Return to Index › Chinese change Z visa regulations..
#1 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-12
Re: Chinese change Z visa regulations..

I'm still curious as to your mysterious visa status, are you a HKID holder and so does that grant you longer visa time in China?

I'm not in China nor Honkers... I was in China in 1990 and I used to be involved with Chinese "business" chancers in China, Malaysia and Singapore.

The former was not an experience I would like to repeat and the latter was six months of the most mind numbing cretinism I have ever had to live through.

For example - any signed contract has a short shelf life, apparently Chinese have an automatic exclusion clause to any contract they sign.

And don't get me started on the lies those people were capable off....... Apart they would "clean sweep" the gold medals if lying was an Olympic Sport..

#2 Parent Collyhurst retired sewer worker - 2013-06-11
Re: Chinese change Z visa regulations..

The Police Clearance will also take up to a month.

Exactly right. In the UK about 40 days, although I suspect a month is enough. Problem is you really need to go back home and do it, you can't even get a friend or relative to send a scanned copy. I suspect you are right about the weeding out of those who don't want to return home or don't have the funds to do so. I'm still curious as to your mysterious visa status, are you a HKID holder and so does that grant you longer visa time in China?

#3 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-11
Re: Chinese change Z visa regulations..

Are you married here, just curious as to why you said it won't affect you?

I'm not married there nor here.. Tried it once but decided to let her find someone else and make him just as unhappy.

There is an extra bit to the new regulations, that's a new Police Clearance at the same time.. It doesn't mean that un-caught pedos will be caught but anyone with "previous" will be..

The Police Clearance will also take up to a month.

It leads me to wonder if this is a measure to "weed out" many training centres because I doubt if many will be paying "foreign experts" to go home for a month to get a visa and then return each year.

#4 Parent Collyhurst retired sewer worker - 2013-06-10
Re: Chinese change Z visa regulations..

It could be related to the new july 1st laws. If so, a lot of the long timers who have avoided returning to the UK or other country which is their homeland will have to do so. Are you married here, just curious as to why you said it won't affect you?

MikeK - 2013-06-10
Chinese change Z visa regulations..

I keep seeing this bit of information on another forum, it doesn't affect me - but is this true?

At the end of the 2013-2014 school year all foreigners will have to return to their home country to renew their Z Visa if it has expired. Hong Kong will no longer be an option. Also in the new regulations all foreign teachers applying for a Z Visa will have to supply a current police record status.

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