Return to Index › Re: Avoid TeachingGD and South China Normal University
#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-10
Re: Avoid TeachingGD and South China Normal University

I am used to reputable schools and companies paying for my travel and lodging expenses when they ask me to travel a long way for an interview even if it isn't sure that they will hire me in the end.

Maybe you have a bit more clout on account of having a doctorate Turnoi, but i know what I know, and I know that it will be a cold day in hell before a Chinese school pays a normal FT up-front for his expenses. It's not good advice to hand out that an FT should hold out for his air fare before he goes anywhere- he may never leave his home port. What should be the case is airy-fairy- or hairy-fairy if you like to cross-dress hahaha.

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