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#1 Parent Legality and Professionalism - 2013-11-13
Re: Huizhou College PRETENDING to be a University


one is male, octogenarian and a fake Ph.D. Professor Dr R. Lynn O. (for details see link)


the other is female, about 40, [edited] [edited] and she goes as Lucy Lin, Lucy H. Lin H. etc... just to confuse and [edited]. Of course, Lucy is just a pseudonym for [edited] pruposes and nothing official


Also both are mentioned here:


#2 Parent Rush Hour - 2013-11-13
Re: Huizhou College PRETENDING to be a University

Lynn = Lin (H.), FAO?

Aaaahhhhhhhhh....is that the guy with the fake Doctorate?

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-12
Re: P.P.S.

No it's not boring, it's hilarious!

#4 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University

Drag: With such a fragile ego, you make mistakes. Your insecure ego makes you hypervigilant and un-focused. And therefore, weak. You are wong, I am none of the posters you mentioned. I am just someone who - yawn - is bored by the constant sight of your projected insecurities (I like this Forum and I will keep visiting it, so don't come with your refrain that I just have to leave). Just man up.

You can keep visiting this forum, but you will have to put up with us humiliating your kind on a regular basis.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University

Hi Bored, boring, or borelee. Here are my responses to you:

Drag: With such a fragile ego, you make mistakes.

I have been posting on here for quite some time, and it finally dawns on you to point out that I am making "mistakes". You are a really good DEECHER indeed! All those "students" who attend the "school" that you work at would appreciate your lengthy, dragged out, and non-efficient level of competency for it measures up to their own.

Your insecure ego makes you hypervigilant and un-focused. And therefore, weak.

Oh now you're profiling me? I have an "insecure ego" because you say so? Did those butterflies that you were collecting tell you that? Or did the polar bears who speak poor English tainted with a heavy Eskimo accent (no offense to Eskimo people) give you this "advice"? I should tell you then that these animals, while well versed in the ways of mother nature still have a ways to go with communicating in the human world. You'd best brush up on your Butterflynese and your Polarean before making assumptions. You will not only make an ass out of me, but also yourself. Remember how to spell "assume"?

You are wong

Umm...I'm not a Wong. You must think I am someone else. Maybe the real Wongs who robbed your Water Well and stole the dried pork that you hung outside are around. I know you've been fighting them in the mountains for generations and every scuffle will result in a loss of dozens of members of your clan and whatnot. But please don't accuse people of things they are not, it's unnecessary.

I am just someone who - yawn - is bored by the constant sight of your projected insecurities

Let me tell you a little story: Once upon a time there was a little grovelling weasel. This weasel had no skills, no social ability, and no ideas of his own. Yet despite these disabilities he would go on eslteachersboard.com and read the posts written by people whom he didn't know. As he read them, he felt insecure, mistrustful, resentful, and even occasionally hateful at many of the posts written by some of the regular posters for they did not agree with what he believed in. How can people who work in a country that is not their own still possess so much integrity, honesty, and moral strength? One day, one of the regular posters whom he disagreed with the most disappeared, much to this weasel's delight. "Where did he go? Did he finally give up? Will he come back?" The weasel wondered and thought about this until much to his chagrin a couple weeks back this poster comes around again and starts posting almost as much as he did before. "No, no, NO!", stammered the weasel. "How can he dare show his face again! What arrogance! What impunity! What shamelessness!" The weasel felt confused, betrayed, and shook from his head to his toes at the prospect of seeing this poster again. "But wait...", his little mind said. "Perhaps this poster really did have his ego hurt, and that was why he went away for a while. Now if you would just hammer his ego and say some really nasty things, he might just go away again!" So this little weasel huffed, puffed, and hurled all of his projected insecurities at the regular poster.

By now, you should probably check behind you a bit and go clean that tail of yours...hahaha

(I like this Forum and I will keep visiting it, so don't come with your refrain that I just have to leave)

Did I say that buddy? I didn't ask you to leave now did I? Just when we are running out of examples to show off to other people you come running along. I should say thank you for showing up! I only started the first little chapter of your saga, dear boy so why leave so quickly?

Just man up.

I have all my manly functions in place and working well, not that it's any of your concern. On the other hand it must be frustrating for you to always have to "man up" as you seem well versed in doing this. Why are you always so lacking? I certainly hope it's not anything physical. I am too young to be taking things like viagra and such, and for you I wouldn't recommend popping those things like tic tacs. You can get a stroke from too much excitement.

#6 Parent Bored - 2013-11-12
Re: P.P.S.

Then why so many posts addressed to me?
This is boring!

#7 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-12
Re: P.P.S.

Also please keep in mind that in your post you basically had one theme: You don't care about how I think.

So I say this...

Why the hell should I care about how you think?

Food for thought, eh?

#8 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University

An armchair shrink who wants to get into my head but comes off as a cheap beelzebub knockoff. Keep trying, you are exactly as your name implies.

