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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-06
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA.

I do understand the need to put food on the table, and therefore I am certainly not going to go out and just attack people randomly. I should be a little more clear and say that people who really feel like working at a training center as an honest job would not need to go out of their way to show up others who think it is a bad job. The types I have a problem with are the ones who actively put out some holier than thou attitude for working at a training center and think that makes them better than anyone else. The posters who defend TC's try to put on some meek mask of decency and attempt to come across as harmless, but usually will also carry a passive aggressive attitude towards those they disagree with, certainly a maturity issue. If you are really spending so much time being grateful, then why do you bother to feel the need to be cruel to others who post about bad experiences at other places so nobody honest will have to work there? The pattern of behavior for folks who talk about how proud they are for working at Training Centers is what brings me to this point of contempt. I have worked at Training Centers myself before, and I know from experience that there is no need to praise them in any way whatsoever. I have never praised any company I have worked for, no matter which country it was in. I put in my hours, and I get paid by the company as promised. The fact that there are so many laws that are labor related goes to show you how much companies need to be watched. Who should be grateful to whom? Certainly it isn't the workers who should be singing the praises.

#2 Parent juanisaac - 2013-05-06
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA.

Ain't that the whole concept of having a job, to work hard- or not- to make money for your boss. If you use that definition we are all whores who take money for doing a service.
My mother worked in factories all her life, got paid a measly sum, so thus a whore? I guess I am using hyperbole, but working at a training center, as bad as they are, is not the worst job in the world. I can think of many others far worse, just imagine being a maid in an abusive house or a farm worker anywhere in the world earning very little. I work at a training center and my boss is not so bad. In town, I earn 2-4 times the average worker and even though I am not important or esteemed in society, I do earn my keep by working hard. I don't care how the Chinese think of me or my foreign peers in China. I get satisfaction getting one of my students into a U.S. university by teaching him how to write, speak, and do a speech. He appreciates it.

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-03
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA.

Even with prostitutes, at least they are honest about what they do

Forgive me, but I thought it policy among SH's to claim that nearly all Chinese women are prostitutes and only after your money, and far from honest. In fact one of SB's favourite chat up lines when entertaining the possibilities of matrimony is " You tell me that this is your car and that is your flat, please produce evidence" hahaha-what a character-all good fun though. wo shi dui de hai shi wo shi dui de?

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-03
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA.

Of course, the troll will merely take something you wrote out of context and twist it to try and cut you down to his level. One thing is certain: Those who think they have status working at training centers in China should know that they are lower than any human being with a job in the West and many other parts of the world. Even with prostitutes, at least they are honest about what they do. Some folks who brag about enjoying training centers fail to realize they are covering up the fact that they like to whore to their bosses for money. Just a fact.

#5 Parent beelzebub - 2013-05-02
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA.

I have little guilt in them feeling that I have used them for sex, once I have already ditched them.

You're all heart.

#6 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-05-02
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA.

I thought I had warned you not to frequent these bars and clubs-what do you expect? I wish I could gather a few of you posters together, take you under my wing and teach you how to get on better with the fairer sex without recourse to pink-rooms, sleazy dives, bars and clubs. Apart from anything else, why do you want to go all the way to China and frequent the sort of places that ordinary respectable Chinese women wouldn't be seen dead in anyway.

Haha, once again I'm not going to win the first prize for moral values, but... Don't confuse finding a wife or gf with the simple concept of getting laid. Getting laid is very easy in China, finding the right one for life, isn't.

You somehow fail to realise that we aren't always looking for future wife material, sometimes lads just want to get laid and actually enjoy a good f**k for the fun of it, rather than the dead rock of an 'ordinary respectable Chinese woman' that we often disappointingly find, barely moves an inch in bed. Besides a lot of girls that actually go to clubs and bars (the classier or alternative kind in larger cities, sure) are more likely to be my type. Especially student birds at rock nights, their like of drinking a few beers, friendly openness and not giving a f**k what narrow minded, typical Chinese guys think, just doesn't offend me at all, sorry.

I don't have anything against girls that seek sex for pleasure as long as they aren't blatant whores (because that's what whorehouses are for). Sometimes, you are disappointed to find that they were trying to use you for money, but in such scenarios, I have little guilt in them feeling that I have used them for sex, once I have already ditched them.

#7 Parent SMGS - 2013-05-01
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA.

No more take under my wing nonsense, it was a friends cocktail lounge bar,chinese friend who invited me as the owner, not a nightclub, whole gulf of a difference. Since then I haven't even set foot in a bar, and that was well over a month ago now. Nor did I pay anything.


#8 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-04-30
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA.

First one was in a friends newly opened lounge bar in a smaller city of Guangdong.

I thought I had warned you not to frequent these bars and clubs-what do you expect? I wish I could gather a few of you posters together, take you under my wing and teach you how to get on better with the fairer sex without recourse to pink-rooms, sleazy dives, bars and clubs. Apart from anything else, why do you want to go all the way to China and frequent the sort of places that ordinary respectable Chinese women wouldn't be seen dead in anyway.

#9 Parent San Migs Draft - 2013-04-30
Re: You'll feel happy and gay with a good TA.

You are right again as usual.

Two Chinese girls I met over the past months.

First one was in a friends newly opened lounge bar in a smaller city of Guangdong. She seemed nice at first, even bought me a drink, we had a chat, it only took a matter of minutes for me to form an opinion on her. I asked her what was her job or business? She replied in Chinese and English, I have no job, I don't like or want to work?! I replied, absolutely amazed, but what about money....it did not even enter into her brain, she just basically admitted she is lazy and it is her husband or boyfriends duty to pay for her, if she does not want to work. To be fair she said something like wo bu xiang, literally I not want to work or something along these lines. Never met her again, nor wanted to.

Second girl, again seemed nice at first, until she showed me her brand new iphone 5 paid for her by her dumb boyfriend. I asked her what is her job or career, she was 25, again no job, nor any interest to, living with her mother and father, and having her boyfriend and parents spoil her, no money of her own, a total entitlement mentality. When I realized she was lazy and stupid, was when she insulted a hard working sales girl at a teahouse, who probably was not having an easy time of it, and that is when I basically ignored her from then on. Insulting a girl who works for herself, unbelievable.

These lazy 20 somethings need to get off their ass, nobody owes them anything, if their local boyfriends or some laowai guys are too dumb to pay for them, then heaven help them, I'm DONE!!!!!

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