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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-05-19
Re: China’s bad news does not always travel well, because I know I hold back sometimes


For you information, most of the English news on China that you can find on the internet veers towards the positive. There is a genuine lack of truth on many things which are even reported in the Mainland Chinese media. The most recent case of pedophilia regarding the principal of a public school in Hainan who collaborated with a few others in sexually assaulting 6 primary school girls are things that the website you provided did not mention. [edited]

Well, only part of that article was positive as you put it; did you read it? We all know that there's bad stuff happening in China, bad things which are kept secret; however, isn't it good to read about something good and progressive? This paedophilia is a worldwide cancer, and it's covered up worldwide, not least of all by religious establishments- so this covering up is not peculiar to China, but it might be far worse in China- doesn't mean that good things are not happening, and we should welcome that.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-05-18
Re: China’s bad news does not always travel well, because I know I hold back sometimes

i know that this particular article will gladden some posters hearts- others in denial will grab their spades and bury it quickly under the compost heap.


For you information, most of the English news on China that you can find on the internet veers towards the positive. There is a genuine lack of truth on many things which are even reported in the Mainland Chinese media. The most recent case of pedophilia regarding the principal of a public school in Hainan who collaborated with a few others in sexually assaulting 6 primary school girls are things that the website you provided did not mention. [edited]

Beelzebub - 2013-05-18
China’s "Naked Marriage" prove not all brides demand premarital payout


For those who don't know chinahush, it's well worth subscribing to, and they will e-mail new articles to you. i know that this particular article will gladden some posters hearts- others in denial will grab their spades and bury it quickly under the compost heap.

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