#9 Parent Legality and Professionalism - 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University

Spoken from the privileged position of someone who is not discriminated by other people's virulent homophobia, obviously.

But that place is NOT your birthright, you will be kicked out of that privilege.

#10 Parent Legality and Professionalism - 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University

your idea of what being a "man" means is irrelevant.

your ideas of masculinity belong in a sewer, and so does your Weltanschauung in general.

#11 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-12
Re: Hahaha your point being...?

It seems like every time I make some posts exposing the characters of some people a new troll will come up and try to cut me down. Well "Bored" I am flattered to have your attention. Through all these words you've thrown my way even though I disagree with everything you have said about me I should still say how much my words struck a chord deep enough for you to say all this in the first place. But at the end of the day, armchair psychiatry only gets you so far. But if you gave the mongolian whispering ponies or the turkish stammering goats the same soul searching advice maybe they will listen! Hahaha.

#12 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University

It is okay to obsess a little sometimes, especially if you're outing individuals of little or no character. What useful information have you contributed to this board? Nothing in so far as I can see!

#13 Parent Bored - 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University

Drag: With such a fragile ego, you make mistakes. Your insecure ego makes you hypervigilant and un-focused. And therefore, weak. You are wong, I am none of the posters you mentioned. I am just someone who - yawn - is bored by the constant sight of your projected insecurities (I like this Forum and I will keep visiting it, so don't come with your refrain that I just have to leave). Just man up.

#14 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University

No Greg/Anne/WW, you or your crony made the mistake so I can point it out. Ask the board admins to delete your stupid posts if you don't like being attacked. Tool.

#15 Parent Bored - 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University

Drag: Can we move on? Can you de-obsess for the sake of those who read your posts if not for your own sake?

#16 Parent Dragonized - 2013-11-12
Re: Huizhou University


In this link he shoots himself in the foot by acknowledging that what you posted are actually "pictures". Whatever fits the mood for this sociopath will make him define right/wrong in one way on one day and in another way on another day.

Also, by his twisted logic on that day if showing real pictures makes homosexuality not okay, then only showing fake ones would make it okay. By this logic homosexuality to this psycho is fake, and doesn't actually exist. Homophobia at its finest.

I already talked about this sick f**k's racist problems with folks of African descent and this shows his homophobic problems. He even talked about flirting with the female assistant with you as if all women respond to that kind of objectification. I'm sure a normal woman will find it okay to label him "misogynistic".

Funny thing is, when I pointed out how he shouldn't talk about some things in some way he made the classic argument fallacy: He didn't discredit the information I put out, but he went and directly attacked my character like he knew me personally. But hey he showed everyone what a low life criminal he was.

#17 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-11-08
Re: Huizhou University

He's the forum mong, I wouldn't take any notice of him if I were you.

#18 Parent Luckily Escaped from Huizhou College - 2013-11-08
Re: Huizhou University

you are a moron. Nothing on those pictures of that shitty faux-university is "mock up", they are simply digital photos.

#19 Parent Look at the darker side, since there ain't a bright one - 2013-09-07
Re: Huizhou College PRETENDING to be a University

This was written not by a Greg (for there has been no Greg at Huizhou College Masqueradign as a University in the last 10 years) but by Lin H[edited], one of the notorious thieves who embezzle teachers' money depsite their own WRITTEN promise to pay it.

#20 Parent juanisaac - 2013-07-29
Re: Huizhou University

My post was not an attack on you per say. I rarely do that to people on this forum, nor am I the spelling or grammar police. My post was based on the clues that I saw on your post. That led me to the conclusion that the post was not written by a native speaker at the time. Sometimes Chinese school employees pretend to be foreign teachers to defend or promote their schools here. A misspelled word or omitted word is no big deal, it happens all the time. Everyone needs an editor, and I am no exception. I can see that you proofread your post better this time, and that has led to a different conclusion about you.

This forum serves as an early warning system. There are good schools and horrible schools out there where people need to take due diligence in investigating before they sign on. I myself did not sign on with a certain school in Harbin because of what I read on this forum. I was new to E.S.L. back then and seriously considered signing on before investigating more. That place was a really shady place that was confirmed on other sites.

E.S.L. in China is filled with corruption, and I am glad your experience has been positive. I have been with my school for three years. When I leave I will recommend it to other teachers. However, I will not recommend the other school across town that keeps bringing in very young British teachers on a business visa. The new teacher now had no clue that she was here illegaly. I told her to have a get away plan and to not submit to any of the school's threats since they can't enforce an illegal contract on an illegal worker. Another school around here promised one teacher a verbal contract renewal in June, and just last week they changed their mind and told her that she had one week to clean her office and apartment. I spent time with her this summer as she told me all about the jobs she had turned down to remain at that school. She liked the school and the town. She got drunk for three straight nights at the local bar this past week. I was there for two of those days. She just left yesterday to Chicago.

