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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-13
Re: Picky and perhaps also tricky!

This post is more of a response towards Turnoi's post. Without Japan's money in the late 70's and the technology of the USA from the last twenty years china would not be where she is now. Economically china is joined at the hip with the USA as well as with the west in general. Anyone has a right to choose to work anywhere, it's how you see things that separates you from the disbelievers. Working or not working in China does not take away from how good (or how bad) of a person you are. Someone who lived a life honestly will not change their own values, and their posts will reflect as much. On the other hand someone who did not take life too seriously to the detriment of their own socio-economic well being will not be so forthright about speaking out once they have found someone willing to give them bread, and their posts will reflect this as well. A funny thing I see is some posters who want to claim themselves as being older, which they hope will give them more leverage; well if you're so much wiser because of age, why do you blindly defend such a big place as only being good? You are cutting out and intimidating others from making their points on the ills and the places to avoid working at.

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-13
Re: Picky and perhaps also tricky!

It's a mindset matter determined by sociocultural tradition in a certain society, I guess. This morning, I heard a young Chinese woman say in a television report that she needs to marry a rich, powerful man. The social status of a man to marry still seems to a play key role in this mindset pattern, and all these emotional things like feeling of love then seem to count a bit less. It is a similar mindset pattern that you can still find definitely in Korean and Japanese cultures, and probably in a couple of other cultures (e.g., Vietnamese), too.

In China, abortion in case of a female foetus seems to be still quite common. Demographically, it means there are more men than women, or in other words: There is a shortage of women. In that case, it works like everything else on a "market": women can afford to be really picky!

I can't argue with your assessment. Do you feel that FT's are wittingly or unwittingly helping this sorry state of affairs to continue? Is the other poster of the same opinion-we should ask him, no? Is working for an evil regime(as you believe it to be) aiding it, helping to sustain it? In your opinion(and we should also ask the other poster) should oral English teachers boycott China? Would that be the right and the honest thing to do? Or, is grumbling all that we should contribute- will that be sufficient to save our mortal souls? Are FT's taking the devil's own pieces of gold?

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