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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-16
Re: Rat meat sold for lamb meet...LOL

No, no, no, dead wrong, mushy peas and proper beef gravy is the way to go like. Or pie and chips down the rose and crown like, all washed down with a few pints of kilkenny on tap.

You know I'm right, don't you?

I have been seconded to funeral parlours in Manchester a few times, so don't deny to me that you tip curry sauce all over your chips! Why would I want to drink Irish beer when we in Britain have such a wealth of real ales of our own?

#2 Parent Les Battersby - 2013-05-16
Re: Rat meat sold for lamb meet...LOL

but I believe them to be peasants up there and drown them in curry bloody sauce hahaha

No, no, no, dead wrong, mushy peas and proper beef gravy is the way to go like. Or pie and chips down the rose and crown like, all washed down with a few pints of kilkenny on tap.

You know I'm right, don't you?

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-15
Re: Rat meat sold for lamb meet...LOL

Yes, I have been. But the fish and chips I had were so terrible that I decided to "escape". If the UK wants me back, they should make a generous offer and appoint me new Emperor of the British Isles.....hahaha

Now you've gorn and gorn too far, fish 'n' chips is one of the few good things that remain in the country; even my wife likes them. I wonder if our Sewer Worker likes them...? bound too, but I believe them to be peasants up there and drown them in curry bloody sauce hahaha. Not as greasy as some continental dishes ,don't you think-duck l'orange to mention one...and latin food swims in Olive Oil.

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