Misspelled words and awkward written psosts are not so important. That new teachers should be careful before comming to China is what is important.

#21 Parent Greg - 2013-07-28
Re: Huizhou University

"The crow calling the raven black" Interesting post. It fascinates me (as Spoke would say) that when someone such as I posts a positive note about a school, my post is viciously attacked. People concluded that because I made mistakes, I am a non native speaker. Good case in point "crow calling the raven black". Obviously, juanisaac is a non native speaker because he misspelled "capatalizing". Should I conclude from one paragraph that juanisaac is a non native speaker because he made a mistake, or maybe he was simply careless with his post such as I was careless.

It seems that these teacher discussion boards are nothing more that a medium for complainers, and therefore a waste of time to read. If someone posts something positive, the audience digs for mistakes and attacks the person as a fake. Sure, my post might seem like a propaganda ploy, but if it is, why waste your time reading any of these teacher boards if the only people you believe are the complainers?

#22 Parent Regina - 2013-07-01
Re: Huizhou University

Greg? Come on. Is that you D[edited]?

#23 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-29
Re: Huizhou University

So, yes, in my opinion said photographs were very much a figment of the posters imagination. Creative artistic licence type imagination.

Yes, you would know a lot about imagining, wouldn't you? For someone who has no problems lying about the personal lives of other teachers such as me when you were saying how I was eating in soup kitchens or sleeping in homeless shelters earlier this year on the board as "Mancunian". You sure do know how to spin a story. I don't know how you can do this, as I would not carry so much contempt towards someone whom I have not met in real life. But in the end you are none the better for it, and I certainly will not give any real respect towards the likes of you. But even someone such as you can serve as a use to other prospective teachers on what can happen if you stay in a place like China for too long.

#24 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-29
Re: An example of a TROLL

Oh god you are trying way too hard to be negative. It hurts my happy self. I'll just assume you were scammed and couldn't do anything about it, so you took to the internet to vent your frustrations. Sounds similar [] john o sheet, dragonized, ect? Sorry you got scammed, doesn't mean that other people will be as careless as you. It also doesn't mean that everyone is EVIL and out to GET YOU! Really, you guys are pathetic, and I feel bad for anyone who actually reads your whining because you just made them sad over something you don't know to be true.

I know, right? People who can't do anything about the injustice in a country like China should all be disregarded. You also can then disregard most local people's opinions as well. You sure sound like a Loser Pollyanna type. Fitting your pseudonym would be "Anne".

I certainly don't think everyone is out to get me. I do believe there are good people in this world, [edited]. I am happy for the fact that you are angry at me and other posters for daring to speak out. It serves you right to be miserable for something like this. [edited]

If you want to share your experiences, that's fine. But you're not. Not once have I actually seen anything where any of you talk about what happened to you to make you so negative, or feel the way you do. All you write about is what you read before, heard about, or your "general overall consensus" from the "fired teachers anonymous" meetings.

I have stated many of my own personal experiences on this board. I have been posting on here long enough. Not that I have anything to prove to a troll such as you. I do not only "write about" what I've "read before". Some of the things I can tell you will blow your mind due to me having a better grasp of how things work in this world than you ever will. I post because I believe in helping make things better, and you're just another sore nail sticking out that I will hit back down with my proverbial hammer.

Get a job and a boy/girlfriend, and maybe you'll be happier and off this message board like I will be.

Despite working a full time and part time jobs and feeling exhausted at the end of the day, I still post on here. Not posting can make me feel a bit irresponsible like I am leaving something unattended. I do not think the "Anne" poster will be reading this, but certainly the West still provides plenty of losers who think they are legends in their own minds. Working against these people will continue to be a grind, and it won't be easy. But in the end showing how I feel and that is rewarding enough in itself.

#25 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-29
Re: Huizhou University

I 100% agree on this. If you're regularly posting here, your clearly not going outside your home to find women. A lot of the common posters here are e-bullies, because they don't have the confidence to speak out for themselves in real life.

Actually, posting on here has made me realize that I can speak out, and it only helped me become more assertive in real life. E-bullies generally will snipe and troll other posters instead of being original in what they say. It sounds like you.

My advice for finding a nice girlfriend/wife? Try turning that frown upside down and go out to find them!

I know right?! Go and just find someone who will be right for you and your life will be turned upside down. Just so happens that I like many things in my life just the way it is right now. Not that you would care. How about trying to speak more intelligently for a change? Would make your words less humorous, but at least it would add literary value. Maybe you should find a Godfather, like Beelzebub?

#26 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-29
Re: Huizhou University

It's amusing to see trolls try and mimic what others say when they think they have an ally. I certainly hope you were not talking about me. Would you like to start another round of "entertainment"?

#27 Parent Greg - 2013-06-29
Re: Huizhou University

Nope, I am from US. My ancestry is German and a little Russian. My "Chinese style" grammar mistakes may either prove that I have been teaching English to Chinese so I know all their mistakes, or maybe that I was a little careless with my post (which I was). But, no, I have no Chinese ancestry in me.

