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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-10
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Why don't you go to your classroom today and tell your Chinese students that the Japanese were good in China and that China was wrong in getting involve in the Korean war.

Nobody has killed more chinese than the chinese themselves. Many of the propaganda against the Japanese as portrayed on Chinese soap operas are actual depictions of the barbaric habits of the Chinese themselves. If you want respect from the rest of the world, at least admit to the atrocities committed within the last 60+ years of your country's existence. I would say more, but the mods might edit out some of the information I would put so I can just tell you right now that you don't know enough about your own country's history and culture to be mouthing off. Just coming across as another sino-centric hypocrite.

Here is some history for you, almost half of the Chinese Army sent to fight to Korea were young Chinese women like the one in the picture below.

And here's some real history for you, those young chinese women did not participate directly in battles. Many of them in fact ended up married at the whims of government officials who basically picked who they wanted after these young women performed in some theatre or dance show. You really are in the wrong place buddy, go back to the fen qing forums where you belong. Fantasizing about the glory of something that is unauthentic is quite sickening.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-10
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Yes, chinese girls want money. Many of them do. If you really have "good advice" to give anyone you would have given it by now. Just goes to show you that there is a total lack of culture and courage amongst your demographics. If a real chinese "man" like you can't give real, good advice on attracting a good chinese girl why would other chinese men be able to do so?

#3 Parent A Zores - 2013-06-08
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

"How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances"? WTF?

(1) They are people, not things. They can spot a loser a mile away, just as easily as white, black, indian or other women can. The only Asian women who go for losers do so for the same reason some women in other countries go for losers. Changing countries doesn't turn you into an object of desire.

(2) Virginity is more important in most Asian cultures than in North America or Europe. Odds are, any Asian woman who is willing to give it up easily is just as promiscuous as you (re: disease, bad reputation). Or she expects to get paid.

(3) In a foreign country, you are amongst strangers and your rights aren't as clear or protected. If you're not willing to deal with the consequences of a bad reputation, job loss and deportation, disease, pregnancy, arrest or cultural problems, then keep your pants on. You don't have to apologize for things you haven't done wrong.

(4) Instead of being a slimy loser giving all the other foreigners a bad reputation, treat women like people and try to have a real relationship instead of a one night stand. You may not get as much sex, but you won't get in (as much) trouble. Civilized people have more friends than slimebags do.

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-06
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

OK, you have a point. But let us carry it a little farther. If a mere Oral English teacher should earn a fair wage, compared to their Chinese counterparts of half their salary- how many would actually come? Would you come to China for 2,500?

I wouldn't come for less than 8000, and you are right. You need your pay and then you need extra for working away from home. So 2500 for pay but another 6000 or so for working away. Plus airfare and other benefits of course.

#5 Parent juanisaac - 2013-06-06
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

OK, you have a point. But let us carry it a little farther. If a mere Oral English teacher should earn a fair wage, compared to their Chinese counterparts of half their salary- how many would actually come? Would you come to China for 2,500?
The point of my text is not so say that proper Chinese teachers should not earn more, some should. Also I am not trying to say that they don't work harder than us, they do.
My whole point is that they earn more now than before, many equal to a foreign teacher's salary. Some teachers at my school earn way more than I do, and I do not begrudge them for it.
Some teachers here resent me, and I can see them burning a hole through my shirt. But foreign teachers are not imposed on schools. The schools advertise for them and get their visas to come. Since the teachers can't say anything to the principals and vice-principals some take out on us. Think of it as a husband who marries a second woman and the first wife can't impose her will on the husband, so she takes it out on the second wife. The second wife can't cook, clean, or have male babies, but the husband likes to show her off to her friends because she looks good. Anyway the boss in China is a like a demigod, they will do whatever they want anyway.
Teachers at schools fail to think about that I am here alone, I have no materials to work with, I am at the mercy of my employer, I am here only one year contracts, and I have to deal with an alien language and culture. That has to be worth something, I think a little bit more than 2,500 yuan a month. But in China, like I have never seen it anywhere else, it is money the rules people's thinking. "He earns more than me, it is unfair, that teacher is an abuser" are what some here think.
If people want to hire mere English teaching assistants, I can recommend a few countries whose nationals will work for 2,500 a month.

#6 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-05
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Hey EF recruiter ming yin

Can Chinese sheilas do this?


#7 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-05
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Chinese teachers make more than you think:

The thing is is that Chinese teachers are qualified teachers, whereas the rag-tag fleet of FT's are merely Oral English Teachers, brought in to assist the properly qualified Chinese teachers; so, you would expect them[the Chinese] to earn at least twice as much as Oral English assistant teachers. As far as I know we only have two properly qualified teachers on this forum, Turnoi and Foxy Poster. None of us should get above our station- am i right or am I right?

#8 Parent San Migs - 2013-06-05
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

I can agree they receive benefits which FT's just do not get. "donations" from the head or local party office, high paying part time work, running a shop on taobao, or playing the stock market to boot. Many may well earn more per average than FT's. Those iphones and holidays to hainan or thailand can't be afforded on the salaries they "claim" to earn.

