Return to Index › Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-08
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

Worlda is world renowned in the world of amphibians and reptiles. The boss started his career as an oversized tadpole, swimming upstream to find food and a place to start his business. After growing into a giant salamander he decided to recruit all forms of frogs, toads, and small fish to toot his horns and spread the word on his new company. Many paper tigers joined the foray to help manage and recruit animals that wanted to be teachers. Eventually, they managed to hire expat alligators and crocs to local, public caves that didn't have enough croconese teachers. These days, successful animals that are under the employment of the giant zoo known as Worlda can be heard repeating the "gulp", "gulp", "swallow" sounds that big mouthed, big toothed lizards make when they eat hapless chinglish pupils.

If you want to contact the head of this company on employment. You may step into any marshy area in China and bend down into the mud. The boss or "fierce god" as he is known to some may be right under your feet, sleeping on the pile of mud. Do try to be gentle though, too many locals have attempted to capture him for food or display.

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