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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-14
Re: So who are you talking about exactly?

This is the 3rd time I have tried posting a response. Hopefully the admins will finally let this post on the board.

You shouldn't fester on things, Dragonised; that was a month ago that Foxy submission. I am often edited out..ME! with all the sensible stuff I have to say!-it doesn't worry me in the slightest-just aim for a 90% success rate- am i right or am I right?

I am bound to say that Foxy Poster does have a knack of getting at the truth-he's a bit of a wise Scot. I am afraid he has a certain advantage over the rest us being a properly qualified teacher, as well as a native born speaker...I'm afraid it shows. He corrected my English a little while ago, which i thanked him for....if one is never corrected or one does not tolerate correction, one never learns- am I right or am I right? Don't take things so much to heart , dear boy.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-13
Re: So who are you talking about exactly?

This is the 3rd time I have tried posting a response. Hopefully the admins will finally let this post on the board.

I am certainly not paranoid. I do see you as being like this, though. I have refrained from using the term "grovelling weasel" now as I know you are the one who came up with this term when you were posting under a different alias a few years back (assuming this is the same "foxy" I am speaking to). Your own two sided ways are getting a bit tiresome, and I have lost respect for you.

I certainly do not have any skeletons in my closet, and frankly for you to slander someone like this is a bit despicable. I have taken what rightfully belonged to me in the past, and I stand by my decisions even if they pissed off some people who may have held some power. I don't know if you would have had the guts to do it though, seeing how inconsistent your posts have been for the last several months. What is seen as as stain in your eyes with regards to other people's personal histories can also be seen as an ethical stand against corruption towards a non-ethical entity made up of various parties both local (in this case, Chinese) and foreign. That you would try to use this as a form of blackmail and attempt to control the direction of my posts shows an amorality on your part that you never grew out of.

On a final note, newer posters should be aware of the fact that this board is not always so black and white. But there are folks who want to see a constant conflict, one in which they may take opportunities from to make themselves look credible. Any board who tries to hold someone's past decisions and experiences against them without proper explanation needs to be questioned in terms of their legitimacy, which sadly I am now just finding out. For example, recent attitudes towards the blacklisting of teachers have reflected the fact that most posters will take a rather impersonal attitude, as if the teachers who've had this happen to them do not deserve much sympathy nor benefits of doubt. I can say for a fact that teachers still can obtain legal work (as in Z Visa and getting their Foreign Experts Certificate) even if they have been screwed over like this. Those who think they are good enough to be snide towards other people trying to make a living should know you are still working as a laowai teacher in a developing country, which is not going to impress anyone who values performance in an individual.

#3 Parent San Migs Draft - 2013-04-25
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

Caused by one of their own, and a lack of obedience of safety rules, morecambe bay is notorious for the dangers of quicksand

#4 Parent San Migs Draft - 2013-04-22
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

If I'm doing as the Chinese do, eg the smoking, don't dare approach me and ask me to stop doing it!

When in rome, do as,,,,,eh?

I suppose then having a mistress is acceptable also, see, how deep down the rabbit hole does one go? Personally, I don't care if giving yourself lung cancer is a hobby of yours, I do care when it affects others, when there are signs and laws asking you not to force your second hand smoke onto others. Grow out of yer box fer once!

#5 Parent San Migs Draft - 2013-04-22
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

You're vetted first on your application before you can post. Rubbish, in my view!

As opposed to allowing people to post from multiple ips or behind a vpn?

More than one way to eat tuzi gan guo too , eh?

#6 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-16
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

There were numerous reports in the media around Toronto, Canada about the decline of some rare birds. Guess which demographics of people got caught red handed with hunting and killing them? Also, despite Canada being the most diverse country in the world many many western themed restaurants out on the west coast around Vancouver will leave signs saying "tips not needed" in Mandarin only due to the notoriety of Chinese customers not wanting to tip. Let us not forget about the triads who deal in smuggling people, drugs, and illegal gambling in all of North America as well as Japan.

#7 Parent Mancunian Beelzebub - 2013-04-14
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

It's always nice to photoshop a photo before putting it up for aesthetic purposes, and even if it was "nice" or whatnot it doesn't change the principle being discussed which is the fact that Chinese immigrants are no better behavior wise than any other demographic of immigrants.

