Return to Index › How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard
#1 Parent Faith, hope and clarity - 2013-05-14
Re: UK State Pension update

A check of the government website produced the following:

Pension Claim Line 0800 731 7898 (to claim by phone ) 8am - 8pm

emai:l tvp.internationalquerie at thepensionservice.gsi.gov.uk / england code from 44 191 218 7777 8am - 8 pm ( Newcastle).

There is also a handy guide to completing the International Claim Form available as a PDF should you need to do this. The form itself is 25 pages long, but if you provide the doumentation asked for ( i.e birth certificate, marriage or divorce documents etc) the the form is straightforward and only a few sections need to be completed. It all depends on your current circumstances and t may be possible to do everything by phone.

The pension will be paid into your bank account and converted to local currency. Payment schedule is either every 4 weeks or every 13 weeks - in arrears.

#2 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Thanks for these links mike, a useful service to all us Brits.

My pleasure.. But as I keep saying please do check with HMRC as the rules have a habit of being fiddled with..

#3 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

The only question would be is how or where to make the payment? If it needs to be from a UK bank account, that might be troublesome for an FT in China with only a chinese bank card, unless a western union transfer or bank money transfer would suffice? Again, clarity of information, I can agree with foxy here, it is a nightmare at times.

Problem with a UK bank account for payments is the charges for withdrawals using ATM's in China and also you might need to tell the UK bank where you are so they know it is you making the withdrawals overseas.. Worst case could be that the bank put a stop on your account and make you go through the Labours of Hercules to get it un-stopped..

I think that the Pension Service will pay direct into a foreign bank account - but this needs checking too

#4 Parent San Migs Pale - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

True, but things happen.

My point still stands, I bet the amount of FT's with 50,000 rmb in savings is in a minority, except for perhaps foxy who has retired.

Silverboys story of the ft without even 100 rmb is a pertinent one. Seems some people need to learn how to live frugally and within their means and save money.

#5 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Pray tell, sans rental income, seems impossible to me.

But then I have met chinese migrant workers with more saved in RMB on their bank card than many drunken womanizing ft's in China could ever save.

By following your good example to us all San Mig. I recall that you returned to England for best part of a year and managed to eke out all the dosh you saved in China to support yourself, until your next China gig- where did you say, South of China? Now, if you hadn't of gorn home for a year, you'd have been able to pay the government for your pension.

#6 Parent San Migs Pale - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Thanks for these links mike, a useful service to all us Brits.

#7 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Thank you, that could be useful-maybe I will bring my son's contributions up to date, all 15 years-worth.

#8 Parent San Migs Pale - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Pray tell, sans rental income, seems impossible to me.

But then I have met chinese migrant workers with more saved in RMB on their bank card than many drunken womanizing ft's in China could ever save.

#9 Parent San Migs Pale - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

I agree the problem is the clarity and ease of which it can be done.

Banks can be frustrating to deal with, again not personal, just ask foxy of his troubles!

#10 Parent San Migs Pale - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

I read a book about that, Britain very nearly became a fascist society like germany and italy and others.

#11 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Right you are. If you are correct about only having to pay £130 for each year to catch up, it would be wise for an FT who has even been away in China for ten years to hand over the £1300. You brought up some interesting stuff, thank you.

Here is the link to the Voluntary £130


As ever, I suggest contacting HMRC to check stuff..

#12 Parent San Migs Pale - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard


The only question would be is how or where to make the payment? If it needs to be from a UK bank account, that might be troublesome for an FT in China with only a chinese bank card, unless a western union transfer or bank money transfer would suffice? Again, clarity of information, I can agree with foxy here, it is a nightmare at times.

#13 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Interesting digitalspy link, given Prince Philips connections with the Nazis, and the daily mails right wing stance and support for the royals, I can truly believe it.

It wasn't just the Daily Mail... It was the Daily Mirror and Express too.

Actually Phil the Greek is more "royal" than Frau Windsor... But he wasn't a Nazi, it would have been a bit difficult what with him being in the royal Navy, although I agree some of his relatives were Nazis, which goes to prove that "you can pick your friends but not your family".

#14 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

I have always paid my contribution when away from UK.

Even on chinese FT salary? How pray tell then did you save money, last I checked the pensions department or whatever they name themselves require either a annual or monthly payment

Surely paying around £130 a year plus Bank transfer fees affordable on an FT's salary?

