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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-11
Re: chinese learning software for linux

Notices to all students.

This is the foreign teachers' rest room.
Please scrub your hands thoroughly before using these computers. Keyboards can transmit infectious diseases which can kill.

Oh Dear, nobody seems to want to answer you, so I'd better do so myself...although, it might be better to kick them students out of your rest room hahaha. However, this is what you want:-


这是外教的休息室。使用电脑以前请擦手。 为键盘可 播疾病 !

#2 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-10
Re: chinese learning software for linux

How about this notice..

It even has space to add any extra diseases...

#3 Parent Danny - 2013-06-09
Re: chinese learning software for linux

Bravo for you, Colly
A few of us working for a Tianjin School have switched over to Ubuntu Linux. The reason is is that we were sick of being hacked, having our email hacked. I am glad to say that we have had no viruses or anything since saying goodbye to Microsoft.

I am wondering if you can do me a big favour. I enjoy working where I am and the students are cute, but the only thing is is that unfortuntely personal hygene does not seem to be a priority. Quite a few of them have taken to using our rest room computers. I don't like to say anything because they are so nice and polite but have decided to put a notice up over the machines, as below. I tried to do it with a translator on google but it doesn't come out making much sense. Do you think it possible that you could translate this into Chinese characters for me please, I don't like to ask any of the Chinese? thanks in advance, but don't worry if you can't.

Notices to all students.

This is the foreign teachers' rest room.
Please scrub your hands thoroughly before using these computers. Keyboards can transmit infectious diseases which can kill.

Collyhurst retired sewer worker - 2013-06-09
chinese learning software for linux


While browsing t'internet like, I found there is not enough support for those rare sensible folk who deign to use linus torvalds own operating system and it's derivatives, so just had to share this for the benefit of all the linux users on these boards. In my opinion, ios and macos is for those non too computer savvy folks and windows is overpriced bloatware, no these look good. What doth everyone here reckon?

Have a gay old dragon boat festival.

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