Return to Index › Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD
#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-06-13
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I'm going to stop responding to your messages because they are way too ignorant

What's the matter, doesn't Mr. Worlda Tokenforeignmonkey like being criticised?

I thought you was going to 'weigh in' and put up a fight, but all you have done is proved that Worlda is a company whose previous offences towards foreign teachers simply can not be excused or defended by anybody of a good character.

Well done, you dug that dirty Worlda hole even deeper and we are now all looking forward to you returning again at the end of the next semester, when half of your foreign teachers quit or refuse to sign new contracts. Presumably with a new alias, or excuse of some sort.

#2 Parent Dan - 2013-06-13
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

I'm going to stop responding to your messages because they are way too ignorant, and as YOU have said,

I might put some of these stories up, but as it is hearsay, you can't verify it as 100% true.
Why would you post things that you don't know to be true?

As I've been a teacher in the company for 3 years, everyone can expect my opinion and knowledge on the company to be much, much greater then yours (sorry if I insult your intelligence -

You can't tell me that company X is better than Y or so not so bad like Z. They are all crap because they all are run according to the same pattern. End of the story.
All companies are crap? Great intelligence, sounds like something a crap employee who only talks about the bad things in life. Yes I've seen your other posts.)

So again, you can listen to a teacher who's worked in the company for 3 years (which by the way is the same experience the teachers that wrote the hand written letters on the website have,) or you can listen to some angry guys who constantly troll these forums reading and writing about stories that someone wrote that some other guy heard about from his friends cat when drinking at a fine establishment such as Hooley's (which also by the way, is the only good thing you talked about.) Good day.

#3 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-06-12
Re: Guangzhou Worlda Cultural & Educational Consulting Services CO.LTD

You can't tell me that company X is better than Y or so not so bad like Z. They are all crap because they all are run according to the same pattern. End of the story.

Not sure about that, some bad companies are run even worse than others. It is increasingly becoming the pattern that you have to stay away from the private places in China.

Worlda is known by many as being the lowest of the low in GZ, not only did I hear stuff from Worlda teachers in GZ, but even people from EF (yes, EF!) and the like advising a young Worlda teacher to leave them. Worlda teachers taking the inclusive accommodation option were getting truly screwed, 6 to 7 k a month, when even guys with no experience can get 12k a month or more in GZ very easily with more reputable companies (not actually that reputable, just more so than Worlda).

That's a funny thing about GZ, teachers do tend to get together in the pubs like Hooley's and so on and talk about their work and you hear a lot of stories, it can be said that there's no smoke without fire. I might put some of these stories up, but as it is hearsay, you can't verify it as 100% true. It would still be more credible than those handwritten reviews, so...

Some stories are just so crazy that they are hard to believe, but there are so many things which there is even evidence of... Fake DUPLICATE reviews, sending people to other provinces on GZ visas, getting teachers to pay for their own visas (they say that in their ads and seriously, what kind of company does that!) but when you get them resorting to new lows every year to try to defend themselves, you just know that they can't be trusted.

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