#28 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-27
Re: Huizhou University

finance teacher


#29 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-27
Re: First class, luxury accommodation for foreign professors at Huizhiou University

Well at least it's got a flag..

Everyone needs flag..

#30 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-27
Re: Huizhou University

It's not the Huizhou Uni's fault, it is as Anne clearly puts it "Stupid FTs that have been scammed or cheated due to ignorance."

#31 Parent Explorer - 2013-06-27
"Greg" - pretend native speaker....

who is making a positive post of the school where I work
#32 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-06-27
Re: Huizhou University

Hey John, I am a native speaker. Pointing out grammar mistakes doesn't prove anything except that you have so much time on your hands that you have nothing better to do than to insult someone who is making a positive post of the school where I work. My simple point, that you have completely missed, is that I enjoy my job and my school. Can you understand that?

Grammar mistakes might not prove anything, but Chinese style grammar mistakes prove that you are actually Chinese.

#33 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-06-27
Re: First class, luxury accommodation for foreign professors at Huizhiou University

Now argue with that Smeg... I mean 'Greg'.

#34 Parent Greg - 2013-06-27
Re: Huizhou University

finance teacher

#35 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-27
Re: Huizhou University

My simple point, that you have completely missed, is that I enjoy my job and my school. Can you understand that?

It's always good to see someone enjoying their job..

But what job do you do?

#36 Parent [poster] - 2013-06-27
First class, luxury accommodation for foreign professors at Huizhiou University

Counter to all slandering statements on our university on this board, we wish to make it very clear that we provide first-class salaries and luxury apartments for our foreign professors. Please see for yourself:


#37 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

I 100% agree on this. If you're regularly posting here, your clearly not going outside your home to find women. A lot of the common posters here are e-bullies, because they don't have the confidence to speak out for themselves in real life.

My advice for finding a nice girlfriend/wife? Try turning that frown upside down and go out to find them!

That's the ticket, Anne. I totally agree with you. My worry is this though, that one of them should accidentally acquire a wife (not likely I know) and the poor woman's life would be a misery. No, they do need to find other interests and change their attitudes substantially. I already have a nice wife.

#38 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

Maybe the "Escaped from Huizhou" poster just imagined what happened to him. And the photos he took are a figment of his imagination also........LOL!

Oh don't worry about John, Greg, he's just a China Grumbler, as is his 'Grumbler in Arms' chum who wrote the above. I saw those pics that 'Escaped from Huizhou' poster posted and I'm bound to say, one looked like a mock-up and another...well, I couldn't see much wrong with it. I got the distinct feeling that the aforementioned poster was just using the forum to advertise something else though which hadn't much to do with the university or it's shortcomings. So, yes, in my opinion said photographs were very much a figment of the posters imagination. Creative artistic licence type imagination.

#39 Parent Greg - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

Hey John, I am a native speaker. Pointing out grammar mistakes doesn't prove anything except that you have so much time on your hands that you have nothing better to do than to insult someone who is making a positive post of the school where I work. My simple point, that you have completely missed, is that I enjoy my job and my school. Can you understand that?

#40 Parent Anne - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

Now, anyone who posts regularly should be assumed according to you to have bad social skills

I 100% agree on this. If you're regularly posting here, your clearly not going outside your home to find women. A lot of the common posters here are e-bullies, because they don't have the confidence to speak out for themselves in real life.

My advice for finding a nice girlfriend/wife? Try turning that frown upside down and go out to find them!

#41 Parent Anne - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

Oh god you are trying way too hard to be negative. It hurts my happy self. I'll just assume you were scammed and couldn't do anything about it, so you took to the internet to vent your frustrations. Sounds similar [] john o sheet, dragonized, ect? Sorry you got scammed, doesn't mean that other people will be as careless as you. It also doesn't mean that everyone is EVIL and out to GET YOU! Really, you guys are pathetic, and I feel bad for anyone who actually reads your whining because you just made them sad over something you don't know to be true.

If you want to share your experiences, that's fine. But you're not. Not once have I actually seen anything where any of you talk about what happened to you to make you so negative, or feel the way you do. All you write about is what you read before, heard about, or your "general overall consensus" from the "fired teachers anonymous" meetings.
Get a job and a boy/girlfriend, and maybe you'll be happier and off this message board like I will be.

#42 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

Stupid FTs that have been scammed or cheated due to ignorance.

Then this forum is doing valuable work in bringing enlightenment the those "stupid FTs" before those "stupid FTs" pay the price of their ignorance.

Very well said.

#43 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

Stupid FTs that have been scammed or cheated due to ignorance.

Then this forum is doing valuable work in bringing enlightenment the those "stupid FTs" before those "stupid FTs" pay the price of their ignorance.

