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#1 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-20
Re: Beelzebub Says Column: Why do FT's visit pink rooms?

From your link article there is this clown.

Foreign Teacher Dumped by Female Student, Blackmailing CNY 100,000 with her Nude Photos....

This immature clown is serving three years in a Chinese prison... Actually it could have been far worse because in other countries the girl must likely would have added rape to the police report.

#2 Parent John O’Shei - 2013-06-20
Re: The most pathetic post I have read on here

Oh yes, the fantasy friends... I’d far sooner bang the very skankiest of prossies on a regular basis, than create imaginary friends on the internet in my own likeness. Whatever that condition is, that is a mental illness and a half.

#3 Parent juanisaac - 2013-06-20
Re: Beelzebub Says Column: Why do FT's visit pink rooms?

You have seen the Chinese standards in food, sanitation, transportation, infrastructure, and the such. Do you think the Chinese standards for their sex trade is any different?
Not so long ago I read a story of an undercover reporter to went to these seedy places to interview pink room ladies. Some had so many stds, their flesh was rotting from their bodies and they had to cover their hands and feet to keep the sores from being seen.
If I find any newbie foreigner, my advice to them first and foremost is to avoid pink rooms at all costs. Chinese men that go just blend in, a foreigner that goes in stands out and may be black mailed or the PSB called on them. I know the urge to merge is great in some folks, but it is not worth the risk. This is not Amsterdam or Vegas.

#4 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-18
Re: Beelzebub Says Column: Why do FT's visit pink rooms?

Good idea, the schools could insist on it- at least their students and Chinese teacheresses wouldn't want to copulate with the FT's...well, they may try, just once.

Unless the "recruitor/training centre" also offers heaps of viagra tablets as an added benefit.

Mind you it would probably be fake viagra anyway.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-18
Re: The most pathetic post I have read on here

Thank you Curious and Beelzebub for providing a great model on how to be good at never making any strides in life. For someone such as me I would view alcoholism as an escape from personal problems for said individual. This means the individual should seek help, and seeking prostitutes is a behavior that provides evidence of this. The fact that people would put out a "solution" of "Just Change!" and call that "deep" tells you how "smart" these posts are. Self esteem issues come from a lifetime's worth of buildup, and Professional help is needed if anyone is to improve. Never mind the fact that there was any real research that was done except some back alley rumors and offhand accounts of a select few prostitutes who may have "heard of" or exaggerated what they said for various self esteem issues of their own.

Hey Curious why don't you try and say some more things like full sentences? It would certainly shed some more light on how you feel about things. You don't want me or any other poster to feel as if you're just the alter ego of the troll on here trying to make his own low self esteem feel better by talking to his fantasy friends.

#6 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-18
Re: Beelzebub Says Column: Why do FT's visit pink rooms?

Can we can expect "Recruiters and Training Centres" to add Erectile Dysfunction as part of their candidate/commodity requirements at any time soon?

Good idea, the schools could insist on it- at least their students and Chinese teacheresses wouldn't want to copulate with the FT's...well, they may try, just once.

#7 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-18
Re: Beelzebub Says Column: Why do FT's visit pink rooms?

Can we can expect "Recruiters and Training Centres" to add Erectile Dysfunction as part of their candidate/commodity requirements at any time soon?

#8 Parent Curious - 2013-06-18
Re: Beelzebub Says Column: Why do FT's visit pink rooms?

Great post!!!
Very deep!!!

Beelzebub - 2013-06-18
Beelzebub Says Column: Why do FT's visit pink rooms?

Why do some FT's avail themselves of whores. I think if we pose that question to the FT's, I doubt that we'll get a very truthful answer. With that in mind, I hit the streets to ask the service providers (pink-room ladies) if they knew why men come to them in a country where you would think that all FT's would be able to find themselves girlfriends, for free, or for the price of an occasional meal.

The results of my enquiries shocked me, really took me by surprise. The ladies informed me that most of their Western clients, aged 40-50, have a problem-Erectile Dysfunction; therefore, oral sex tends to be high up on the menu, to such an extent that they brag about their dexterity and willingness in that area of expertise.

These ladies were surprisingly smart, and offered explanations for why the men suffered from erectile dysfunction. Number one reason was excessive alcohol intake; they drink more than once a week. They tend to have extra inches around their waists, and this is more often than not an indication that a man is a floppy Joe. Another reason for why these men are so severely incapacitated is low self-esteem, as a result of bad attitudes preventing them from keeping girlfriends for very long- and of course it is a vicious circle; if you suffer from erectile dysfunction, normal young ladies won't want you to stay around very long anyway, and one knock-back after another will drain a man's confidence, and the more of a floppy Joe he will become. But I am assured that they are always welcome in the pink rooms...for a small financial consideration of course.

So, if you come to China with a bad attitude-grumble too much-drink too much-eat too much- you could get erectile dysfunction and have to go to pink rooms. Get it, got it? Good!

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