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#1 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-05-01
Re: Abuse of trust?

To be honest, too many people complain about the stereotypical scumbag heavy drinking, faux rebelliously weed smoking, womanising FTs. The holier than thou types are arguably worse in my opinion, being in China seems to give them a false sense of authority, a moral high ground. The problem could be that China seems to attract failures of a relatively middle class variety, who don’t seem to know that in the real world, their Western values aren’t as universally accepted as they might think.

Don’t forget the ‘only here for one year to get the China stamp’ crew either. Then, you’ve got those who unconditionally believe everything in China to be perfect and great. Very few ever seem to develop any kind of understanding it seems.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-19
Re: Abuse of trust?

Glad to hear you're honest, I cannot say the same for some posters who want to go on witch hunts towards other regulars and when things don't work out for them sulk off to other forums that get visited by like 2 people every 2 leap years.

As for the age issue, I always use the USA standard both official and non-official. For the official version it is anyone below the age of 18 is untouchable. The more nonofficial version would be for people who are still considered young like under 35 you should probably date within a 3-4 year age range as that would be best. But understandably in the ESL world this can be stretched, and I would tolerate up to a 10 year difference. Someone told me for older gents who are perhaps over 40 that you should divide your age by half and add 8 years to calculate the appropriate age of the woman you are supposed to be dating, but that in itself would make many of the less prude who may not be bad people go all up in arms a bit. But any age ending with "teen" at the end to me is someone who is still a bit too wet around the ears and I would not be able to relate well to them. For me, you should at least understand and connect with someone who you want to hook up with, just my opinion.

#3 Parent snow beer - 2013-04-18
Re: Great post on the pedophiles

this topic could be kept going over, but the old maxim, don't leave any turds in your own swimming pool, or don't crap in your own backyard comes to mind. Plenty of nice girls outside of campus or school.

#4 Parent Curious - 2013-04-18
Re: Abuse of trust?

I don't have any problems about rejecting the advances from students older than myself because they're normally toothless with walking sticks.

#5 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-18
Re: Abuse of trust?

I’ve actually refused advances from students that are older than me, because I don’t want such conflicts of interest.

I don't have any problems about rejecting the advances from students older than myself because they're normally toothless with walking sticks.

The post subject lines are becoming quite nauseating, like- Paedophiles, or breach of trust, and so on. When we are arguing the toss about whether or not one should be bedding ones students, we assume we are talking about 22 year old university students (or even 20) We are talking about grown up women are we not? Now, for and against arguments concerning dating university students are perfectly acceptable, but some warped minds wish to twist things, for reasons best known to themselves(not talking about you personally) How on earth did paedophilia come into it? Whose fault was that? Even if you argue that 22 year olds are not grown up, because they are Chinese or some such reason, how the dickens can paedophilia have any place in the argument, or the subject line?

#6 Parent Curious - 2013-04-18
Re: Abuse of trust?

I’ve actually refused advances from students that are older than me, because I don’t want such conflicts of interest.

I agree.

#7 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-04-18
Re: Abuse of trust?

The age of consent in China is 14, so people sleeping with 15 year old could arguably (arguably being the important word) be said not to be paedophillia. Although personally I would say that such young women, even the older looking ones, would not to be to my taste as a pair of slightly large breasts a true woman does not make. I could even consider the same logic applying to 18 to 20 year old ladies too, mental and emotional maturity is important. And let’s face it, if you’ve never bashed out to an 18 year old bird on a porno before, you are either boring or just lying. So is paedophillia, the real issue? I’m not sure.

The greater issue of concern should be abusing a position of trust, a doctor shouldn’t sleep with his patients, therefore a teacher probably shouldn’t sleep with his students right? I’ve actually refused advances from students that are older than me, because I don’t want such conflicts of interest. But saying no to certain bored housewives can be difficult. However I admit that, I’m not here to claim the prize for best morals, lol.

