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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-09
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

I am sorry you had your shirt taken. I hear so many horror stories about both men and women who married non-Chinese. One lady married a Brit, divorced him five years later and remarried the Chinese husband she divorced. Another married another Brit, went to England, became a citizen, never paid the mortgage, skipped out of town with the kid and the guys savings. The guy shot himself. A woman who married a Chinese guy, brought him to Canada, and once he got Canadian permanent residency divorced her. With all new teachers that I meet in China I always tell them the same thing when dating- say no ALOT more than you say yes.
I am sorry to say that Phillipine women come in a close second. It seems here the rule is that you can use a foreigner, but you can't really love them or befriend them.

One of us posters has wearied of China and its women and will be making a new life in the Philippines, but he has yet to update us on that one- guffaw guffaw

Is having your shirt taken, the same as having your shirt lifted, hahaha- was his shirt lifted by the Chinese ex-husband- pretty strange threesome hahaha. Tell you what, you don't get to be an undertaker or a sewage worker by getting your shirt lifted hahaha

#2 Parent juanisaac - 2013-05-09
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

I am sorry you had your shirt taken. I hear so many horror stories about both men and women who married non-Chinese. One lady married a Brit, divorced him five years later and remarried the Chinese husband she divorced. Another married another Brit, went to England, became a citizen, never paid the mortgage, skipped out of town with the kid and the guys savings. The guy shot himself. A woman who married a Chinese guy, brought him to Canada, and once he got Canadian permanent residency divorced her. With all new teachers that I meet in China I always tell them the same thing when dating- say no ALOT more than you say yes.
I am sorry to say that Phillipine women come in a close second. It seems here the rule is that you can use a foreigner, but you can't really love them or befriend them.

#3 Parent graham - 2013-05-06
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

I totally agree...Chinese women are crazy. They have little up top in terms of originality, completely lack depth and money is their God. I have been to China many times, had several chinese gfs, and even made the mistake of marrying one (yes,she took all my money too after I divorced her!) The Chinese can not say sorry. To do so is to lose face. I would never fo with a Chinese woman again.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-01-02
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

Some young Chinese women will literally throw themselves at any foreigner in China, marry him to get to the west, and divorce two years later, once they've got their western citizenhip and spent all his hard-earned. Then they'll marry a young westerner over there. Needless to say, they'll waste his money too

I can believe this. Once they get out of university, the educated ones who have studied english or foreign trade can be even worst.

#5 Parent foxy - 2012-01-02
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

After several times in China teaching, no one ever made a pass at me or tried to marry me.

That is indeed very fortunate for you.
If you need a Chinese girlfriend/wife, it's far better if you look for one yourself, rather than to wait for one to find you. When the fair sex does the chasing, re a westerner, there's usually an angle for their benefit driving it. And that will probably compromise your own interests. That said, Western males should exercise caution with all women, but especially with Asian females. Golddiggers in that group abound!

#6 Parent Johnson - 2012-01-01
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

Interesting observations. After several times in China teaching, no one ever made a pass at me or tried to marry me. Ah well, it can't be helped.

#7 Parent China Mick - 2011-12-25
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!


#8 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-25
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!



This book may also interest you!

#9 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-25
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!


You are right. It is fair to say the me me me mentality of Chinese girls is far from abating. I have heard real nightmare stories about the filipinas also.

A british guy I know has the same dilemma as you posted. He is 14 years older than his 30 something chinese wife, and dreads she will flee if he returns to his native england,,,a possibility for sure!

#10 Parent foxy - 2011-12-24
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

I have no sympathy for foreign men who marry Chinese women and bring them back to the West and get themselves into trouble. Marry in China, live in China, those who don't are foolish and greedy.

you are right!
Some young Chinese women will literally throw themselves at any foreigner in China, marry him to get to the west, and divorce two years later, once they've got their western citizenhip and spent all his hard-earned. Then they'll marry a young westerner over there. Needless to say, they'll waste his money too. Young Filipinas are just as avaricious and full of hard luck stories as Chinese girls, so I've been told.
When any Asian girl starts to tell you her hard-luck stories, or complains constantly about her hometown, it's time to bresk up with her.

#11 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-24
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

As for men who want to bring Chinese women back to the West, well, they should be able to get a tourist visa, but should be denied permanent residence, and should not be able to gain citzenship.

You make some interesting points, but do you mean denying the man citizenship of his own country here or the woman?

#12 Parent China Mick. - 2011-12-24
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

It is about time Western countries started to take a hard line with immigrants, especially Chinese people. I have noticed recently it is starting to happen. The Chinese must realize they have no special rights, and refusing them a visa is one way to get the message through.

As for men who want to bring Chinese women back to the West, well, they should be able to get a tourist visa, but should be denied permanent residence, and should not be able to gain citzenship.

I have no sympathy for foreign men who marry Chinese women and bring them back to the West and get themselves into trouble. Marry in China, live in China, those who don't are foolish and greedy.

#13 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-24
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

And I have mostly stayed in the public sector, but never been a gw TC teacher, while teaching with L's.

Your experiences sound like mine. Never worked at a training centre full time,prefer working at public unis the most, although the students there can also be annoying.

#14 Parent foxy - 2011-12-24
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

Yeah, you can get a 5 year D visa if you got a chinese wife.

Not as easy as you think, but you can screw the system if you have one by teaching unimpeded on L's. You don't know the half of it, mate!
Plenty smalltime agents, and schools in a jam coz laowai lied and didn't turn up to take jobs, that'll employ you and use special relationships to cover your ass. Rules are bent by the authorities in China as needs be, with no repercussions for laowai. And I have mostly stayed in the public sector, but never been a gw TC teacher, while teaching with L's.
BTW, pal. If you can, you should sue that gw scumbag. We don't need his kind in China.

#15 Parent San Migs - 2011-12-24
Re: Beware crazy Chinese women!

For those who are granted "leave to enter" the UK it is possible to apply for permanent resdency after two years, subject to all the checks and balances.

Wonderful, isn't it?

Despite being a crowded island nation, we still welcome immigrants. Unlike China where we have to work to get a work visa, business visas are limited, and green cards are nigh on impossible to come by. Yeah, you can get a 5 year D visa if you got a chinese wife...but you can't work or do business on that!!!

An american guy I knew, got raided for running a training centre in his wifes shop. He pleaded to the cops, how am I supposed to support my wife and her son, if I can't work, LOL!

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