Return to Index › Things to bring to China from Canada - ESL discussion
#1 Parent Robert Cuthbert - 2005-07-09
Zibo, Shandong province, P.R. China - ESL discussion

Another thing you might want to think about is kitchen sponges, good ones.

#2 Parent Monica & Fayaz GREAT Experienced Teachers! www.conkaba.piczo.com - 2005-07-07
Thanks for the great info! - ESL discussion

Woa! no deoderant, didn't know that, thanks Madison! You have been very helpful! Anyone else have info on what to bring?

#3 Parent madison - 2005-07-06
stuff to bring to china - ESL discussion

i would have to say the one thing you would HAVE to bring is deoderant!! in china they dont have any sort of anti-perspirant or regular deoderant you would get in canada. so bring enough for the length of your stay or get someone to send you some while you are over in china.
as for personal items, bring pictures of friends and family, always helpful in those "home-sick" times.i also brought pictures of my home area to show the students and teachers.music as well.
im from canada and came over here teaching primary school so i stocked up on little things from the dollar store, anything canadian(i would reccommend 1 cent stamps, canadian pins you can get at your local MLA office, canada calenders for gifts)
as for food, if theres anything that you can live without i would say bring it! but you can get some western products such as peanut butter, jam, mayo, and in the bigger cities you can get anything you would get in canada as well. i brought coffee(ground) because you can only get instant coffee here (with the exception of the bigger cities) and a french press.
i hope this helps! good luck in china!

Monica and Fayaz www.conkaba.piczo.com GREAT Teachers! - 2005-06-29
Things to bring to China from Canada - ESL discussion

Hello, we are planning on moving to Xiamen, China. What would be some good things to bring from home? gifts? things we might miss, food? clothing? medicine? just everything!?! Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your help!

Monica and Fayaz

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