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#1 Parent John O'Shei - 2013-07-06
Re: guangzhou worlda education - Mary Yu

these two ones are the same person, Mary Yu(Yu Qiuyue ).

Mary yu
Human Resource Manager at Guangzhou Worlda Cultural &Educational Service CO.LTD

Mary Casey Yu Yu Qiuyue
vise-president at ju long froup jilong coal mining
Guangzhou, Guangdong, ChinaMechanical or Industrial Engineering

the scammer's real Chinese name is Yu Qiuyue.

Guangzhou Worlda Cultural &Educational Service CO.LTD is scam agency. it will sell you to "schools", and give you litter money by 20 days delayed ;

Guangzhou Worlda Cultural &Educational Service CO.LTD will exploit you like slavers or animals. Worlda's contract is full of shits. and lots of illegal parts are in worlda's contract, which are against China Labor Law. Worlda and Mary Yu will always breach the contract signed with you.

AFAIK, Chinese mining companies are known for being well protected by corrupt people at the authorities, due to the state's involvement in such companies and most of all, for being blatant slave drivers. Many people also get their positions, not because of what they know but who they know. Then again, anybody who has been in China a while, would be perfectly aware of that.

What I don't understand, is why anybody in such a high position at a SOE in China, would require a relatively small business such as an English training school (even giants such as EF and New Oriental would look pathetically tiny compared to most mining companies) to bring in the money to pay the bills. Maybe Worlda is a money laundering, tax dodging operation or something. One teacher told me that they are expanding into Australia, opening Chinese language schools. Good luck applying such methods in a developed country, lol.

I know that Mary has interests in other training centres too, there's a lot of interconnected companies and quite a web of corruption going on in GZ, but we can only see the very tip of the iceberg. What is certain is that this woman applies similar bullying techniques to foreign teachers to those that she most likely applies to migrant workers working down the coal mines.

#2 Parent JoJo - 2013-07-05
Re: guangzhou worlda education - Mary Yu

these two ones are the same person, Mary Yu(Yu Qiuyue ).

Mary yu
Human Resource Manager at Guangzhou Worlda Cultural &Educational Service CO.LTD

Mary Casey Yu Yu Qiuyue
vise-president at ju long froup jilong coal mining
Guangzhou, Guangdong, ChinaMechanical or Industrial Engineering

the scammer's real Chinese name is Yu Qiuyue.

Guangzhou Worlda Cultural &Educational Service CO.LTD is scam agency. it will sell you to "schools", and give you litter money by 20 days delayed ;

Guangzhou Worlda Cultural &Educational Service CO.LTD will exploit you like slavers or animals. Worlda's contract is full of shits. and lots of illegal parts are in worlda's contract, which are against China Labor Law. Worlda and Mary Yu will always breach the contract signed with you.

#3 Parent Jim - 2013-07-05
Re: guangzhou worlda education - Mary Yu

Mary Yu is evil Chinese woman, she will screw you and lie to you as much she can.

#4 Parent Disgruntled Ex Employee - 2012-10-19
Re: guangzhou worlda education - Mary Yu

You [edited] scammers!

Worlda are a bunch of half-witted idiots running what shouldn't even be called a business into the ground. DO NOT WORK FOR THEM!

I have chosen to remain anonymous because my battles with Worlda have yet to be finished, but all I can do is warn anyone out there considering working in China to not work for this company. They are corrupt beyond description, and are laughably incompetent. They will make life a living nightmare for you and will do anything from cancelling your visa on you to refusing to pay you for the work you have done. The only good reviews they can scrounge up are the ones they write themselves (from their own email addresses...like c'mon guys, really?). They already know that all the teachers working for them know they wrote the reviews themselves, and yet they continue to make the same mistake over and over again? Worlda is INSANE.

They have changed their name 3 times in the past 4 or 5 years, and will probably be changing it again because of the lawsuit that is about to destroy their asses.

God forbid, if you do end up working for Worlda (or any company run by a woman named Mary Yu), get yourself some free legal advise from a lawyer. Ask your country's consulate to provide a list of local lawyers, which they will, and find someone who can inform you of your rights. That is what I had to do and these are some of them:

1. You have the right to walk away from any employment contract in your first three months of work (the official probation period under the law, which everyone is entitled to) WITHOUT penalty.
2. Since the contact Worlda offered you is, in part, illegal, it will likely not hold up in the court of law. As such, it is not binding. Don't be afraid of it.
3. It is completely and utterly illegal for Worlda to demand money from you for breaking a contract, except for a reasonable amount for training fees. If they insist on you paying training fees (as they will demand 5000), they MUST - by law - provide you with official receipts for actual costs they incurred during your training. If they cannot provide these to you (and they won't be able to, because they don't exist), you do not owe them shit.
4. You have the right to get a court order for your money if they refuse to give it to you

Please and I repeat PLEASE do not work for this god forsaken company. They will f[edited] you big time.

#5 Parent Mr Bee Ware - 2012-09-02
Re: guangzhou worlda education

Think this seems great?? Just look at the email address for this uploaded review. It tells you all you need to know.

JOJO - 2012-07-19
guangzhou worlda education

I have been working in Worlda for the past few months. I have travelled a lot before coming to China and I have worked in various South-East Asian companies. On behalf of my experience, I can say that Worlda is a very professional company. Working here has been a bowl of fresh air after less exciting times. The salary is good and the staff is very helpful. It is nice to know someone is there in case of any trouble. On the other hand, the company also gives one the opportunity to remain extremely autonomous. That is one of the things I appreciate the most. I would highly recommend this company (Worlda) to anyone wishing to experience the wonders of China and all they have to offer in a City like Guangzhou – only a few hours away from HongKong and Shenzhen.

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