Return to Index › British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners.
#1 Parent Collyhurst retired sewage worker - 2013-05-22
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners.

I am a bit worried- does that mean big around the waist? If so you should buy a packet of fags(sure you have some) to help you start slimming.

I do like my guinness and the occasional cold heineken, as well as a penchant for proper food from oop norf like, plenty of pies and packets of crisps. Anyway, a paunch is manly chinese girls seem to love it. You know I am insufferably right on this one. Much to the chagrin of non smokers, those with a paunch seem to be more well built, and can bulk up easily, dui bu dui? And chinese girls seem to like stockier, fatter, older blokes, girth implies wealth, skinny rippers look like gaunt malnourished poverty cases who cannot take care of them, hahaha. That and the fact mobile phone radiation helps to keep you slim,keeps those glands ticking over.

Seeth tight ace!

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners.

Personally I think that a UK pension could be ATM drawn in China or elsewhere via a UK ordinary current account, which would mean lower fees.

You are of course dead right and I concede to that that a pensioner should have an ordinary bank account, and use the Chine ATM's. Another thing is this-if you keep connections in your home country then it is easier to prove to the immigration people that you do still consider it home. This is important should you want to take Little Lotus Blossom home with you- she can then meet your Great Grand Children-hahaha

#3 Parent MikeK - 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners.

Don't forget to check what fees UK banks charge and the conditions. The last thing one would want is to watch their pension payment being "troughed" by UK Bank spivs......

Personally I think that a UK pension could be ATM drawn in China or elsewhere via a UK ordinary current account, which would mean lower fees.

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners.

At a stretch, an international bank account can also be opened in Hong Kong I think too. Although it is perhaps better to do it in your own country.

This must be a red letter day, you have deigned to agree with me hahaha. Well said, a British pensioner should have his debit card. From Hong Kong?......but do they have a branch of the 'Doncaster Sewage Workers Bank PLC' in Hong Kong? To save on postage I will include another concerned reply to you , as follows:-

You mentioned that you are a big lad- I am a bit worried- does that mean big around the waist? If so you should buy a packet of fags(sure you have some) to help you start slimming.

#5 Parent Les Battersby - 2013-05-16
Re: British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners.

At a stretch, an international bank account can also be opened in Hong Kong I think too. Although it is perhaps better to do it in your own country.

Beelzebub - 2013-05-15
British banks International accounts, a must for pensioners.

If retired FT's want to retire to China, the advice is from British banks is to open up an International account so you can withdraw your pension using a debit card. If FT is already in China he should return home to open up that account. Here is a Lloyds TSB checklist.

Lloyds TSB Internationa

Inform your current tax authorities of your plans to retire abroad. Tax forms for UK residents leaving the country.

If you are going to rent out your UK property while abroad, inform your insurance provider (and mortgage provider if applicable).

Open an international bank account.

Find out about the tax and social security system in the country you're going to.

Find out your current pension entitlements.

Get advice on the legal status of your will in the country you're going to.

Find out if you need to take out medical, personal injury or other insurance in the country you're retiring to: in some countries you have to be resident for a certain period before being entitled to free national healthcare.

You can keep your savings in an International Savings Account — these offer good rates of interest and security for UK expatriates.


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