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#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-06-22
Re: Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

Do you say what I am saying as wrong?

I don't know, you claim to be right on everything. Are you a biologist or darwinist?

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-19
Re: Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

Indian guys get chinese girls, yet they are meant to smell of curry, so not quite sure, unless it is against africans?

That's a good point, San Mig- Chinese also smell of food; they don't seem to mind a food smell. No, Negroid races give off their own scent, and it's always the same, irrespective of what is consumed. i had a couple of black girlfriends I acquired from the Internet in UK- I didn't know where else to look because there weren't any foreigners near where I live- anyway, i found the smell quite desirable; however, most Chinese don't like it at all. No blame on anybody for one of life's facts. bit like Spocks's race of people on Star Trek, they had to take special anti-smell pills to even be able to exist around humans- that is fiction of course. Do you say what I am saying as wrong?

#3 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-19
Re: Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

Anywhere karoki was invented dont (edited) matter. you live and learn (edited). karaoki is use by asian like monkey to imitate white ppl.your troll (edited) answer suck.

I think people enjoying a pleasant night in a "karoki or karaoki" bar might take exception to being called monkeys. Perhaps you could do some research into this and let us know how you get on.

And anyway not all "karoaki" song are sung by white devils, although Michael Jackson could have been an exception.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2013-06-19
Re: Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

Indian guys get chinese girls, yet they are meant to smell of curry, so not quite sure, unless it is against africans?

#5 Parent suwon - 2013-06-18
Re: Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

Anywhere karoki was invented dont (edited) matter. you live and learn (edited). karaoki is use by asian like monkey to imitate white ppl.your troll (edited) answer suck.

#6 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-17
Re: Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

Is that the reason why karaoke was invented in Japan?

I live and learn..

#7 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-17
Re: Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

Black man do not have to impersonate none to get the white girls by bunches.

Blackmen are very popular with white women and you can't blame blackmen for gorging themselves. However, they will never have the same success in Asia(they will have some success) because of one simple biological characteristic; whereas all the blackmen I have met in Asia are very clean people and always do their ablutions properly, they do at no fault to themselves give off an odour which is not to Asian taste- so, this scent is an aphrodisiac to some and a turn-off to others. I witnessed a situation in a Chinese normal university where the students complained that the scent of their African FT's was making them feel ill first thing in the morning-the agency had to replace the FT's for white one. Now, these Africans were scrupulously clean people-just one of those strange little facts of life which seems impossible to legislate for. How on earth do you deal with that one-I am at a complete loss??? Should you bury it and not try and deal with it at all?

#8 Parent John - 2013-06-17
Re: Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

Korean sensation singer PSY imitating Ricky Martin. Most successful Asian musician in the competitive western world in recent times.
Famous for imitating Ricky Martin's hit song She Bangs. Also known for hiding his Asian eyes with cool sun-glasses when performing.

#9 Parent John - 2013-06-17
Re: Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

Black man do not have to impersonate none to get the white girls by bunches.

#10 Parent suwon - 2013-06-17
Re: Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

beacause most asian man try so hard to impersonate white man.EG, karaoke f...ing shit

#11 Parent John - 2013-06-17
Re: Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

Trivia: What was the most successful movie by Asian movie star Jackie Chan

Answer: Shanghai Noon, the film grossed USD$99,274,467.

Wearing cowboy outfit like you guessed: a white man.

Sun T. - 2013-06-16
Asian men are shy and afraid of white girls.

With good reason, white girls see them as last in the pecking order. A FACT.

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