#44 Parent juanisaac - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

Oh kind sir, I was referring to one poster who argued that the original post that started this argument may have been written by an employee of the school and not an actual teacher. I am not a grammar Nazi nor do I care to criticize a person's grammar or spelling mistakes. These were just my views that some people may not be what they claim to be, and this can be detected by some of the flaws in their writing. If you would care to read some more of my post you get to the actual gist of what I was saying. I will put it for you succintly: that in order for a job seeker to really know about a school it would be better for him or her to contact an actual or former employee about the work environment in said institution.

I wrote that particular post at 10 pm before going to sleep. I beg your pardon if my written language is not on par to yours. Every writer on earth needs an editor, and I am no exception- maybe except you.

I meant to write "capitalize" in order to say that some of the poster's sentences were missing a capital letter in the first word of their sentences, a common mistake made by Chinese writers. I pointed to this as being one clue that they maybe an employee of the school. I apologize for not using correctly one word in about one million or so other words in the English language. I will take your advice on my spelling, and you please take my advice on your reading comprehension: read a post several times to know what it is really about before posting a response.

#45 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

Tell me, kind sir, since I found this word in your post denigrating another's substandard English, what exactly is "capatalizing"? I can find no such word in the Oxford.

Quoth Humpty Dumpty

"When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."

#46 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

You don't need experience something to know if its good or bad, but you do need facts and evidence.

Well, I don't know about other reviews, but regarding Huizhou University there were some pictures posted that showed the state of living that the former teacher who worked there went through. As for other reviews, even if sometimes the language is a bit jumbled you still have details regarding interactions between the former employer and the teacher that you cannot have unless you were personally involved.

The problem with this website is its impossible to judge what's real and what's fake.

I certainly feel that for me to post regularly on here, I feel strongly about the state of the ESL industry in general and how many problems there are. With others they have their mind set on finding mostly good news because that is how we are conditioned to believe that most things in society are actually good and there isn't too much to worry about. But there are always entities that are exceptions, whether they be exceedingly good or exceedingly bad. What is being discussed on here falls into the latter category.

The bigger problem is that when people come here saying ANYTHING good, the negative nancy's assume it's fake.

I can easily replace "good" in your sentence with "bad" and "negative" with "positive" and you would have most discussion boards like Dave's ESL Cafe. Most of the news devoted to China veer on putting a positive spin on how things are in that country. Sites like chinasmack flat out post anti-foreigner articles which would never be allowed on here. You just happen to have visited a site that has a group of regular posters with differing opinions than from maybe most of what you have seen. If you do want to read the posts on here, you should have an open mind and be prepared for different opinions from what you are used to.

The only truth that's accepted here is what's bad about places to work, there is no positive truth.

There is no need to talk about "positive truth" so much on here because the good places will not have negative reviews. All you need to do is google the place and see if there are complaints, something you can do yourself.

This leads me to believe that these negative nancy's are either A) incompetent employees that have been fired.

Your own name calling certainly doesn't bode any trust, as that in itself can be called childish by others who would disagree with you. As for being fired, if you have a manager who is alcoholic, vindictive, immature, and maybe racist of course being fired from a place such as that cannot be something that can be used as defamation against your character. Certainly, there are many expats working as teachers who have alcoholic problems.

B) Stupid FTs that have been scammed or cheated due to ignorance.

Wow! You sound like you know all about the intricate workings of how to cheat and scam, because that is why it has never happened to you and it will never happen to you? Any good person can be cheated and scammed easily, especially if it is the first time they are working in that country. So you are saying that the tens of thousands of scam artists (many of them westerners working in cahoots with the local scumbags who do this sort of pretend "business) they get off scot clean if they do whatever they do and the teachers who are the victims of this deserve whatever they get? What makes you think there should be such an UNEQUAL relationship in this business? Business should be fair, reciprocal, and professional. Maybe that is something you missed.

C) People who are working for their own private agendas. Post negative things about one company so another looks better...

If there are any agendas that have been consistently stated on here, it would be that ALL private companies who do ESL in some countries like south korea and china should be outlawed and put out of business. This hardly sounds like an agenda by people who work for big corporations. If I really was a high salaried, corporate lackey type who made money off the backs and sweats of ESL teachers I would not post on here for that might threaten my own revenue livelihood. Of course, consciousness at knowing what I did was wrong might also play a part in that too.

#47 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

So getting a job and working in China is some kind of lottery for stupid idiots....As in "some you win and some you don't"

A very revealing statement on the nature of Chinese recruiters and training centres.

Perhaps this "Anne" herself benefited from working at these places, that is why she says the things she says.

#48 Parent Dragonized - 2013-06-26
Re: Huizhou University

My main grievance with some of the other posters is that they have had bad experiences and continue to have them because they don't do things like ask prospective employers for references;

Really Beelzebub? You sound as if you are sitting right next to them and looking at how they do things. By "Ask prospective employers for references" you mean asking the potential employers to speak with former expat employees, right? Well, I can say that you are not the only person who knows what that means. So don't judge others for doing or not doing something when you don't actually know what they are doing. You take your own guess as if they were facts.

and also have a bad attitude concerning women and cannot find girlfriends and wives.

