Return to Index › American killed in Egypt was English teacher
#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-07-03
Re: American killed in Egypt was English teacher

Turnoi perhaps can best answer us, he is a priest, and knows something of world religions. If i have erred, he will set me straight!

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-02
Re: American killed in Egypt was English teacher

some might say they gave us mathematics, and egyptian artifacts.

I would say judaism is less tolerant imho.

Yes, I hear you, but which group would you prefer to spend the night in a broken lift with? Hahaha.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2013-07-02
Re: American killed in Egypt was English teacher

which we could adapt to do without they have nothing to offer us but death and the enslavement of women.

some might say they gave us mathematics, and egyptian artifacts.

I would say judaism is less tolerant imho.

#4 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-02
Re: American killed in Egypt was English teacher

Nothing personal btw.

Of course nothing personal. I would cut the buggers out-turn off the Internet-apart from oil, which we could adapt to do without they have nothing to offer us but death and the enslavement of women.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2013-07-01
Re: American killed in Egypt was English teacher

pay than what awaits us by by carrying on thinking that we can reform them.

That is exactly right, they don't want budweiser and blue jeans and miniskirts, they do want more of a voice and the internet though, I would not call them backward or uneducated. The arab spring happened for a reason, they want change, as is happening in turkey for better or worse, a country the EU begs to join its membership, as opposed to before. Nothing personal btw.

#6 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-01
Re: American killed in Egypt was English teacher

You might think me hard hearted but I think that filming protests was the wrong thing to do..

Yes, well, we can all end up making the wrong spur-of-the-moment decisions; however, the important original decision he made which led to his death was ever going anywhere near these countries of fanatics. It is sometimes difficult enough to stay alive in a Western country because we never know for sure whether or not some religious individual is going to split us down the middle with a meat cleaver-especially if you have a soldiers uniform on; let alone going to teach in a country where the risks are 10,000 times greater. I would ban airlines from going anywhere near North Africa or Afghanistan- bring all our soldiers home and have nowt to do with them-A 100% increase in the price of fuel and recession would be a much smaller price to pay than what awaits us by by carrying on thinking that we can reform them.

#7 Parent MikeK - 2013-07-01
Re: American killed in Egypt was English teacher

Andrew Pochter of Chevy Chase, Maryland, was stabbed Friday in the port city of Alexandria.

Egyptian state media reported that he was stabbed in the chest while filming the protests.

This is rather sad news..

You might think me hard hearted but I think that filming protests was the wrong thing to do..

The U.S. Department of State strongly urges U.S. citizens to avoid all demonstrations in Egypt, as even peaceful ones can quickly become violent, and a foreigner could become a target of harassment or worse. Because of the proximity of the U.S. Embassy to Tahrir Square in Cairo, http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/tw/tw_egypt.html

Curious - 2013-06-30
American killed in Egypt was English teacher

Andrew Pochter of Chevy Chase, Maryland, was stabbed Friday in the port city of Alexandria. He was in the country teaching English to elementary school children.

Egyptian state media reported that he was stabbed in the chest while filming the protests.

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