#9 Parent juanisaac - 2013-06-05
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

NO, not true. I talked to the teacher trainer of one town I worked at- I told him I earned 5,000 a month. He said I was average in my salary. Chinese teachers make more than you think: teaching in the summer for 100 yuan per student per class (my ex-girl friend made 30,000 extra every year doing this), teacher day money (I don't get any), pension money (I don't get any), teachers get paid for tests scores (I don't get this money), they get paid for the summer ( I don't get paid for summer), and end of year bonuses the school gives their teachers so they won't pay taxes. One teacher at my present school told me that ten years ago a foreign teacher earned twice as much as he did, now the salaries are the same. Actually the really good science and math teachers can earn up to 10,000 a month. So who will I believe, you, or the teachers I work with who tell me all this stuff. Chinese are not so poor anymore.
Another teacher and I actually sat down and added up all the numbers- he earned 45,000 a year and I earned 55,000 a year. That is not much of a difference, and that is without all the grey money added in. The guy drove a nice car too. I worked in education in the USA for four years so I am not a novice.
For being poor, Chinese teachers at my school have really nice cars. Heck, the head master at my school just gave one teacher a new car- she told me herself! I work with 6 other Chinese teachers in my office and they are not shy when they speak about money.
So teachers here, can offer their wives more money than before. That is why they can date for 5,000 to 10,000- not 2,500 as you say.

#10 Parent John - 2013-06-05
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Hi buddy. I don't want to get in the debate much, with that said. Are you talking of Chinese history the Brits, west taught you in HK, anywhere. Well bud, that is totally different to Chinese history taught in China. Just to make my point I am going back decades to the Korean war. the West history will tell you that western troops were overwhelmed and pushed back all the way to the south coast of the Korean peninsula, then with their great bravery and against all odds, they pushed back, the Soviets, the Chinese and the North Koreans to the 38 parallel line near Seoul. Chinese history taught in China, will tell you that Western troops were almost half inside North Korea, way pass the current 38 parallel line and it was imminent their conquering of Pyongyang and all the peninsula, when the PRC decided unilaterally to go into action and sent a huge number of Chinese soldiers to push back the West troops, which were better armed and trained. Chinese history said China succeeded and the West forces were pushed back all the way to their current line and their commander removed from power for failing to stop China.

I hope this shows you how different Chinese think. Enjoy your time in China.

Professor John
By the way: John is Yāo h n in pinyin.

#11 Parent Lawrence of Arabia - 2013-06-04
Re: they were not good in the West and they are no good in East

they were not good in the West and they are no good in East.
I think this is one of the best quotes in history to describe Esl Teachers working outside their country.

True, but my reference is to ESL business operators and their shitty businesses that nobody needs!
And you may safely include yourself in those who "were not good in the West and they are no good in East"!

#12 Parent MCK - 2013-06-03
they were not good in the West and they are no good in East

they were not good in the West and they are no good in East.

I think this is one of the best quotes in history to describe Esl Teachers working outside their country.

#13 Parent EF recruiter ming yin - 2013-06-03
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

A laowai fridge in China, provided free by good training center. No room inside fridge to put the old pizza. lol

#14 Parent juanisaac - 2013-06-04
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

This was 60 years ago. We are talking about two different generations of women. American woman and British woman also fought bravely in WWII, but the ones today are a little different. Besides, it is funny that you talk to me about history lessons. My degree is in history and I even studied Chinese history at the Chinese University of Hong Kong as an exchange student. I have read many, many books and taken many, many classes about Chinese history, philosophy, culture, etc. I know what Chinese people think about the Korean War, all the wars with Japan in the 16th, 19th, and 20th centuries, and the Boxer Rebellion (the eight country invasion). I have lived here three years now as I improve my Chinese language skills. I am not a novice about China, and know more than you think.
Materialism is not just about Chinese women, it is a growing cancer around the world. It is just such a bigger part of the thoughts of Chinese women now than before.

With that said, your thoughts here are welcomed. You can disagree with me all you want.

#15 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-03
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Again the all about the money crap with Chinese girls. Sir take some tips from Chinese male teachers at your school making much less money than you on how to attract beautiful young girls for date and marriage.

If you are Chinese it would be jolly good to have your points of view. What advice would you give to Silverboy Poster? He's a good bloke as far as i can see but he does have a bad attitude problem concerning women- such an attitude seems to have kept him womanless in China(apart from trips to whore houses) for some fifteen years. Looking forward to your input.

#16 Parent Recruiter Sam Li - 2013-06-03
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Your knowledge of what Chinese people care, know and don't know is very shallow. Why don't you go to your classroom today and tell your Chinese students that the Japanese were good in China and that China was wrong in getting involve in the Korean war. Your student will throw your rotten tomatoes and you will be fired from your school in a second. Sad how little you know about the Chinese. Here is some history for you, almost half of the Chinese Army sent to fight to Korea were young Chinese women like the one in the picture below. I hope this help you understand more the Chinese people.

#17 Parent juanisaac - 2013-06-03
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Funny, one male teacher here at my work, with a home!, and a good salary, was just dumped by his girlfriend- didn't have enough!. So much for that theory, sir. My last teacher gf, left me because I also did not make enough money. Sense a pattern here?

