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#1 Parent Beelzebub - 2013-07-05
Re: Best Learning School in Beijing, China

(I first met the lovely Nathalie when she was running through the halls of my center,

You are American-'center'- what's the Irish handle for?

#2 Parent Irish Eyes - 2013-07-05
Re: Best Learning School in Beijing, China

Take my word for it, you never actually stop regretting the fact that you worked for this dump. Even months after your contract is up, and you think you've escaped these cheapskate crooks, you will still be finding new ways that they screwed you over.

Btw, 'Maggie' worked in HR...I never knew if she was a bigger idiot, or a bigger liar. I cannot emphasize enough how unapologetically stupid and incompetent she was (the week I started my contract, she stranded someone from my center in Thailand. He was a nice enough guy, when he came back, but he quit the next month...something about the fact that the company obviously didn't give a rip that Maggie had stranded him in Thailand). Not exactly the person you want to have in charge of your paycheck, or your visa. I remember one time she left my teaching hours out of my paycheck (a few thousand kuai)...I had to wait two months for the dumbass to fix that error. You can imagine how pumped I was when they finally sacked her...you can imagine how disappointed I was to find that her replacement was another spoiled brat with a bad attitude that got hired 'through the back door' (I first met the lovely Nathalie when she was running through the halls of my center, hollering 'You had better not have any questions for me, because I am leaving RIGHT NOW!' at all the FTs. Her attitude seriously had not shaped up by the time my contract finished). Needless to say, Nathalie will be happy to fuck up your visa and your passport as much as Maggie ever did , with the added benefit of acting like you are ruining her whole day by asking to fix her errors/give you things that you are both owed or desperately need.

Maggie - 2011-12-19
Best Learning School in Beijing, China

Gaining several media awards in 2011, Best Learning is well-known and highly-recommended by more and more parents in China. The branding of Best Learning is could be the top one company with her high quality teachers and teaching performance in China English training industry. Best Learning had recruited over 100 qualified native foreign teachers yet which most of them are from United States and Canada during the past two years. Most of our teachers are doing very well and have lots of fun while working with other colleagues.
1 Best Learning provide loan to some new teachers who might have some finance problem to help them settle down upon arrival.It is true. New teachers may apply for loan or not, or the loan may be approved by company or not is case by case individually after some necessary evaluation. The fact some of the teachers have got the loan from company already and very appreciate the company's support and help.
2. Working visa: Best Learning has been assisting dozens of new teachers to get Z working visa so far and will continue do so for any qualified applicant. Z working visa has certain credentials needed to apply. It is up to teachers' education or working background and certification to judge his qualifications to apply individuality. Best Learning will continue to do anything for assistance. Actually, it is a good thing to provide jobs for new American graduates and a chance for Chinese kids learn English from native speakers.
3. Kids learning hours at Best learning: Best Learning is running a typical after-school training and tutoring business model which some other big companies like EF or DE are doing the exact same model right now. And Best Learning's business model are very successful which Best Learning grows at 600% per year with hundreds American teachers teach at Best Learning schools nationwide in China. In fact, both parents and kids are very happy to go to Best Learning to have more funny and magnificent English learning after local school.
4 Again, Best Learning will continue to offer more great opportunities to any person who want to have a fantastic working and living experience in China.

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