Return to Index › Getting rid of an accent - ESL discussion
#1 Parent RhenoKorean - 2005-07-06
Go live in Boston for a year - ESL discussion

Sure. Go live in Boston for about a year.

#2 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2005-07-01
Why....? - ESL discussion

Why would you want to get rid of your accent?
I know it's your choice ,after all it's YOUR accent.
However , EVERYBODY has an accent.I know I certainly have, and I'm very proud of it.

For the classroom it is good for all of us to tone our accents down a bit, especially if our accents are thick, so that the students are able to understand us.

I'm sure you're proud of your accent too. Rosa,If you want to teach ESL please don't think you have to sacrifice a part of yourself and your identify.

English is a LANGUAGE, not an ACCENT! An East coast/ Hispanic accent is as good as any other!

#3 Parent Rosa - 2005-06-30
NYor(k)Rican Accent - ESL discussion

Any tips on how to get rid of my east coast/hispanic accent?

#4 Parent JO 753 - 2005-03-28
Getting rid of an accent - ESL discussion

They can watch movies and TV shows from England and America.

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