How hurtful! last time I send you a pic, mate, hahaha. I totally disagree with you, the Chinese immigrant is maybe the best behaved immigrant of all- and nobody seems to mind them coming. Then only trouble we ever had in England was when numerous of them got themselves drowned picking cockles.

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-14
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

It's always nice to photoshop a photo before putting it up for aesthetic purposes, and even if it was "nice" or whatnot it doesn't change the principle being discussed which is the fact that Chinese immigrants are no better behavior wise than any other demographic of immigrants.

#9 Parent Mancunian Beelzebub - 2013-04-12
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

Not very true at all I might say. Chinese immigrants are just as susceptible to the vices as anyone else. As for serving as a model on how to behave in a host country, go to Chinatown and look at how dirty the place is, any Chinatown. I have already stated the facts about how many Chinese who immigrate will refuse to learn English (just like some expats on this forum who do not learn Chinese) despite living there for many years. I suppose ugly behavior does have its universal traits no matter what.

Just goes to prove how cooperative the Chinese Immigrant is, willing to blend in with how the indiigenous behave. Your local Chinatown may well be a dirty place but I can assure you that in London it's as clean as a new pin. Lots of nice Chinese grub to be had there too- pity that I detest Chinese food.

#10 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-12
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

Not very true at all I might say. Chinese immigrants are just as susceptible to the vices as anyone else. As for serving as a model on how to behave in a host country, go to Chinatown and look at how dirty the place is, any Chinatown. I have already stated the facts about how many Chinese who immigrate will refuse to learn English (just like some expats on this forum who do not learn Chinese) despite living there for many years. I suppose ugly behavior does have its universal traits no matter what.

#11 Parent Mancunian Beelzebub - 2013-04-11
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

If you wanna experience impoliteness and rudeness on a grand scale, China is the place for you! Queue-jumping, spitting, bawling on cellphones in resataurants,

How long is it since you last set foot in Britain, Foxy? I'm afraid to say that we have imported all that behaviour from other countries. I will say that Chinese immigrants to the UK don't spit and are not generally as bolshy as they may act back home in China. Chinese immigrants over the years have proved to be a fine example of how not to annoy the host country.

You see that I have brought myself together- It's unfair to have more than one ID; although, more than one in play at the same time is really out of order.

#12 Parent foxy - 2013-04-10
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

I'm not going to go into detail on that as the particular piece of aggression you've picked up on was aimed at just one poster who had posted previously that he was doing me a favour backing off. However, there is a skeleton in the cupboard there, known by said poster, but as things stand, I won't reveal it. Strange he is somewhat displeased with me given he's advising readers not to come to China to teach EFL, whereas I'm saying China isn't a good choice for most foreigners to come to to teach EFL. One poster said you can enjoy teaching here if you've your head screwed on. I agreed. That annoyed the other poster. But the thing is the way I've my head screwed on might well be very different from the way that poster was implying he had his head screwed on. There's more than one way to skin a cat, as they say.

As for the Brit/American culture thing, I've been lied to and messed about something awful over months and months by a Scottish public pensions provider via its chosen bank (agent), an American bank, and got what I can only rate as negative feedback from some posters from England after posting details of said incompetence on the board. Not that I was after positive feedback nor consolation, fact being I wasn't looking for feedback. The posts were posted for purposes of information.

I regard myself as a half-breed, half Scottish and half German, so I have no particular allegiance to my fatherland nor to my motherland. And nor to China, by the way. I see a poster with the name of a Spanish beer as his moniker has decided to desert the board. Fair enough, but he needn't say the vitriol that he detests reading isn't on other teachers' boards, which implies this board is too liberal in what it allows to be posted in his view. Fact is, the other EFL boards choose to suppress free speech and prevent negative posts appearing against EFL employers who advertise on them. You're vetted first on your application before you can post. Rubbish, in my view!

