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#1 Parent Bob Mc. - 2005-07-19
Sorry sir

I don't see the 1000s of foreigners working in the US-Canada under the highly skilled visa program (hospitals, universities, companies....) whining about everything, trying to make unions, etc....

From the Canadian Embassy:

Foreign Laws and Customs

When you are travelling, temporary working, studying in a foreign country, familiarize yourself with the way of life there. Respect that countrys laws, religions, culture, class structure and economic conditions. Although you may not agree with some of the countrys beliefs, remember that you are a temporary visitor.

While in a foreign country, you are subject to its laws and regulations. Your Canadian citizenship offers no immunity.

#2 Parent Yingwen Laoshi - 2005-07-19
Good reasons!..... - ESL discussion


The reason why you, myself and most other FTs earn a lot more than the locals is because we're a greater asset to the schools than the locals are.

Our foreign faces alone will most of the time attract more clients to the school. Add to this the fact that the schools will charge their students a considerably higher sum of money for our classes, as opposed to those of the locals.

Wether we're really improving the student's English or just playing the role of a perfoming monkey, it doesn't for the most part matter(to the schools), as long as the students (or their parents) are coming up with the cash.

A native speaker in particular will usually attract plenty of clients, becuase it raises the prestige of the school. With the profit margins for the school being higher than if they just used locals, we are generally able to command a much higher wage. It's not so much about the JOB we're perfoming, it's more about how much more money we can bring into the school.

Aren't we the lucky ones!

#3 Parent BD - 2005-07-18
Jinchafa... - ESL discussion

My only thought on this is why western teachers think they should be paid so much more than the local teachers. And I'm talking only wages here, not the other perks that locals only dream of.

I didn't get into teaching to become rich -- obviously, and I certainly don't mind making as much money as possible, but I often wondered why I earned so much more than the local teachers for doing the same job. I'm not complaining, just curious.

#4 Parent jinchafa - 2005-07-18
To Michael Curry - ESL discussion

The fact that you believe the declining wages for EFL teachers in China is not necessarily a bad thing suggests to me that you are a young idealist and/or not capable or desirous of seeing the bigger picture. The fact that you yourself managed to save money from your measly salary is irrelevant.There are many important points regarding wages in China that you should be taking into consideration, but I have neither the time nor inclination to point them out to you at this time.However, I hope that you will rethink your position after you have placed the critical elements of this discussion in the proper context.

By: Michael Curry - 2005-07-17
don't be silly - ESL discussion *Link*

In Response To: I agree with you ! (Mariam)

Let's not go overboard here. Yes, SOME recruiters try to scam you, but not all. Don't group people unnecessarily.

5,000RMB a month is a relatively good wage. Let's put this in perspective. In my first year in China, relatively inexperienced, I earnt 5,500RMB a month at a private school, for about 16 hours a week. I had my airfare reimbursed, visas processed, free meals if wanted, free housing and water. I needed only to pay for gas (80RMB every two months) and snacks. I spent maybe 1,500RMB each month. At the end of the year I'd saved quite a bit. Certainly not a BOMB, but if you were looking for money (and were qualified) you'd probably choose somewhere else.

10,000RMB is rarely the kind of wage you'll find at a university, but only by a private language mill. The working hours there are usually upwards of 18 a week, and more likely to be 25. A university, however, may only pay 4,000RMB per month. But they might require you to work less than 14 hours a week. Academic hours (45mins), too.

If you are trying to save money to take home, you are in the wrong country.

Please note: I agree that China EFL wages are typically on the decline. I do not think it will continue indefinitely, or that it's necessarily a bad thing.

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