#15 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Even on chinese FT salary? How pray tell then did you save money, last I checked the pensions department or whatever they name themselves require either a annual or monthly payment

Maybe I'm a rental income man like some other posters hahahaha. As for the method- well, nobody comes to China without a debit card or cheque book- do they?

#16 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

I suppose if a retuning expat can't access benefits such as NHS hospital treatment, or can't be housed as one of the UK's many housing welfare recipients for one reason or another, he can always commit a crime that will guarantee a custodial sentence as a last resort. He can be detained at Her Majesty's 'Pleasure'. At least the UK has a safety net of a kind in place for its impoverished passport holders, unlike most Asian countries.

Only problem is that unless you get a life sentence, you could be out after 25% of sentence served, that is "good behaviour release"

But I am sure that returning UK citizen who has been paying into UK can get Housing Help, as long as you turn up at your old Local Council and have family links to that area.. It would only be a Bed and Breakfast Hotel though.

Best idea would be to return not to UK but to work in Europe and build up from there before going back to UK..

#17 Parent foxy - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

I suppose if a retuning expat can't access benefits such as NHS hospital treatment, or can't be housed as one of the UK's many housing welfare recipients for one reason or another, he can always commit a crime that will guarantee a custodial sentence as a last resort.

Yep, Mark. You're right. Desperately impoverished Brit expats who have returned to Blighty have this option if the welfare state refuses to assist them. In jail will mean free grub, free accommodation and free medical attention of a higher quality than that available in many countries outside the UK to such people. What's more, I would think the palliative care one would receive in the UK on the NHS would be much better than that available to poor expats in Asia.

#18 Parent Faith, hope, and clarity - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroad

What drew me to your post was the broad subject heading, "How the State Pension is paid if you live abroad", which you then referenced to China. It was useful that you raised this issue as it has generated several more posts that give further detail.

I would agree "...that them sending you a cheque could be very handy for those British FT's who lack a debit card to withdraw their pensions?" I would just add that you may also would need to check your tax status. This is of course is dependent on your taxable income and allowances.


The other issue is that of the currency exchange rate in force when you do the exchange, and bank charges when using a debit card. Sterling is low at the moment £1 = 9.46 rmb today.

#19 Parent Mark - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

I suppose if a retuning expat can't access benefits such as NHS hospital treatment, or can't be housed as one of the UK's many housing welfare recipients for one reason or another, he can always commit a crime that will guarantee a custodial sentence as a last resort. He can be detained at Her Majesty's 'Pleasure'. At least the UK has a safety net of a kind in place for its impoverished passport holders, unlike most Asian countries.

#20 Parent San Migs Draft - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

I have always paid my contribution when away from UK.

Even on chinese FT salary? How pray tell then did you save money, last I checked the pensions department or whatever they name themselves require either a annual or monthly payment

#21 Parent San Migs Draft - 2013-04-23
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Interesting digitalspy link, given Prince Philips connections with the Nazis, and the daily mails right wing stance and support for the royals, I can truly believe it.

#22 Parent foxy - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

I was just using the Daily Mail article as an example. I think the 'bedroom tax' is the main issue that has angered many British people. The link below is a good listen in my view re the recent austerity measures that have been introduced by the government of the day.


#23 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Now I know what the 53 quid /week was about!


Ahh I see.. Two things

1. Ian Duncan Smith is a Tory idiot - he is busy cutting benefits which I do admit have got out of control because some people with heaps of kids can get quite a lot though.. It is a Tory stunt that they tried out in the 1980's to show that "Rich MP's" do know how to live, for maybe a week, like common poor people who don't vote Tory anyway

2. The Daily Mail is a crap newspaper read by busybodies and net curtain twitchers, incidentally as an example of the Daily Mail's readership - it supported Hitler before the 1939 war... http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1402430

#24 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

But above all - Don't read stuff on a forum and believe - Always check something this important with a factotum at the Pension Service.

Right you are. If you are correct about only having to pay £130 for each year to catch up, it would be wise for an FT who has even been away in China for ten years to hand over the £1300. You brought up some interesting stuff, thank you.

#25 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Further to what you have posted, I wonder what a Chinese wife in China could receive, if anything, from the UK if her Brit pensioner husband died there! Another thing is if an old Brit with little savings who had been living abroad became seriously ill in China, and returned to the UK without having any property there, could he get free NHS treatment and/or free housing? Or would he be left in the mire by social services? Couldn't be deported, anyway.