#18 Parent juanisaac - 2013-06-03
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.
#19 Parent Recruiter Sam Li - 2013-06-03
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Again the all about the money crap with Chinese girls. Sir take some tips from Chinese male teachers at your school making much less money than you on how to attract beautiful young girls for date and marriage.

#20 Parent juanisaac - 2013-06-03
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

You don't have to make it complicated. I once knew a guy who invited a girl to watch t.v.- and after that they were a couple. He was not looking for a relationship. You just need to be exotic or have money, those are my observations.
The one about don't talk about politics or religion really took the cake. I don't know too many Chinese who know much about this stuff or care enough to talk about it. The only thing remotely political I ever heard here was about the Pescadores Islands.
It seems this stuff works more on western girls than Chinese ones.

#21 Parent JR - 2013-06-03
trolls hate anyone who contribute and gives.

None of this people are in China by accident. About disrespecting women, well all of them talk about money is the key. How is that people making good money in China compare to the locals, cannot even pay and find pretty dates, simple, they were not good in the West and they are no good in East.

#22 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-03
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Not too useful for those who want a real relationship, but it can certainly fit for both parties so as long as they both fall under certain categories of people. I think for someone who loves life, wants to stay open minded, but isn't afraid of living for the truth and growing as a person this post is hardly for them. I do know many expats merely go to foreign countries to increase the number of sexual partners they'll have. It's their choice. But the overall quality of expats that you'll find in some countries such as China hardly measures up to the mean of the respective countries of where they are from. Just saying.

#23 Parent mi - 2013-06-03
Re: How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Your post is so gooood,point 17.parfume so truth.
foreiner man small bad mouth,cigarrete,alcohol, sweat and so much parfume which may ladies nauseus sick.
thankyou mr.

Don Juan - 2013-06-02
How to attract Chinese pretty women for short romances.

Start with:

ni hao ma, means how are you? and see her reaction. If you make a connection then:

1- Approach with your eyes and ears first. Listen to her as much as possible.

2- Do no show at the beginning to much Yellow fever.

3- Chinese women love foreigners, (foreigner means no Asians).

4- Talk and make her speak as much as she wants, your English language is precious to her and will make her feel different. Let her finish anything she has to say without interrupting or correcting her English.

Also at the beginning

5- Avoid correcting her English, unless she ask you.

6- Avoid talking about past bad experience with other Chinese women or any other women. Tell her the TRUTH if she ask you anything - Avoid lies and exaggerations: Best is to stay quiet or change the conversation if possible.

7- Avoid politics, religion conversations or talking of how much better are things where you came from.

8- Avoid complaining about the low quality of any products or how bad their education system, medical, air, transport are. Do not criticize anything or anyone in China.

9- DO NOT become her English Teacher, Therapist, Psychologist or Counselor. It means, Do not try to fix her life or show her the right path/a new way. And worse, DO NOT become her clown, trying to make her laugh with bad/any jokes.

10- STOP trying to sell yourself too hard: Complementing her to much is irrelevant to achieve your short-romance goal - instead go with the flow, go with the water - LET her decide what to do next.

11- DO NOT give her to much information about you, unless she ask you more than once. Also, don't ask to much about her, unless she volunteers to give you any information.

12- Ask her if she has boyfriend? If she say yes, move on quickly to the next one.

13- Ask her age. If she ask you your age, reply something like: How old do you think I look and laugh... without giving a number, unless she insist. Asking her age is an atmosphere-changer and it shows that you are possible interested on her and that you are not afraid to say to her what you want, when you want.

14- Avoid talking too much about your past and present achievements, nobody cares.

15- Always pay and smile. Treat and Tip well Chinese staff.

16- Avoid talking broken Chinese, unless you are planning to pay her for tutoring classes. Avoid Chinese, English is fine. At the beginning, avoid using hard to understand English words, use the easiest and simplest English words known you can or better let her do the talk. Last thing you want is to give her a headache trying to add unused English words to her mind, a headache will be associated to you and you will appear on her mind confusing and difficult. Also your knowledge of Chinese history and customs are irrelevant at this point.

17- put some mint chewing gum in your mouth when approaching any lady anywhere and offer her some too. And use perfume but don't over apply. Smell good for a lasting First Impression! - Smell is key to being attractive to women.

18 - If the initial connection was good and you will see her again, never leave first, wait......... until she leaves. Hopefully you will see her again soon.

and last for now,

19 - DO NOT rush, you have NO control over her. Instead focus your energy in meeting other women while you wait.

Good luck and hopefully some of this will get you short/long romances and keep you happy in the Great China and anywhere you go.

Don Juan

Post disclaimer: Author Don Juan wrote this post for http://www.eslteachersboard.com/.
This post is for Western men living abroad in develop countries where the odds of finding women are much higher. For Western men still living in the West, some of the points above may apply and some may not. Don Juan will make a guide and post it here for men living anywhere including Western countries. It will be greatley appreciated if readers of Don Juan post also share their knowledge in this matter and make corrections to Don Juan post.

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