If you would like to give some real, decent advice on how to tell the good women from the bad in certain areas where you have lived for a time, then you should actually do so. Might even change the minds of some posters whom you may not share a high opinion of. But you have yet to do that on here, right? Now, anyone who posts regularly should be assumed according to you to have bad social skills if they speak out against the general incompetence, selfishness, insecurity, and blatant barbarism that many of the women in lesser developed countries or who were raised in the lesser developed countries display. The end of the fact that "they" decide that some groups of women are not of high quality and caliber due to actual, personal experience may be something that really slipped your mind, eh?

#49 Parent The Crow Calling the Raven Black - 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University

I refer to Juan Isaac's post.

I have no quarrel with what he writes nor with what he says or claims.

However, before criticizing the OP for what Juan Isaac perceives to be substandard use of the English language, perhaps he may wish to consider his very own use of English grammar and orthography.

I would like to address one question to Juan Isaac based upon his post.

Tell me, kind sir, since I found this word in your post denigrating another's substandard English, what exactly is "capatalizing"? I can find no such word in the Oxford.

There is a saying in Spanish about the crow calling the raven black. Or, if the shoe fits, wear it.

As for Huizhou University, yes, the OP's post read like a propaganda ploy.

#50 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University

You don't need experience something to know if its good or bad, but you do need facts and evidence. The problem with this website is its impossible to judge what's real and what's fake. The bigger problem is that when people come here saying ANYTHING good, the negative nancy's assume it's fake. The only truth that's accepted here is what's bad about places to work, there is no positive truth. This leads me to believe that these negative nancy's are either A) incompetent employees that have been fired. B) Stupid FTs that have been scammed or cheated due to ignorance. C) People who are working for their own private agendas. Post negative things about one company so another looks better...

Well, I don't think there's any negative things said about a company on this site to make another company look better- they tend to loathe and detest all Chinese companies. Mind you, they probably don't harm any schools which don't deserve to be harmed. If contrary to what they are saying about a school, in reality, the FT's are gay and happy, well-paid and bedded down in adequate flats, then that school has nowt to worry about.

My main grievance with some of the other posters is that they have had bad experiences and continue to have them because they don't do things like ask prospective employers for references; and also have a bad attitude concerning women and cannot find girlfriends and wives. If you have any advice for them concerning that, it would be valuable, please? Many thanks, Anne.

#51 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University

You are either a bigger downs than Beelzebub or you are just a non-native speaker.

What does that sentence mean- Hahaha- is 'downs' an acronym that only native speakers will understand? OR, is that the same attention to detail that you use when selecting the next school which will give you grief? hahaha- all good fun.

#52 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University

And why the hell would I be a Christian exactly? Apart from the slight technicality of being 'Christened' due to my Mother's personal beliefs, I do not feel that I have any real reason to describe myself as a Christian. I am definitely not a practising one and I probably wouldn't be consider to behave like one either, so I would not claim to be one.

I actually have nothing against Christians of the non-preaching variety, but to attack my beliefs for not being Christian... It that is considered to be appropriate, then maybe I should also reconsider the whole idea of not unfairly judging and making nasty jokes about people that appear to have a few more chromosomes than I do.

You haven't read your New Testament lately, now have you? Christians are supposed to preach- that's an absolute requirement. Tell thee what, we have a new poster 'The Venerable' who seems to be a man of the cloth- we should ask him to quote a few verses from the good book, to back up my assertion or knock it down in flames. You know that makes sense?

#53 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University

Don't forget that a stranger is just a friend you do not know. Sounded a tad shallow that one about only giving consideration to friends- don't you think? Certainly not very Christian.

And why the hell would I be a Christian exactly? Apart from the slight technicality of being 'Christened' due to my Mother's personal beliefs, I do not feel that I have any real reason to describe myself as a Christian. I am definitely not a practising one and I probably wouldn't be consider to behave like one either, so I would not claim to be one.

I actually have nothing against Christians of the non-preaching variety, but to attack my beliefs for not being Christian... It that is considered to be appropriate, then maybe I should also reconsider the whole idea of not unfairly judging and making nasty jokes about people that appear to have a few more chromosomes than I do.

#54 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University

I am a teacher at Huizhou University. I have lived and worked in China for over 5 years. I would like to state that huizhou University is one of the best places I have worked. In the first place, I live at the University hotel while they are working on the teacher aparments and service at the hotel is excellent. the hotel is a gorgeous building; the lobby is beautiful and spacious, on par with a four star hotel in the states.

You are either a bigger downs than Beelzebub or you are just a non-native speaker.

The school is updating their classrooms. One building is installing new desks and chairs. In another building, new computer equipment. Each class has a computer and projector, which I need for all my classes. One Friday, the maintenance locked all the computers; no problem as a student called the maintenance number listed on the counsole; he came in 5 minutes and opened the computer and we had class.