NHS is free to all UK citizens but remember there are rules on Non Domiciled and Resident etc..etc.. http://www.res-non-dom.barclays.com/moving-to-england/ look down to "Thinks to think about"

Maybe a trip to the UK Embassy would be in order to find out more or to get who to contact..

#26 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

This is interesting. Now your figure is right, but I know you will get extra if you are married even if your wife is 40 years your junior- well, you will if you live in the UK; but what about Foxy Poster, will he get extra for his Chinese wife, both of them living in China? I know that i will be getting more than the £110.15- I assume that's because i have a Chinese wife. I have always paid my contribution when away from UK.

Usually the State Pension is based upon a total of 30 years of National Insurance Contributions, I have heard that the 30 years will be amended to 35 years at some point in the future.

Yes the married state pension is more than the weekly amount, however I'm not sure of the rules on a married couple where one is a non UK citizen and where they live overseas. Here is a link to check the details https://www.gov.uk/state-pension-if-you-retire-abroad/how-to-claim

You're right about retiring in UK because your wife would then be eligible for UK citizenship in that case I think you would be advised to get in touch with the Pension Service and pay any missing (at her age) National Insurance on her behalf in a lump sum, then she would be building up an entitlement to a State Pension.. I think the missing years payment would only be £130 per year..

But above all - Don't read stuff on a forum and believe - Always check something this important with a factotum at the Pension Service.

#27 Parent Mark - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

This is interesting. Now your figure is right, but I know you will get extra if you are married even if your wife is 40 years your junior- well, you will if you live in the UK; but what about Foxy Poster, will he get extra for his Chinese wife, both of them living in China? I know that i will be getting more than the £110.15- I assume that's because i have a Chinese wife. I have always paid my contribution when away from UK.

Further to what you have posted, I wonder what a Chinese wife in China could receive, if anything, from the UK if her Brit pensioner husband died there! Another thing is if an old Brit with little savings who had been living abroad became seriously ill in China, and returned to the UK without having any property there, could he get free NHS treatment and/or free housing? Or would he be left in the mire by social services? Couldn't be deported, anyway.

#28 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Thanks for posting. I had heard on the BBC World Service online somebody bemoaning 53 quid a week what I had presumed a pension payment. I dunno how I posted 53 quid/month? A slip of the pen! Now i'm wondering what the 53 quid a week was in relation to!

Could be anything, £53 is a funny amount, could be heating costs or maybe beer money.

#29 Parent foxy - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Thanks for posting. I had heard on the BBC World Service online somebody bemoaning 53 quid a week what I had presumed a pension payment. I dunno how I posted 53 quid/month? A slip of the pen! Now i'm wondering what the 53 quid a week was in relation to!

#30 Parent foxy - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard
#31 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

I believe the UK's austerity measures means the maximum state pension is only 53 quid/month.

£53.00 a month? I don't think so....

Its £110.15 per week at present...
Obviously retiring in China, a non reciprocal agreement country, means a frozen pension at the point you left UK and you need 30 years contributions for the full amount..

And if a retiree defers their pension claim for a few years, then they can get an enhanced pension or lump sum..
https://www.gov.uk/deferring-state-pension Not sure how that works with a "frozen pension" though.

This is interesting. Now your figure is right, but I know you will get extra if you are married even if your wife is 40 years your junior- well, you will if you live in the UK; but what about Foxy Poster, will he get extra for his Chinese wife, both of them living in China? I know that i will be getting more than the £110.15- I assume that's because i have a Chinese wife. I have always paid my contribution when away from UK.

#32 Parent MikeK - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

I believe the UK's austerity measures means the maximum state pension is only 53 quid/month.

£53.00 a month? I don't think so....

Its £110.15 per week at present...
Obviously retiring in China, a non reciprocal agreement country, means a frozen pension at the point you left UK and you need 30 years contributions for the full amount..

And if a retiree defers their pension claim for a few years, then they can get an enhanced pension or lump sum..
https://www.gov.uk/deferring-state-pension Not sure how that works with a "frozen pension" though.

#33 Parent foxy - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroad

Thanks for expanding on what I had posted in this thread. Personally, I've a few years to wait until I reach 65 or 67 (God willing?), or whatever age my state pension would become available to me. So, I haven't looked into the state pension payments to expat oldtimers residing in the PRC in detail. Another reason, a minor one in my case why I haven't done so is that my contributions have been made over a much shorter period back in Blighty, which would mean my pension would be less than 1/2 what most UK citizens could get back home.

