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#1 Parent MikeK - 2013-05-30
Re: CCUT in Changchun

After reading the interesting review of CCUT Changchan I am led to wonder whether this Training Centre owner left an "n" out..

But that's just my purile/infantile sense of humour I guess..

Robert Nicholas - 2013-05-29
CCUT in Changchun

A story of two schools

CCUT in Changchun
Apartment had not been painted in years, missing base boards, broken tile in bathroom. There was mold in the both the outer rooms. There was only hot water in the shower. To get anything fixed was a nightmare, the school tried to force me to pay for some repairs. I would call and have to wait at a certain time some times for weeks in cases like my cable was never fixed. The apartment had no appeal. The apartment was next to a very busy, noisy street. There was a bus stop right below my apartment.

New school in Harbin
Apartment was clean and painted, my fiancee was able to pick out the colors. My fiancee could call the maintenance person or the school would call the person. Any needed repairs were done same day. I have hot water in kitchen, bathroom sink and shower. The apartment is very nice with lots of appeal. The apartment is in the middle of the campus, very peaceful. The bus stop is half a mile away.

CCUT in Changchun
Two pages of rules on the wall in the apartment. You could not have guest after 9:00 PM. You had a cur-view to be in apartment at 11:00 PM. If you wanted to travel you had to inform the school and give all details. You were not allowed to leave the city during the week even if you did not have classes that day.

New school in Harbin
No rules on the wall! Your home is your home. You can travel when ever, you do not have to report to the school. The liaison person is more than happy to help save money on trip. My fiancee was welcomed to move into my apartment with me. I was able to have a pet dog with out any problem.

CCUT in Changchun
You had to make a appointment for anything. I would have to take a bus to the other campus to have copies made and a certain time to get paid. The liaison person was very sarcastic when asked for help. I had to find a classroom every week for one of my classes the last term.

New school in Harbin
I call the liaison person and I am asked when is it convenient for me to come by the office. Her office is a 3 minute walk from my home. I can have copies made in the building I teach in. The school takes care of any problems the day I report them.

CCUT in Changchun
The liaison person was always rude or sarcastic. She would call me during class and tell me what she wanted then without asking me if I had any questions would hang up. I called her with a serious health concern one time and she told me not to call her but to go to any hospital. She was always telling me that she was my boss.

New school in Harbin
The liaison is always very nice and helpful. She never calls me during class. When she does call me she asks if I have any questions and tells me good-bye before hanging up. One time I had a minor health issue, I called her and she offered to have a school car take me and also offered to go with me to translate. She has let me know that her job is to help me when needed. She has told me that I can call her at anytime if needed.

CCUT in Changchun
The school was old and not much appeal. The computer in the classroom might work. You had to sign for a key to unlock the computer. You could not get any help if you needed something in the classroom. I know that for the last three years there has been a 100 % turn over of American teachers.

New school in Harbin

The school has lots of trees and plants flowers. There are two ladies on each hallway in the school. They turn the computers on and make sure everything is working, if not they find another classroom for you to use and tell the students. One teacher worked for this school for over 7 years, another teacher 3 years. I have been offered and accepted a contract for next year

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