'Opened the computer?' = You are definitely a Chinese person who has failed very badly at pretending to be a foreigner. Please quietly bugger off [edited]

My bonus? got it all, no problem, along with a spending cards from my department!

The singular 'a' combined with a plural? Really, just [edited] for failing to understand the wonderful foreign term of 'gift voucher'.

Best school I have ever worked.

You seem to be missing something.

School is in the beautiful setting of a mountain, so if you need some excercise, you can go climb a beautiful mountain and get a gorgeous view of the city.

Something that only Chinese people ever say. It is a stupid activity that impoverished farmers' grown-up offspring enjoy because they are too tight to actually spend any money. Also the bosses of the company are also too tight to spend any money on something for the vast majority of their staff. They talk about 'climbing a mountain' like it is going to be an epic journey up an Himalayan peak, but it is only ever a long pointless walk up a slightly steep hill. It's a common part of Chinese culture that we have to tolerate, but only newcomers to China are ever amazed by staff trips to mountains, lol.

That's because Westerners tend to have better things to do like looking at pictures of cats on the internet, going to bars and clubs and sorry... Did I forget to tell you that we usually prefer to play sports or go to gyms to do exercise?

#55 Parent Anne - 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University

You don't need experience something to know if its good or bad, but you do need facts and evidence. The problem with this website is its impossible to judge what's real and what's fake. The bigger problem is that when people come here saying ANYTHING good, the negative nancy's assume it's fake. The only truth that's accepted here is what's bad about places to work, there is no positive truth. This leads me to believe that these negative nancy's are either A) incompetent employees that have been fired. B) Stupid FTs that have been scammed or cheated due to ignorance. C) People who are working for their own private agendas. Post negative things about one company so another looks better...

#56 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University

What the unversity should do is connect the coming teachers with the veteran teachers to verify that the school does all this.

Yes, and there's more and this is a valuable resource

China Foreign Teachers’ Quick Reference Guide

Written by Gregory Mavrides, PhD of www.middlekingdomlife.com

He is one switched on guy.

#57 Parent juanisaac - 2013-06-25
Re: Huizhou University

You are right on this one. I can usually spot non-native writers in their first few lines. The syntax is not right and the biggest give away is that they do not know how to use commas. Last year I taught one student writing, and he always made the mistake of not capatilizing the first letter when he began his sentences- kind of like this writer here.

Either the original writer is a Chinese writer, or a non-native speaker. Maybe this is a foreign teacher and his or her assesment of the university is good; merit should be given the university if the does treat their foreign teachers well. What the unversity should do is connect the coming teachers with the veteran teachers to verify that the school does all this.

#58 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University

And just in case there are any teachers who feel an act of stupidity coming on and feel the to apply to any recruiters or training centres especially after posts from recruiters and/or training centre staff who have been coerced (or are just a bit too creepy) into writing propaganda as "positive" stuff - then I suggest they read this post....

How to Identify the Reputable Recruiters and the Illegitimate Recruiters in China

Now that's what I call a positive post.

#59 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University

Nobody ever posts to praise a good school. After all, why you want to attract competition for your job? If I work at a good school, I'm keeping it secret from everybody apart from any of my friends who might looking for a job.

If you worked at a good school, presumably they wouldn't do nasty things like give your job to some-body else. Actually, nobody else wants you to name the school where you work for obvious reasons, but where would be the harm in naming good schools where you do not work-do you know any? If so, name away, please.

Don't forget that a stranger is just a friend you do not know. Sounded a tad shallow that one about only giving consideration to friends- don't you think? Certainly not very Christian.

#60 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University

idiots here who....got scammed due to their own stupidity.

So getting a job and working in China is some kind of lottery for stupid idiots....As in "some you win and some you don't"

A very revealing statement on the nature of Chinese recruiters and training centres.

There's always a luck factor involved in the way that all things in life pan out. However, whether you use a recruiter- a job divining wand, or a chum tips you off, it is always the FT's own responsibility to check out employers- it's too bloody easy to keep blaming some-body else, in order to distance yourself from your own slipshod approach and consequent bad outcome.

#61 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University

idiots here who....got scammed due to their own stupidity.

So getting a job and working in China is some kind of lottery for stupid idiots....As in "some you win and some you don't"

A very revealing statement on the nature of Chinese recruiters and training centres.

#62 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University

Nobody ever posts to praise a good school. After all, why you want to attract competition for your job? If I work at a good school, I'm keeping it secret from everybody apart from any of my friends who might looking for a job.

#63 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University

Oh wow, a positive post! Sadly, you will get 100 negative replies from people who have no experience working in this school, or no knowledge of it except for negative reviews on this site. These "negative nancies" are ruining all positive things on this site. There are good teaching positions in China, hopefully good people aren't being turned away from them by the idiots here who got fired or scammed due to their own stupidity.

