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#1 Parent Good Teachers - 2005-07-14
Let's see - ESL discussion

Dear Pals,

I really appreciate your responses and glad to hear that. Recently, I was informed that they are working to extend our visa. I'm just wondering how long it would take and wish this would not be another kind of cheating because time is running out here. In my opinion and by law I don't have any mistakes in reminding them about the expiration and they have signed a contract for the next term. Once things are screwed up, I'll take your points.

Thanks for help and I'll keep you guys posted.


#2 Parent RhenoKorean - 2005-07-13
Worse is going toward worst-Go to your embassy

I think what I'd do is head for your native country's embassy and talk to somebody about your visa problems.

It sounds like you are in deep legal trouble and need some real legal advice in this f##ed-up matter. I'm sure your embassy can steer you in the right direction. Hopefully they can save you from paying out a several hundred dollars US just to get out of there.

I hope you make it out of this with your wallet intact and are able to continue teaching in China. I think if I were in your shoes and made it out fine, I'd count my blessings and never go back.

Good luck!


#3 Parent Dos - 2005-07-13
Why late? - ESL discussion

The school is lying to you about the visa. Perhaps they changed the visa into a Z class one using 'guanxi' (contacts) last year, and now the govt is stricter, so this time they can't get one.

If the school is legal they should have no problem renewing your Z visa, you DON'T have to leave the coutry to do this.

Having said all that, I am a bit amazed that you weren't firmer with them *before* your visa expired. It is you who are working here after all, so you have a responsibility in this area too. Now you are up the creek, and the school doesn't have to do anything do help you.

Perhaps the thing to do is find another school who may be able to do something for you. Otherwise, you are in trouble.

#4 Parent Felix - 2005-07-13
take it serious - ESL discussion

Obviously you've been honest and have offered good professional services to your employer but sadly, they are not honest to you and your dear wife. It sounds strange how a "reasonable" institution should tell lies to responsible people ( a couple) in this case. If your "Z" visa got expired while still actively teaching, it is but crystal clear that your school had to renew it for. If on the other hand they do not need your services any longer, they should not put you in a fix. At your level you have a better understanding of the immigrations rules in their country than most or all of them because those rules have their ugly guillotine on you. You should let them understand that even if you have to go back home to work out a visa in a Chinese embassy, they have to secure for you a valid visa to travel because you were here serving them; they should understand. If they still remain obstinate, then you insist on the point that they should return into your passport the "L" visa they changed into a "Z."

Please help us! - 2005-07-12
Visa - ESL discussion

Hi Everyone!

My wife and I have been teaching in Shandong Province for 1 year. We came in China with a tourist visa ("L") and after teaching for 6 months they changed it into "Z" visa and it was expired last June 30. Now the next term will start on 15th of Aug. and we were informed by our school that we should go back home and work for our visa in the Chinese Embassy in our country. They only informed us 10 days after our visa was expired and now there's no way going back because without a valid visa would mean an overstaying which entitled us to pay 500 yuan(each person) for each day of staying in this country. We wanna know if this school is deceiving us because from what we know they can extend the visa or if they don't want us anymore, they can get any type of visa right? We're confuse because they signed a contract for the next term and we don't know if this is just a play safe. We are sicker than a dog and can't sleep. We hope you guys will be nicer to help out.


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