get on against you now, as it seems to me that you have upped your game recently- you're a lot more measured and not always trying to tackle head-on. Would you agree with that.....I think you have been given wise advice? Just conjecture on my part, mind.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-14
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

Think you can ask her yourself who she thought she could deal with on this board. Seems like her posts were deleted either by herself or by the mods. She can always re-post and have another discussion if she so chooses.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-14
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

I wonder if she'll come back now that one weasel has had some success posting on here.

#6 Parent Mancunian Beelzebub - 2013-04-13
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

Who's LondonGirl ? You had enough spats with her, so you should know-hahaha.

No I don't know her nor have I even had spats with her..

I have only just started posting stuff here.

Tell you the truth, I don't know exactly who she was; she may have been in the employ of a certain private learning centre, I can't say for certain..when i say in the employ I mean more that just an FT. She was definitely very bright and articulate. To be honest I only witnessed one poster who could deal with her-forgotten what he was called. However, she did have some of your points of view...maybe a bit prudish- no insult meant. Have a gay Sunday.

#7 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-13
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

Who's LondonGirl ? You had enough spats with her, so you should know-hahaha.

No I don't know her nor have I even had spats with her..

I have only just started posting stuff here.

#8 Parent Mancunian Beelzebub - 2013-04-13
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

Now then.. now then..

Who's LondonGirl ?

I'm not working in a school in Europe at present, mainly after complaining about a couple of back-packers clutching their 20 hour "Quick and Easy Way to TEFL" certificates in their sweaty hands.. My beef was that most of their lessons consisted of 5 minutes max learning stuff followed by the rest of the time in a discussion of celebretards and that when I went to check for some kind of progress I had work a catch-up plan into my lessons.

Oh... And I'm 56 years old and don't have a lot of interest in Justin Bieber or what Kim Kardasion is wearing today(or any other bloody day for that matter)

Am I sacked or am I sacked.

Who's LondonGirl ? You had enough spats with her, so you should know-hahaha. Actually, you seem to be answering the wrong posts- It was interesting to hear about your beef, but the beef you had a go at me for was one of beefing ones students type of beef-guffaw guffaw.

Backpackers are interesting for the students- when you get to my age(not your age) enough energy is expelled putting Mr Bean on for the little blighters; whereas, backpackers play guitars and stuff.

My Training Centre printed me out a TEFL and also a degree, hao bu hao.

#9 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-13
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

Your answer just doesn't fit-not one little bit- please read what I said again "UNIVERSITY STUDENTS" Is LondonGirl working in your school,; has she talked you round? That was quite offensive...but i forgive you. hahaha

Now then.. now then..

Who's LondonGirl ?

I'm not working in a school in Europe at present, mainly after complaining about a couple of back-packers clutching their 20 hour "Quick and Easy Way to TEFL" certificates in their sweaty hands.. My beef was that most of their lessons consisted of 5 minutes max learning stuff followed by the rest of the time in a discussion of celebretards and that when I went to check for some kind of progress I had work a catch-up plan into my lessons.

Oh... And I'm 56 years old and don't have a lot of interest in Justin Bieber or what Kim Kardasion is wearing today(or any other bloody day for that matter)

Am I sacked or am I sacked.

#10 Parent Mancunian Beelzebub - 2013-04-12
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

I know I know, but unlike chocolate which is bad for the waistline, university students, will keep you trim, are so tasty, and i can't resist them. Look on it as comfort food- now, am i right or am I right-guffaw guffaw.

Dear Jimmy Saville
Please could you fix it for me to be able to go out with girl in my class.
A. Teacher (Aged 55)

Your answer just doesn't fit-not one little bit- please read what I said again "UNIVERSITY STUDENTS" Is LondonGirl working in your school,; has she talked you round? That was quite offensive...but i forgive you. hahaha

#11 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-12
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

I know I know, but unlike chocolate which is bad for the waistline, university students, will keep you trim, are so tasty, and i can't resist them. Look on it as comfort food- now, am i right or am I right-guffaw guffaw.

Dear Jimmy Saville
Please could you fix it for me to be able to go out with girl in my class.
A. Teacher (Aged 55)

#12 Parent Mancunian Beelzebub - 2013-04-11
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

You shouldn't be dallying with students anyway, especially if you live on campus and teach them.As ex students, no problem. If you work at a training centre, your choice entirely however.

I know I know, but unlike chocolate which is bad for the waistline, university students, will keep you trim, are so tasty, and i can't resist them. Look on it as comfort food- now, am i right or am I right-guffaw guffaw.

#13 Parent Pazuzu - 2013-04-10
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

You shouldn't be dallying with students anyway, especially if you live on campus and teach them.As ex students, no problem. If you work at a training centre, your choice entirely however.

#14 Parent Mancunian - 2013-04-10
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

I am 45 later this year. Not sure what part of China you're in, but it usually takes more than a bowl of noodles and ice-cream to attract a Chinese woman.

Bit of poetic license, Silverboy, because i know you like your Sheilas to go dutch at the end of a romantic evening. In the UK we have this curious notion, that that would be tantamount to pouring the ice bucket over the poor woman-dowsing the candle and any hope one may have entertained of her willingly climbing the gate of the teachers' compound for a quick one.

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