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#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-07-06
Re: Dongbei Primary beware!

All degree-holders(real ones) should be banned from becoming FT's.


I bet you cannot provide one valid reason to back up your assertion. Never mind it is the law in China and has been for ages, and in other countries. [edited]

#2 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-05
Re: Dongbei Primary beware!

Two parts Iago (Othello)

"Politically have i begun my rein and tis my hope to end successfully. My falcon now is sharp and passing empty-and till she stoops she must not be full-gorged.......only from schoolboy memory but what are you doing an FT mentioning Shakespeare , it's Mr Bean that your students should be getting up close and personal with...leave that to properly qualified teachers like Turnoi- Blimey, it would be a nightmare trying to explain what 'passing empty' means, and 'full- gorged' and every bloody line is like that. What about sodding Hamlet "Oh my offence is rank, a brother's murder;pray can i not, though inclination be as sharp as will...' What I am saying, and I had a disagreement with Turnoi about it, is that advanced English whether it be old or up to date conflicts with teaching oral English. All degree-holders(real ones) should be banned from becoming FT's.

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