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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-05-04
Re: Can't Speak English?

Well having nothing to spend your money isn't always a bad thing, I earned a relatively low salary for a job in the countryside of Hainan, but was able to save a lot of that cash because there was so little to do there. I'm still not sure what will I will do my masters in and if I will carry on teaching, but those figures for Qatar sound nice. I actually enjoyed Doha when I went there too and could actually swap alcohol related partying for Turkish coffee and shisha.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-03
Re: Can't Speak English?

I have not worked in those 2 countries, but I do hear that folks in Qatar make up to 4,000 dollars a month with a master's. As for U.A.E. because of Dubai there are too many expats there and there are many scams. U.A.E. doesn't even bother to advertise their jobs because so many people want to go there. You have to go there yourself and look in the job ads. This is what a former colleague of mine from Saudi Arabia told me. I do know that in Kuwait a guy with a PH.D was making 5,000 dollars a month, on top of that students would offer to pay him 1,000 dollars just to pass them so they can go to a Western University and collect the 2,000 dollar pensions that the government gives to their better students. I would not take bribes nor am I advocating something like this but I do know that the median salary in the middle east is much higher than that of China. Just not a lot of things to spend money on like in Japan or the West.

#3 Parent beelzebub - 2013-05-02
Re: Can't Speak English?

To a certain extent, a few Universities will shell out the dough for PH.D types. I think Turnoi was offered a high paying job by Beijing University a while back that he turned down which would have paid a five figure China salary which could have approached 3,000 USD. I am sure since he said this himself in an earlier post he doesn't mind me bringing it up again, but you need to ask him.

I know Turoi has some PhD's but i don't know if he's a qualified teacher or not- eg, worked in a main Western country teaching in the schools with a certificate to teach in those schools. I don't know if he has to line up with the rest of us plumbers or not-no disrespect meant to him, but 3000 USD as a PHD properly qualified teacher in a main university doesn't sound a lot. China is full of Western FT's who sport genuine PhD's-the trouble is not many of them are proper teachers of which T maybe one of them.we should seek his advice.

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-05-02
Re: Can't Speak English?

How does Qatar and the U.A.E compare to Saudi Arabia in that respect?

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-02
Re: Can't Speak English?

To a certain extent, a few Universities will shell out the dough for PH.D types. I think Turnoi was offered a high paying job by Beijing University a while back that he turned down which would have paid a five figure China salary which could have approached 3,000 USD. I am sure since he said this himself in an earlier post he doesn't mind me bringing it up again, but you need to ask him.

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-02
Re: Can't Speak English?

[edited] Fact is, most people who only have a Bachelor's and a TEFL can make close to 3,000 USD a month if they are willing to put up with the boredom in a place like Saudi Arabia.

#7 Parent juanisaac - 2013-05-02
Re: Can't Speak English?

I don't know Pablo, I know plenty of Filipinos who have lived in the the USA and they don't speak English either. These Filipinos were educated in Filipino schools by non-native English speaking teachers and that has not helped them at all. However, I agree with you that a native-speaker does not a good teacher make. However, even with properly trained teachers, as is the case in China, that does not mean that a person will speak the target language either. You might be a great teacher with proper training, and I give you props for that. However well qualified you are, if I put you head to head with a properly qualified native teacher chances are you will not be as good. In non-native speakers I can see the small mistakes that they make when they speak and write. It is just that they don't know all the nuances of the language. I see Chinese syntax in the things written by Chinese teachers at my school, and they are really good at what they do. Same thing with Filipino teachers. They speak to me in English and then I hear a sentence with a hint of Tagalog and sprinkling of Spanish.

#8 Parent San Migs Draught - 2013-05-01
Re: Can't Speak English?

No they just pay the FT's airfare in advance, regardless of what your degree is. You do need a TEFL though, I do believe Taiwan is the same. Doesn't matter, they just want english teachers. I had my airfare paid to and from Oman, learn some more beyond EFL in China and grow out of your box. In other countries the pay is higher and benefits are conferred.

#9 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-01
Re: Can't Speak English?

While most of the native American teachers here plumbers, electricians, gardeners or waiters whom I guess are having difficulty finding jobs in the U.S. probably because of lack of qualifications.

Ha ha ha, sounds like us lot- we also have Aussie fashion models, sewage workers, undertakers....but all we do is teach oral English and grumble constantly.

#10 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-01
Re: Can't Speak English?

I think you are living on a different planet. I've 9 years experience in this game, and the only place you could earn that money is in the gulf or perhaps Japan. I doubt even South Korea would pay that well anymore.

i admire the way you make a new poster comfortable and welcome right from the first sentence, hahaha.

Maybe those people hire proper teachers like foxy poster- maybe qualified real teachers can command that sort of money, I don't know, does any-body know? it doesn't matter how many degrees you might have, if you haven't been trained in a proper bricks and mortar establishment and have taught in Western schools, you have to line up and be counted with the plumbers-am I right or am i right?

#11 Parent Doncaster Sewage Worker - 2013-05-01
Re: Can't Speak English?

Those who are really trained and qualified American English teachers would rather go to China, Japan or Korea where they can earn 3,000 to 4,000usd.

I think you are living on a different planet. I've 9 years experience in this game, and the only place you could earn that money is in the gulf or perhaps Japan. I doubt even South Korea would pay that well anymore.

Pablo Gravoso - 2013-04-30
Can't Speak English?

It was my first day in school. I just signed up as an ESL teacher in an international school in Phnom Penh to augment my income in the university in Battambang where I've been teaching for three years now.

I was assigned to teach Level 10 ( Intermediate) class.

I asked one of the students for her opinion regarding the topic. She replied, "Can't speak English. Don't know English."

I encouraged her by saying with a smile, "Teacher Pablo believes in you. Don't worry. I will definitely understand you."

On my way home I can't help but compare my school with another school in Battambang. My school has a reputation for hiring only native speakers. In fact, I am the first Asian ESL teacher in that school.

In spite of that I've heard several students say that they can't speak English.

COERR Language Skills Center in Battambang only hires locals. They don't have any foreign teachers. They don't even have Filipino teachers.

The big difference is that I've met a lot of students at COERR who are in level 7 and they are really conversant in English.

This proves that the need to hire native teachers of English is a must is wrong.It is just a myth.

What schools need to do is to hire competent teachers.

Let's take the case of the Philippines for example. I never had native English teacher since the first time I entered school. I learned English in a public school and with Filipino teachers.

In fact, the Philippines never hired foreign teachers. The only time that the Philippines had American English teachers was in 1901 when the U.S. government sent 500 trained teachers to the Philippines. That's just it. After that we were practically on our own.

The difference? The American English teachers who went to the Philippines in 1901 and the teachers at COERR know pedagogy. They were and are trained teachers.

While most of the native American teachers here plumbers, electricians, gardeners or waiters whom I guess are having difficulty finding jobs in the U.S. probably because of lack of qualifications.

Those who are really trained and qualified American English teachers would rather go to China, Japan or Korea where they can earn 3,000 to 4,000usd.

American ESL teachers here in Cambodia earn 800usd to 1200usd.

I am not giving up. This is the reason why I really enjoy my teaching job at UME (University of Management and Economics) in Battambang. I am sure that my students will sooner or later become school administrators. I hope that they will not look at the color of the skin when they hire ESL teachers. They can hire whites, blacks or Asians. It doesn't matter. What is important is that they should look at the qualifications. I am sure though that they will hire teachers based on competencies.

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