You don't have any truck with the 'no smoke without fire idiom' then. It's a nonsense to suggest that you have to experience a situation before you can judge- no murderer would ever be convicted, would he? No evil care home would ever be closed down, would it? However, your reference to idiots who get scammed due to their own stupidity, is very valid. If we say for arguments sake that Huizhou University is an absolutely diabolical place to work, I bet a pound to a penny that those FT's who ended up working there did not bother to check the place out properly before they took the plunge. Well said, Ann.

#64 Parent Anne - 2013-06-24
Re: Huizhou University

Oh wow, a positive post! Sadly, you will get 100 negative replies from people who have no experience working in this school, or no knowledge of it except for negative reviews on this site. These "negative nancies" are ruining all positive things on this site. There are good teaching positions in China, hopefully good people aren't being turned away from them by the idiots here who got fired or scammed due to their own stupidity.

#65 Parent MikeK - 2013-06-23
Re: Huizhou University

Having read your post I have some questions..

You write about a book "Business English: 100 business situations"

Do you mean

a) "100 topics for Business English Situations" by Amanda Cranedell Ju/

b) 100 Ways to Say it in Business English http://busyteacher.org/2638-100-ways-to-say-it-in-business-english.html

The school is updating their classrooms. One building is installing new desks and chairs.
Woww.. you have a building that can install desks and chairs.. Ripper place that mate...

One Friday, the maintenance locked all the computers; no problem as a student called the maintenance number listed on the counsole; he came in 5 minutes and opened the computer and we had class.
Whoooh it gets better and better there mate.

In one class, the projector was burned out; next class the following week it was fixed.
A miracle? did the building fix it or the maintenance?

My bonus? got it all, no problem, along with a spending cards from my department!

Gee you get credit cards there???

so if you need some excercise, you can go climb a beautiful mountain
Did you see any of the Von Trapps there?

Last question - are you a native English speaker? Because we don't "opened the computer" we would probably have a "locked computer unlocked"

#66 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-06-23
Re: Huizhou University

Some dodgy punctuation and excessive amounts of China rimming. Definitely not a real foreigner, lol.

Greg - 2013-06-23
Huizhou University

I would like to add my view of Huizhou University as I have only read disparaging remarks from one individual who had an axe to grind.

I am a teacher at Huizhou University. I have lived and worked in China for over 5 years. I would like to state that huizhou University is one of the best places I have worked. In the first place, I live at the University hotel while they are working on the teacher aparments and service at the hotel is excellent. the hotel is a gorgeous building; the lobby is beautiful and spacious, on par with a four star hotel in the states. When the main light in my room went out, I informed the desk in the evening and the repair man was at my door at 830 am the next morning. When the wall switch came out because of use, I informed the front desk and it was replaced in a couple of hours; I could not expect faster service.

When I got here, the FAO secretary called me on Saturday night to ask if I would be at the hotel on Sunday morning for internet installation; of course I will. On Sunday morning at 10;00 am, the internet company came to install, and the FAO secretary was there to do translations if needed; truly she went above and beyond the call of duty because she worked on the weekend to get the internet installed because we foreigners are so dependent on it.

Regarding classes: they gave me a nice size of about 125 students. With one group, I had about 50 students and the school told me to break the group in half so I had 25 students in each of two classes, which is normal size for a western classroom. I was given a book called "Business English: 100 business situations" I thought the book was excellent because it broke the dialogs into 3 parts: easy (short sentences), medium (medium sentences), difficult (long sentences). Many of the dialogs were very modern such as an employee working long hours because they do not have any marketable skills and the company works them like slaves. That was a very real labor problem in the US in large companies until we had programs such "worker retraining".

One person on this site said that teachers were lazy. Can you give me an example? In my class, I ask one student to run the computer while I walk around class listening to students when they read. many students are very quiet, so I walk around class so that I can listen to them read so they don't have to speak any louder than they normally do.

When I was absent due to illness, I rescheduled a make up class. The monitor suggested that I have the entire class at one time. I said that while that would save me time, that doesn't make for good education and that I would like to schedule the two classes of 25 students separately. They thought that was a good idea.

The school is updating their classrooms. One building is installing new desks and chairs. In another building, new computer equipment. Each class has a computer and projector, which I need for all my classes. One Friday, the maintenance locked all the computers; no problem as a student called the maintenance number listed on the counsole; he came in 5 minutes and opened the computer and we had class.

In one class, the projector was burned out; next class the following week it was fixed.

My bonus? got it all, no problem, along with a spending cards from my department!

Best school I have ever worked. School is in the beautiful setting of a mountain, so if you need some excercise, you can go climb a beautiful mountain and get a gorgeous view of the city.

One teacher has worked here for ten years and I understand why! We have great bus connections to Shenzhen. Take the 36 bus that starts at the school to the main bus station where the bus to Shenzhen leaves every 5 minutes; many times, the bus is half empty so you have lots of leg room. I hope to teach here for the remainder of my time in China.

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