#13 Parent foxy - 2013-04-11
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

If you wanna experience impoliteness and rudeness on a grand scale, China is the place for you! Queue-jumping, spitting, bawling on cellphones in resataurants, husbands beating up wives in the street while passers-by gawk, and the din of fireworks like a war in progress, etcetera. That's what I've chosen to immerse myself in. But there are also good points! Teaching can be a walk in the park, and drinking before teaching in moderation is something you won't get away with as a teacher in the West, but you most definitely will here in the sticks, as well as smoking on the premises at work. So, China is tailor-made for me, the women included, of course! That's why I've been here for a long time. However, If I'm doing as the Chinese do, eg the smoking, don't dare approach me and ask me to stop doing it! Complain to the Chinese first! That's my point! I'm not here to uphold western culture.

#14 Parent Pazuzu - 2013-04-10
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

Attack at your peril!

Why are you so aggressive towards fellow westerners? You mentioned you are german (so presumably european) why the hostility to americans and brits (don't tar everyone with the same brush, good and bad in every country, I am sure you can agree!)

If you like smoking, fine, but coming across all vehemently anti smoker is not the right response, if you are happy, just don't give a damn, it is an argument both sides feel too strongly about, but no need to get personal.

Hope you are happy in IM, quite chilly here south of you.

#15 Parent Pazuzu - 2013-04-10
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

they're humilliating smokers-speaking down to them- suggesting they're disgusting.

I don't think that is the point dragon, myself, or the OP are trying to make.

Look, I enjoy a cigar from time to time, but never cigarettes, but each to their own. But when I smoke a cigar it is something I do in private, perhaps on a flat balcony or outside, where it doesn't bother or irritate others, smoking in restuarants, with a no smoking sign is impolite and rude, now I know it is not enforced in other parts of the world, but I can't even mention the UK or USA because foxy will retort this is not those places...so it is a no win argument. Each side has their own opinion, I just don't understand why he cannot accept that. Telling people to eff off seems a bit rude and dour faced, but then by his own admission he is a loner. Nothing personal, but being aggressive in posts, won't win friends, but I suspect you and he don't care about that one jot, good luck to you both.

#16 Parent Mancunian - 2013-04-10
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

As a smoker in China, I prefer 1st hand smoke. In the light of your post, feel free to advise only expats who can put up with smokers in public places and schools to come to the PRC to 'teach'!
If I'm in a restaurant here with Chinese disobeying the 'no smoking sign', I'll light up. If there's subsequently trouble, which there has never been up to now, I'll take my just desserts, along with the Chinese smokers. Should another expat enter, and tell me to stub my cigarette, I'd tell him (or her) to fuck off!

BTW, you needn't go easy on me. Attack at your peril! I dunno who you think you are, but im my book... you're ....., well, enough said!

I agree with Foxy. If these disgruntled FT's aren't picking on decent (decentish) learning centres, they're humilliating smokers-speaking down to them- suggesting they're disgusting. Well said, Foxy Poster.

#17 Parent foxy - 2013-04-10
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

I'm so in love with 2nd hand smoke that whenever I whiff it I sprint towards the front of said smoker so he/she may get a good look at my backside. If you are in China you will be doing this quite frequently if you do not smoke.

As a smoker in China, I prefer 1st hand smoke. In the light of your post, feel free to advise only expats who can put up with smokers in public places and schools to come to the PRC to 'teach'!
If I'm in a restaurant here with Chinese disobeying the 'no smoking sign', I'll light up. If there's subsequently trouble, which there has never been up to now, I'll take my just desserts, along with the Chinese smokers. Should another expat enter, and tell me to stub my cigarette, I'd tell him (or her) to fuck off!

BTW, you needn't go easy on me. Attack at your peril! I dunno who you think you are, but im my book... you're ....., well, enough said!

#18 Parent Dragonized - 2013-04-10
Re: What is up with one-sided contracts?

It seems to me some of you blokes on here are sadly lacking empathy and compassion. Maybe because you have been in China too long. Worth having a think about, don't you think?

I'm surprised the mods let you put this sentence up on the board. Just kidding Mods please don't edit me out again :)

You are addressing someone though who thinks smoking is good for the air as it would kill the germs. I'm so in love with 2nd hand smoke that whenever I whiff it I sprint towards the front of said smoker so he/she may get a good look at my backside. If you are in China you will be doing this quite frequently if you do not smoke. Good way to lose weight? Good to see you again.

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