Return to Index › rather be teaching or training in thailand beautiful beaches - ESL discussion *Picture*
#1 Parent RhenoKorean - 2005-07-06
I've been known as....... - ESL discussion

I've been known as 'RhenoTellingLikeItREALLYIs', that's all.

If you want the TRUTH about Thailand, you come to ME.

If you want smoke, lights, dillusion, sales pitch, bad advice, et. al, you go to someone else.

I want my posts to help other people avoid making the same big mistake I made in April '04. That mistake was going to Thailand, getting the cert, and working as a teacher for a year. I should be flogged for that, no doubt about it. I could have come to SK instead and gotten my flight reimbursed and maybe even FREE TESOL training at an SK school.

Yeah, I went to Thailand and pulled a year as a teacher. I even got my more-or-less-worthless, over-priced cert from a mill there as well. But I know now, and I want all you out there to know as well........Outside of SCUBA diving, you won't see my face in Thailand for a LONG time. The next time I teach in Thailand will be the day after Doomsday.

RK, a guy willing to tell it like it REALLY is

#2 Parent Buba Woo - 2005-07-05
interesting facts - ESL discussion *Picture*

the words thailand/thai in your list of facts could be replaced with any number of countries that i have taught in over the years...

...tell me, Mr Formerly Known As, how many country's worth of experience are you drawing these facts from...

...were you formerly know as RhinoAnyWhereElse?

#3 Parent RhenoKorean, Formerly RhenoThai - 2005-07-04
You must be a recruiter - ESL discussion

Trying to sucker people into coming to Thailand? Hmmm....let's look at the facts and see if it makes sense, shall we?

1. You won't get reimbursed for your plane ticket if you go THERE to work instead of a place like South Korea. If you take your teacher training in Thailand and later go to another country that offers reimbursements to teach, you'll get a reimbursement only for the Thailand/new host country leg. If you work in Thailand after your training, you won't get a reimbursement.

2. Most of the schools in Thailand are FAR from any exotic beaches like that in your pic.

3. Pay is mediocre at best in Thailand, so if you need money to pay off student loans, et. al, you'll take 3x longer at least if you work in Thailand.

4. Thailand's pay is about 1/3 the rate in SK. I'm in SK now and I'll take this place over any place in Thailand any day.

5. My SK students are a LOT more serious about learning than my stdents were back in Thailand. I won't go back to Thailand to teach for years, my friend.

6. Most Thai kids are cheats and don't care about learning English. And they'll let you know they don't care about English by how much they act up in your classes.

7. You don't need a TEFL cert for a lot of jobs in MUCH-better-paying SK.

8. Thai hygiene habits are filthy at best.

Go to Thailand to teach? HA! No way, buddy.
Go to Thailand to get a TESOL? NOPE. I'd go to SK and get one FREE. Plus I'll get a job for better pay AND get a flight reimbursement.

Go try to sell your Thailand lie somewhere else.

RhenoKorean, formerly RhenoThai. Emphasis on FORMERLY

#4 Parent Peter - 2005-06-30
You know it makes sense - ESL discussion *Link* *Picture*

euroteacher - 2005-06-29
rather be teaching or training in thailand beautiful beaches - ESL discussion *Picture*

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