At present I receive a superannuated teachers' pension here in the PRC. At first I was told I could only get monthly payments into a BOC account here. But now, after complaining and protracted unpleasantness over bungling re SPPA and their appointed bank, Citibank , I was offered annual payments in arrears, which I have gladly accepted. That means that my relatively young Chinese wife will be able to get that too after my death, albeit at 60% of what I receive. It's very good that unlike the state pension, those payments aren't frozen. I also receive another occupational pension annually into my BOC account, since I became 50, that one annually, also not frozen. The SPPA at first wouldn't budge....... some progress, pilgrim's progress perhaps!

#34 Parent San Migs Draft - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

The fact that the UK has the highest proportion of impoverished children of all the first-world countries is another indicator as well as the widening wealth gap between the rich and the poor which casts a shadow over the govt of the day

Perhaps, but in which country would you rather be an impoverished child, the UK or elsewhere? You maintain there is not a better deal for teaching english in China, and with my present job in south china, I am inclined to agree, although I don't agree it pays the best, especially for younger FT's or those who need/want to make savings, but perhaps o/t. I maintain an impoverished kid in the UK is better off than in India or parts of a certain country we both know well. Wealth gap, not only unique to the UK either, one country has men who can never get married, and imagine the simmering powderkeg of anger, jealousy and resentment that is building. Quid pro quo in my book....

happy snow beer drinking

#35 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroad

The payment of the UK state pension to those retiring abroad is not new and was agreed in 1955.

Yes i know-but I didn't know that they will send you a cheque in UK currency to your address in China. Anyway, not every-body has seen the good information that yourself and Foxy Poster have submitted, so no harm in my saying it again-am i right or am I right? Would you agree that them sending you a cheque could be very handy for those British FT's who lack a debit card to withdraw their pensions?

#36 Parent Faith, hope, and clarity - 2013-04-22
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroad

It pays to read all the information on state pension payments for expats rather than make it seem a simple matter. The poster Foxy has added some information that I will will extend.

The payment of the UK state pension to those retiring abroad is not new and was agreed in 1955.

Even though agreements have been signed with a number of countries, the picture is one of complexity and will have a significant impact on expats.

Retiring in the US, European Union, Israel or the Philippines for example, will mean the state pension will get increased in line with inflation.

However, in Australia, Canada, South Africa and 170 other countries including China it is different, especially as China has not signed any agreements with the UK on social security. In essence, even if you are able to get the pension paid to you in those countries including China, it will be frozen at either the date you arrived in that country or the date when you applied to receive the pension, regardless of how much you have paid in contributions through National Insurance. So over time the actual value of that pension will reduce.

Hope that makes it clear.

#37 Parent Curious - 2013-04-21
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Informative post. Thanks.

#38 Parent foxy - 2013-04-21
Re: How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

Expats living in China receiving UK pensions get frozen pensions. The pension remains fixed at the amount it was during the first year it was paid. A group of expat pensioners took the UK govt to the Eurpoean Court of Human Rights a few years ago. The judgment was that they had a case. The lawyers representing the UK govt said the UK couldn't afford to pay all expats abroad unfrozen pemsions. The judges ruled in favor of the UK govt. Expats abroad who choose to live in countries who haven't signed an agreement with the UK govt re reciprocal index-linked state pensions will lose out financially.

I believe the UK's austerity measures means the maximum state pension is only 53 quid/month. The fact that the UK has the highest proportion of impoverished children of all the first-world countries is another indicator as well as the widening wealth gap between the rich and the poor which casts a shadow over the govt of the day.

Beelzebub - 2013-04-21
How the State Pension is paid if you live abroard

This is gay news for us ageing FT's who may wish to retire in China. Look at the second paragraph; they will send you a cheque in UK currency which you can just trot down to Bank of China.

How the State Pension is paid if you live abroad

Your State Pension can be paid directly into a bank or building society account. You can use a bank or building society in the UK, or a bank in the country in which you live. In most countries, the money will be automatically converted into the local currency.

Where the country does not have the facilities for direct banking, you can receive your State Pension in the form of a cheque in UK currency. This can be sent every four or 13 weeks either directly to the bank or to your home address. For small amounts of pension, under £5 per week, annual payments may be made, usually at Christmas.

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