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#1 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-17
Re: where do you learn your ethics? bro

Thailand is way too poor and working conditions for foreigner teachers are no good.
Traditionally Thai women are raised by their families to marry a man with money and help support them (parents, siblings and own children).

I was teaching in Thailand for quite a while, it is poor in places in fact very poor in places and indeed some but not all working conditions for teachers are pretty grim. But then working conditions are reliant on qualifications and whether or not the back-packer-teacher graduated in Khao San Road.

I found the people to be some of the nicest I have ever met and students who were motivated without being greedy like a lot of the Chinese I met. Of course there were a little Emperors, pushy parents. Worst bits were the Thai complete lack of regard for keeping to time and paying for tuition.

And to be honest at no time did I feel the need to insert anything into a student.. It didn't strike me as part of the teacher-student ethic.

I did of course oblige a g/f or two - one works for the Thai Cops and other works in the Malaysian Cops........... Nuff said..

#2 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-17
Re: where do you learn your ethics? bro

Your reply sound like a church preacher, talking about the sin all the time. You're entitled to your opinion about (edited) morality, but keep it inside the church and apply it only when is need it.

I can see nothing wrong with having morals or morality in respect for other people whilst living in their countries. Whether you are man or woman and old, fat, smelly, or sexually inadequate - no one should do stuff overseas that you wouldn't do at home and want your family/authorities to know about.

And I agree with Turnoi dobbing in pedos etc.. I personally found two UK nationals selling copies of UK Police Clearance Certificates and had no qualms about dobbing them in to a reliable Thai cop contact and would do so again. I hope these creeps enjoyed the attention they received afterwards.

#3 Parent Sun T. - 2013-06-17
Re: where do you learn your ethics? bro

Thailand is way too poor and working conditions for foreigner teachers are no good.
Traditionally Thai women are raised by their families to marry a man with money and help support them (parents, siblings and own children).

#4 Parent Binnyman - 2013-06-17
Re: where do you learn your ethics? bro

Your reply sound like a church preacher, talking about the sin all the time. You're entitled to your opinion about (edited) morality, but keep it inside the church and apply it only when is need it.

Granted, one of the reasons laowais go overseas is to have a normal and active sexual life, at home many of them don't have any. I see no problem with that. Any laowai adult, no matter how old, fat, smelly can try to hit any adult-single-woman anywhere; There is nothing wrong with that as long he behaves and no harass her. Any laowai can also go to any of those sex places overseas to buy some, nothing wrong with that. You view of laowais is a very negative one, most of them I know do not travel overseas to abuse sexually or in any form anyone.

I also suggest you to start going after the authorities of countries like Thailand, it's there fault the bad sex reputation, NO the old men foreigner going-attracted there to contribute to their corrupt-economy. I totally support legalizing prostitution in the West and have all this very hard worker laowais staying West.

Good luck to you.

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