#8 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-18
Re: Great post on the pedophiles

BTW, glad that your country had the sense not to send one of their high-level govt figures to London for the Iron Lady's Burial. O'bama's no fool, he's an academic!

To suggest that an academic can't be a fool, could be said, is a foolish thing to say hahaha.


Are you talking about the same Silverboy who is on record as saying, "bonk that student ASAP" at the time of the London Girl Craig onslaught...or perhaps that was another Silverboy and not our current manifestation....or could it be that you are just closing rank?

#9 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-18
Re: Great post on the pedophiles

e had stated that he dated a student at the university where he was working but that student was not in any of his classes. Silverboy

Exactly, he did state exactly that he's dated a student where he worked. The fact that the student was not in the exact class he taught has what significance????????????? It doesn't sound like a moral thing, more one of not being found out, hahaha

#10 Parent foxy - 2013-04-18
Re: Great post on the pedophiles

Then please find that post where Silverboy actually said he was having sex with a student that he himself was teaching, please. I don't remember seeing that. He had stated that he dated a student at the university where he was working but that student was not in any of his classes.

I don't remember Siverboy having posted that kind of post either! In fact, if I'd seen it, I'd have replied to berate him! Pathetic that gws are now misquoting their detractors. But that's the dirty tricks they'll resort to in an attempt to discredit Silverboy and his like. That's just like what happens in politics.
BTW, glad that your country had the sense not to send one of their high-level govt figures to London for the Iron Lady's Burial. O'bama's no fool, he's an academic!

#11 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-18
Re: Great post on the pedophiles

Then please find that post where Silverboy actually said he was having sex with a student that he himself was teaching, please. I don't remember seeing that. He had stated that he dated a student at the university where he was working but that student was not in any of his classes. Silverboy has been saying as far back as 2007 that it is stupid to copulate with students that you teach yourself. Seems like you didn't read the earlier posts.

#12 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-17
Re: Great post on the pedophiles

To me, some of the very accusers who decided to take up the witch hunt against mainly Silverboy and ended up including everyone including you and me who supported Silverboy's position that he never actually had sex with any of his own students are covering something up, mainly that they themselves were having sex with their own students!

Not what he said a while ago- there was this one inky dinky student- am I right or am I right? More power to his elbow for that I say. The moving finger writes and having writ...............

#13 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-17
Re: Great post on the pedophiles

To me, some of the very accusers who decided to take up the witch hunt against mainly Silverboy and ended up including everyone including you and me who supported Silverboy's position that he never actually had sex with any of his own students are covering something up, mainly that they themselves were having sex with their own students!

When you try to discredit someone, by default the followers of the post will have their attention directed AWAY from your own past, personal actions. "londongirl", "clyde", and "woodbine willie" all found it okay to believe that their statements were the end of all authority on other people, but never actually came out with what they did. Although the "clyde" poster did mention about a couple of his former colleagues who attempted to engage in fornicating with Chinese girls as young as 15 he did not mention where this took place, neither did he show that he actually engaged in a conflict resolution that would have properly compensated the victims of this crime. In fact, he blatantly stated in one of his posts that these colleagues or pretend "teachers" were people whom he considered friends. This for me shows that "clyde" may very well have not only personally enabled this behavior, but actively condoned or worst of all participated in it, and was only using the supposed "outsider's" point of argument to slide the fact that he was having sex with his own students. Accusing others of doing the very sinful action that you engaged in yourself is a rather unoriginal way of doing a cover up. The month of June 2012 certainly will go down on this board's history as a time when a couple of very sinister characters came on here to flaunt their unapologetic standpoint on actions which can be considered heinous. It was too bad we lost a good poster in Cunning Linguist who decided this place had become too sinister and that he could no longer trust both sides, not that there were any to begin with. Bad, very bad people with an ulterior agenda came on here to try and create a conflict so that a bigger smoke screen for future attacks and making this an easier place for weasels to come back and abuse others were carried out.

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