Return to Index › Fish, you're providing all the "proof" we need! - Teachers Discussion
#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-28
Re: On and on and on and on.... - Teachers Discussion

Even the king of crap Turnip has done a runner

Yes but why did he do a runner? In all fairness to, Turnoi, he might have had good reason to skedaddle- we should ask him. I must admit it did send my mind into overdrive when I heard about the unlikely scenario happening to such a seasoned warrior. There definitely may be more in it than meets the eyes- did he skedaddle with FAOess' daughter, or something he wanted like all respectable skedaddlers? And when he arrived at the next school did before he skedaddled from that one too, abandon the unfortunate female with no more than a Chinese sausage, packet of crisps, and a crisp 100 yuan to make her 1000 mile hike home more comfortable? All conjecture I know, but always thought that there's a cavalier, devil may care side to the crocodile man that we know little about- we should ask him. Hahaha, all good fun.

#2 Parent callmefred - 2007-06-14
On and on and on and on.... - Teachers Discussion

Gentlmen, there is an awful lot of bollocks being written on this forum lately.
Who is-vs-who isn't,
you are this or you are that-vs-no I'm not,
Call me this-vs-call me that,
China is-vs-China isn't, mines bigger than yours etc.
it goes on and on and on.

I thought I wrote rubbish ! (and will happily shoulder my share of the blame) but you lot have got me beat. Even the king of crap Turnip has done a runner, so perhaps we should take the hint, give the name-calling and to-ing & fro-ing a rest and go about our business in an altogether more civilised manner.

Let me leave you with this question;
Is the word "countryside" the legal definition of murdering a recruiter ?.

The End.

#3 Parent Crass SOB - 2007-06-14
Fish, you're providing all the "proof" we need! - Teachers Discussion


You engage in all this hostile name-calling. For example, "crass SOB," "ignorant prick," and countless other names under the USMC moniker, to me alone, and you want ME to prove something to YOU???

Yeah, the Earthling is so right, you post one inane, self-serving diatribe/lecture after another. Your posts provide all the proof anyone needs.

Who else but a recruiter would be so vitriolic in their crazed defense of all the unethical and yes, ILLEGAL treatment (USMC) so many FTs encounter and experience in China. Who else but a recruiter would day-after-day would give the China ESL industry a fresh coat of white paint, in a desperate effort to mislead and lure more foreign teachers here?

You always demand the last word, Fish, and no doubt you will spend your last, dying moments at the keyboard trying to protect and salvage your FT supplier business. Don't worry, your cronie school "leaders" will keep you well-supplied in baijou and cigarettes and a few RMB.

You've shot yourself in the head, mouth and foot with your relentless post-poundings toward others, and now that readers can see what's REALLY going on, you laughably demand that others PROVE something negative about you! Ridiculous!

You've made repeated (and of course, false) accusations about my personal finances, but I "Got over it!" (as you and Alicia would advise me to do). Can you PROVE that anything hateful and vicious you (and USMC) have said about ME is true??? Of course you can't! I know the truth, and I will let others judge for themselves.

However, I understand it must hurt. "Recruiter" is a kind of four-letter word in the China ESL world; but hey, it's the way you chose to make a living (off the sweat and dedication of unsuspecting FTs). By your rate of posts there's no way you could be doing much teaching!

The more you post, the more truth about your genuine character, and motives are revealed. Keep that proof coming... (and you're getting loads of hostile comrade assistance from USMC).

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