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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-18
Re: You're not a bum I would want sitting next to me, no offense

I really do not see your point on this. You are just continuing the argument to get the last word in I think. If people really had nothing but positive things to say about some places (china in your case) they would usually not post on here in the first place. It isn't always the older posters who post new information, eh? People like that guy who used to work at Huizhou University and the woman who worked at Pingdingshan University all had the temerity to come on here and express themselves,but you decided to bare your teeth at them and give them crap. Do you really think teachers will stand together more with people like you trying to take the lead? I say no. If more posters such as you came on here this board would devolve back to the same crappy, lack of integrity place that dave's esl cafe is. There are really bad things going on in the world, and if you want to ignore it then you are entitled to your outlook on life. But the problem is you want to force this on to other people who know better, and that is the problem. You are not a real teacher as you have said yourself. People who actually make an effort to give real education can be considered ESL Teachers, and you are someone who makes things worse, not better.

With the greatest of respect, Dragonised, I should take a leaf out of Foxy Posters book-he's right about so many things and has hit the nail on the head yet again when he advises that undesirable posters are best ignored. In my case if ever I find that I never ever get a reply to my posts-and/or I get edited out too often, then ,I shan't be upset, I shall just wander off and annoy some-body else hahaha. It's not difficult to get shot of Beelzebub or any-body else-just ignore the rotters. Am I right or am I right?

#2 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-05-18
Re: You're not a bum I would want sitting next to me, no offense

Very well said there. What's more, writing off negative comments as bitterness and discrediting those who complain, is potentially a big cause of many of the problems of the ESL industry, cheaters and scammers no longer fear the internet like they used to because they are very much aware that people no longer take the negative feedback as seriously as they used to.

I once made the mistake at the time when I entered the industry of not taking on-line reviews seriously as I though that they were all crap teachers who'd deservedly got fired, trying to get revenge in vain. Then I learned the hard way, by working for a terrible employer and getting a lot of trouble and threats when I tried to leave. To that day, that particular employer still continues to cheat people and receive negative reviews, but the combination of apathy towards those who complain and fake positive replies/reviews leads even more new teachers into making the same mistakes that I did.

Yes, there are indeed some moaners who can't hack it and some crap teachers, but people need to distinguish between what is right and wrong. To be honest, there are even some genuine complaints that do mention issues that mean pretty much nothing, such as the lack of western toilet in an apartment or people in the city not being able to speak English, but we should still at least show some empathy towards such posters and offer advice and tips, rather than condemning them. After all, it is often the case that crap teachers are not actually that crap, they just lack in experience and have not been trained that well. Also, many newer foreign teachers tend to come from well-off middle class families and feel a sense of shock when they arrive in China.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-17
Re: You're not a bum I would want sitting next to me, no offense

I really do not see your point on this. You are just continuing the argument to get the last word in I think. If people really had nothing but positive things to say about some places (china in your case) they would usually not post on here in the first place. It isn't always the older posters who post new information, eh? People like that guy who used to work at Huizhou University and the woman who worked at Pingdingshan University all had the temerity to come on here and express themselves,but you decided to bare your teeth at them and give them crap. Do you really think teachers will stand together more with people like you trying to take the lead? I say no. If more posters such as you came on here this board would devolve back to the same crappy, lack of integrity place that dave's esl cafe is. There are really bad things going on in the world, and if you want to ignore it then you are entitled to your outlook on life. But the problem is you want to force this on to other people who know better, and that is the problem. You are not a real teacher as you have said yourself. People who actually make an effort to give real education can be considered ESL Teachers, and you are someone who makes things worse, not better.

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-17
Re: Rat meat sold for lamb meet...LOL

You have made complaints about recruiters before on this forum too. We all complain, or in your words grumble. Nobody is an exception. If you want to talk about China, there are plenty of things to complain about, many of them true.

Fair enough we do all complain; if we want people to take us seriously though, the trick is, is to slot in the odd positive, the odd praise. It won't be good enough for you to reply to me saying with the stock-in-trade "i have nothing against the Chinese , it's the corrupt system I don't like" No, that doesn't sound very genuine at all; you must occasionally, when about the normal business of slagging-off, interpose and describe a good thing about the country and its people...like "the government is comprised of totally corrupt wankers...BUT, I have to hand it to them on this occasion, the enterprise awards to help Tianjin Dumpling Makers was a step in the right direction" It's very important for you to come across as even handed, if you want to win over people and get bums on seats.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-17
Re: Rat meat sold for lamb meet...LOL

I think that this is a far more interesting question; why do so many FT's, in spite of grumbling about the country before they leave it, oft times return?

You have made complaints about recruiters before on this forum too. We all complain, or in your words grumble. Nobody is an exception. If you want to talk about China, there are plenty of things to complain about, many of them true.

#6 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-16
Re: Rat meat sold for lamb meet...LOL

Yep, if China is so great then why do so many people want to leave the place?

I think that this is a far more interesting question; why do so many FT's, in spite of grumbling about the country before they leave it, oft times return? For myself, although I grumble not about China, I would have to answer that no other bugger will have me-hahaha.

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