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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-02
Re: My news

No, not at all. I can even provide proof, should you require it, and ask for it politely. I would say it is the best job I have had in China yet, even better than some crappy public job. 18 classes a week, nice free flat, and a stipend and very low local living costs, great food, friendly people. I defy anyone to find a better offer ANYWHERE in China, perhaps I will keep it to myself as others do not like sharing on here too!

I believe you-don't worry about that. You no longer work for a smelly state school but work for a decent private outfit- or you progressed, but did you say your contract has also ended at the private school? If so why so, as it was so good? No, I was just noting that your course of action has led you to fall out big time with Turnoi-Silverboy and co and you will certainly be asked to hand back the regulation-issue SH knuckle- dusters- Hahaha.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2013-07-01
Re: My news

No, not at all. I can even provide proof, should you require it, and ask for it politely. I would say it is the best job I have had in China yet, even better than some crappy public job. 18 classes a week, nice free flat, and a stipend and very low local living costs, great food, friendly people. I defy anyone to find a better offer ANYWHERE in China, perhaps I will keep it to myself as others do not like sharing on here too!

#3 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-01
Re: My news

Fair enough. But at the private college I just finished at I did not have to give one solitary exam

Is 'private college' a euphemism for 'crap training centre?' I shouldn't be surprised if Turnoi doesn't call an emergency meeting of the SH governing body today- Questions will be asked!! Welcome in advance to the Grovelling Weasels- hahahahaha- all good fun. Maybe CL will give you a position in his new 'traing centre' We should ask him.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2013-06-30
Re: My news

You'll understand if I don't respond further as I am very busy now.

Fair enough. But at the private college I just finished at I did not have to give one solitary exam, yay! MY guess is find the cushier jobs, yes that term again,where you do not have to grade papers and can just turn up, do your classes, and bugger off for the summer.

Good luck anyway, we are poles apart, shall say no more on the matter.

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